Snake people are bogans

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Pretty sad that there are these people. My mum thinks snake people are bogans and that I'm going to turn into a bogan with tats and pitbulls apparently. Thats her perception of snake people lol. No one take offence please.

You only have to look through the "put a face to the names" thread to see that 99% are as you describe... The question is "Is there anything wrong with that?"

I'm tattoo free and keep snakes.... I also have never had alcohol before and I'm 36. Son of a professor I was raised to know which cutlery to use at fancy restaurants etc I like labels like Ralph Lauren, Timberland, Hugo etc... I am the white sheep of the family though and more bogan than my siblings... (brown family if you are wondering).

Having snakes doesnt make you a bogan, however they do attract more bogans than you'd think for some reason. Perhaps its the bogans laid back attitude and willing to see snakes as something beautiful. Maybe not though since bogans also love to shovel snakes....

I do own a 2010 berlina and a 2010 Xr6 so I'm still getting my fill of bogan there... :)

There are bogans and BOGANS though.. Perhaps the later would be better refered to as Extreamist Bogans.
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You only have to look through the "put a face to the names" thread to see that 99% are as you describe... The question is "Is there anything wrong with that?"

I'm tattoo free and keep snakes.... I also have never had alcohol before and I'm 36. Son of a professor I was raised to know which cutlery to use at fancy restaurants etc I like labels like Ralph Lauren, Timberland, Hugo etc... I am the white sheep of the family though and more bogan than my siblings... (brown family if you are wondering).

Having snakes doesnt make you a bogan, however they do attract more bogans than you'd think for some reason. Perhaps its the bogans laid back attitude and willing to see snakes as something beautiful. Maybe not though since bogans also love to shovel snakes....

I do own a 2010 berlina and a 2010 Xr6 so I'm still getting my fill of bogan there... :p

Well said Snowman.
My family are very laid back and do not mind snakes in the least (dont want a pet one though!) They are not stuck up in the least Sezzzzzz and I love them for it. They are open minded and don't think I'm a bogan because I own a snake obviously. They do however judge someone as a typical bogan because that's generally how a bogan is defined.
I do own a 2010 berlina and a 2010 Xr6 so I'm still getting my fill of bogan there... :p
I used to have a 2000 model supercharged Berlina many years ago now. Release your inner bogan Snowman. It doesn't matter what your background is , people will always hate an a___hole rich or poor.
Well said Snowman.
My family are very laid back and do not mind snakes in the least (dont want a pet one though!) They are not stuck up in the least Sezzzzzz and I love them for it. They are open minded and don't think I'm a bogan because I own a snake obviously. They do however judge someone as a typical bogan because that's generally how a bogan is defined.

You need to put on 40KG if you want bogan status... Bogan chicks are generally of the larger variety. No doubt for the extra canvas it provides for more ink... :p (just jokes) (I need sarcastica font).
Ah I see you like to push your cars.

A little Girl is walking home from school and a car pulls along side her.
The Driver asked her to get in and he'll give her a ride home.
The Girl Refuses.
The driver follows along beside her periodically asking her to get in for a ride home.
Eventually the girl says "You bought the Holden Daddy, now you ride in it"!
You need to put on 40KG if you want bogan status... Bogan chicks are generally of the larger variety. No doubt for the extra canvas it provides for more ink... :p (just jokes) (I need sarcastica font).

Ahaha nice Snowman. Might take some time to double my weight :p:lol: although, Easter has been good :)

I don't mind bogans and the fact that my family call someone a bogan doesnt make them arrogant. They never said they dislike bogans. It's just a view that seems to have generalised.
I dont mind tatts but I'm not getting one because I don't want to have one when i'm wrinkly and old. Piercings I don't mind either.
Cars with loud mufflers and people who drive like idiots, yes I don't like that. Nor do I like smoking. Love all dogs!
I don't dress like a girly girl. I am quite a tomboy and get on much better with boys than I do most girls. We don't share many interests I suppose however I have a lot more fun with my guy friends and my bros friends more so.
I am not a bogan, everyone has a different opinion of what a bogan is, I don't judge bogans.

What can I say? I'm pretty accepting of everyone except the real a**h*les and people who couldn't give a toss about others blah blah blah.
Urban Dictionary Definition of a Bogan

A fascinating beast. The majority of the species are hideously repugnant and unintelligent, and yet they manage to breed in ever-increasing numbers and populate an area known as the outer west. It is quite common to find five or six offspring in each family group, often with a different father for each new baby. Their habitat consists of a weatherboard or brick-veneer dwelling and is characterised by an early-model Holden or Ford in the driveway surrounded by a group of males discussing why the carby is stuffed and the results of last night's footy (a primitive gladiator-like spectator sport enjoyed by most bogans). The female of the species, while smaller in stature, is far more loud and aggressive than the male. While the males tend to be very friendly and congregate with other males, the females spend most of their time in supermarkets and shopping malls, using a shrill high-pitched call to discipline their children and contact other females. Males and females rarely interact socially except during breeding season, which is otherwise known as Friday night. During this time, females are allowed to enter the male-dominated area known as "the pub" and display their impressive coloured plumage to a prospective mate. Herein lies an interesting phenomenon. Males will often fight over a particularly attractive female and she will mate with only one male, while some less attractive females have been known to have several partners simultaneously.

