Spotted Python not eating..

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Not so new Member
Apr 3, 2006
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Im sure this is nothing and normal.. its been about 2 weeks since my 2yr old snake ate, i only recently bough it.. they said it was about 10days ago they fed it.. ive owned it for about 4.. anyway, i did what the previous owner said to do, they fed it small rats.. and would thaw them out by putting it in a bowl and putting boiling water on it..and leaving it in there for about 15mins..

anyway, tonight. i gave him the rat.. he leaped on it straight away and dragged it away to strangle it.. (i forgot to tell him its already dead :p) ... he was holding it for about 5-6 mins.. then he kinda let it go, and has now just retreated back to his hiding spot and doesnt seem interested at all..

is this because he is not hungry?.. or maybe due to the rat being wet and possibly lost the scent or something due to how it was thawed out?...

how long should i leave it in there for..and if i remove it, how long should i wait b4 trying again...

thanks guys![/i]
Sometimes snakes are stupid and forget what they are doing. Warm the rat up again and try once more. If he doesn't take it no huge drama, try again in a couple of days. My bet is he will take it though.
If you've done exactly what the previous owners used to do then perhaps it just isn't hungry. Or it may even be about to shed. It may be that you've bought it during the time in between blue eye and the actual shed....give it a couple of days and if it hasn't shed then give it another bash (err try again....not whack the snake with a shovel :oops: )
Using BOILING water is a bit severe to me. I reckon par-boiled rats might lose their flavour. I reccomend the taste test, thaw one in warm water and use boiling water on another. Once they are both fully thawed bite a piece off each one and see which one has the most flavour then use that rat for the snake feed. JMO
i put em in a bag first then sit the bag in a bowl of tap hot water for ten
one of my snakes didnt eat for about ten weeks (after a move) . i would just leave the rat with her for i bit longer than normal
and eventualy she got going again
she didnt look any worse for wear from the break
The best way to safley thaw rats is to leave them in the fridge over night, once thawed place in warm water for a few mins, as afro said boiling water is not a good idea, as the rat will be part cooked.
He may also be comming up to a shed.
When a snake has a rat coiled and about to eat it, is a very stressful time - they are susceptable to attack at this stage.
Do not disturb the animal til it has finished eating - if he coils the rat - back away slowly and secure the tank slowly and get out of there for 15 minutes.
you say you've had him for four days.. my coastal wouldnt eat for the first few days when i brought him home, and when he finally did it was late at night, he was awake and i thought "i'll give it another go' put the mouse in and went to bed.. in the morning mousey was gone... maybe try that.. :)
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