Snakebite Documentary on ABC tonight

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Unfortunately I missed the program too, due to early morning starts at work.

Is there any way of obtaining a copy?
i saw the program, really worth the watch!!
would have had to be one of the most intense doc's ive seen, good to see your ok Dave.
David you are doing an awesome job mate, The fact that you are prepared to risk your life and well being for your cause says it all, I take my hat off to ya!
Missed the story but will definately be catching it on saturday.Amazing work you are doing up in PNG David.

I noticed Hoser had a bit to write about the story.One really has to wonder about his mindset.

"Williams has also cemented his reputation as a reckless and dangerous
snake handler with a cavalier disregard for safety, by having a recent
Taipan bite (about December last year), shown last night on ABC's
Foreign Correspondent, the end point giving him his third lot of
anti-venom, spread over a greater number of apparantly serious bites.
This anti-venom use meant native New Guineans would perhaps die as a
result of Williams using the last available vial of Polyvalent
Missed the story but will definately be catching it on saturday.Amazing work you are doing up in PNG David.

I noticed Hoser had a bit to write about the story.One really has to wonder about his mindset.

"Williams has also cemented his reputation as a reckless and dangerous
snake handler with a cavalier disregard for safety, by having a recent
Taipan bite (about December last year), shown last night on ABC's
Foreign Correspondent, the end point giving him his third lot of
anti-venom, spread over a greater number of apparantly serious bites.
This anti-venom use meant native New Guineans would perhaps die as a
result of Williams using the last available vial of Polyvalent

Hi Mate,

Ray's delusional personality is indeed legendary. I had a real gut-busting laugh this morning after seeing he now claims that I am the reason why DNRE won't allow him to drape himself in butchered snakes at the upcoming Victorian Herp Show ... any fool knows that if I really had that sort of influence with DNRE, Ray would actually be back behind bars for a fourth time by now with a conviction for animal mutilation.


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Hi David,
It does seem like he needs professional help thats for sure.

He also claims that the DSE came after him as a result of a few that are out to get him yet the VCAT hearing was listed as "Raymond Hoser v Dept. Sustainability & Environment",which does suggest it was he himself who organised the stunt and not the DSE bringing the action against him.
Hi David,
It does seem like he needs professional help thats for sure.

He also claims that the DSE came after him as a result of a few that are out to get him yet the VCAT hearing was listed as "Raymond Hoser v Dept. Sustainability & Environment",which does suggest it was he himself who organised the stunt and not the DSE bringing the action against him.

You are right on the money there mate. It was indeed an action he initiated against them, and apparently VCAT basically threw it out saying it was not in their jurisdiction ... of course according to Ray I was one of the people responsible for the change in position on handling reptiles in public in Victoria that precipitated his VCAT action anyway...

I just LOVE being omnipotent! ROFLMAO...


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