I just couldn't resist posting this!
Basically if you are offended by the term bogan it's because you think you're better than a bogan. Embrace the term and everyone wins :)

Urban Dictionary Definition of a Bogan

A fascinating beast. The majority of the species are hideously repugnant and unintelligent, and yet they manage to breed in ever-increasing numbers and populate an area known as the outer west. It is quite common to find five or six offspring in each family group, often with a different father for each new baby. Their habitat consists of a weatherboard or brick-veneer dwelling and is characterised by an early-model Holden or Ford in the driveway surrounded by a group of males discussing why the carby is stuffed and the results of last night's footy (a primitive gladiator-like spectator sport enjoyed by most bogans). The female of the species, while smaller in stature, is far more loud and aggressive than the male. While the males tend to be very friendly and congregate with other males, the females spend most of their time in supermarkets and shopping malls, using a shrill high-pitched call to discipline their children and contact other females. Males and females rarely interact socially except during breeding season, which is otherwise known as Friday night. During this time, females are allowed to enter the male-dominated area known as "the pub" and display their impressive coloured plumage to a prospective mate. Herein lies an interesting phenomenon. Males will often fight over a particularly attractive female and she will mate with only one male, while some less attractive females have been known to have several partners simultaneously.

I just couldn't resist posting this!

I think it has more to do with the historical reputation of snakes! In days gone past snakes were often erroneously perceived and promoted by many as evil and sinister animals, out to get you if they could. It goes all the way back to Adam and Eve giving serpents a bad rep. The mere mention of snake is still sufficient to strike fear into the hearts of many. Check out the artwork available from any tattooist and I guarantee you will find some very evil and sinister looking snakes amongst them. Only one thing says “bad boy” with more emphasis than a tattooed serpent, huge fangs bared, oozing venom and at the ready. And that is real snake! Snakes have long been the ‘pet’ of choice of many dodgy characters and lawless elements e.g. bikies. Even better if the animal is illegal. And snakes don’t make a lot of noise or attract attention unless you want them to. They can be kept permanently indoors and out of sight when need be. Unfortunately this type of association tends to be about promoting an image rather than motivated by an interest in the animal for the animal’s sake.

Education and raising peoples’ awareness has already made a huge difference to the general public’s perceptions and replaced myth with modern day reality. The current range of people passionate about snakes spans all ages and all walks of life. Unfortunately we do still get the odd knuckle-dragger that gets involved for the wrong reasons. And I do mean ‘odd’!

The short answer to OP is, Yes, a lot of bogans are into snakes. Just don't hold it against us because we have feelings too :D

Not a tatt in the family or a pitbull and i think we are the only nudist family on here 8) so I dont think you can generalise herpers :lol:

I'm pretty sure you can generalise herpers. If you take into account all the aspects of the herp community then it wouldn't be a generalisation :D

What did Shakespear say " 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a bogan
By any other name would do burnouts as sweet;"
I think it went something like that.

You lost me on the first line. I think considering that this thread is about bogans your quote may be suited for a different audience.

...I dress like a girly girl but act like a tomboy...

One of my favourite types of bogans.

sorry BP but it sounds like you have some very stuck up people in your family lol.

I think all we are missing now are some generalisations about minority groups.
I'm pretty sure you can generalise herpers. If you take into account all the aspects of the herp community then it wouldn't be a generalisation :D

I think all we are missing now are some generalisations about minority groups.

An interesting thing about nudists /naturists , is that when in the "uniform " we have NOTHING to hide . what you see is what you get !!

It was a long time ago i was on a sydney beach with my family chatting to the couple near us only to learn that he was a QC and he even had a tatt . didnt ask if he had a pitt bull or any snakes at home . We have spent many days on the beach with them since but never in their professional circles .
doctors, a politician , mechanics , rich or poor -- with No clothes no one judges . On our beaches a lot of larger people come to relax for that very reason -- he only people we dont accept are the ones with clothes and cameras ,, but its self regulating and they dont last long once spotted
I have tatts but I wouldnt consider myself bogan :/

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Not a tatt in the family or a pitbull and i think we are the only nudist family on here 8) so I dont think you can generalise herpers :lol:

Pics or it didn't happen BTBN. I dont have tats or a pig dog but I'm fine with both. And I nude up every the shower :)
You lost me on the first line. I think considering that this thread is about bogans your quote may be suited for a different audience.
You must have missed the bogan quote in the verse. You will probably find that the only way that I could become more bogan is change my name to Bazza.
An interesting thing about nudists /naturists , is that when in the "uniform " we have NOTHING to hide . what you see is what you get !!

It was a long time ago i was on a sydney beach with my family chatting to the couple near us only to learn that he was a QC and he even had a tatt . didnt ask if he had a pitt bull or any snakes at home . We have spent many days on the beach with them since but never in their professional circles .
doctors, a politician , mechanics , rich or poor -- with No clothes no one judges . On our beaches a lot of larger people come to relax for that very reason -- he only people we dont accept are the ones with clothes and cameras ,, but its self regulating and they dont last long once spotted

I don't want to turn this into another nudist thread (seeing as how the last one turned into a poo-slinging match and got deleted :p) but one day I would love to have the proverbial cojones to give it a shot. I know theoretically no one judges and all is good, however I'm a bit stuck with my ingrained insecurities at the moment...
Why can't I change the title? I didn't actually make the thread nor name it and it sounds rude but I didn't write it lol.

I hav nothing against bogans or nudists :p
As I was saying Becca-Marie, just because one has tatts or a pitbull etc does not make them a bogan however, it seems many classify a bogan as having these traits or owning such items/animals. I personally dont like the term bogan being negative which to many it is. I just see it as another way of living. Not my kind of lifestyle but I don't discriminate like some :rolleyes:
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