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Nobody has said it. But I hope the bloke who stole it got bitten on the way to do whatever he was doing with it. :) You're all thinking it.

Anyone have pics of it?
It's ridiculous. The snake or its offspring will be incredibly obvious if anybody ever tries to capitalise on what they have obtained, in much the same way as some of the pythons that were stolen from Sam Darmody.

The only real explanation is that they are heading out of the country, or someone has the desire to just own this animal without anybody else knowing about it. I know that there was a little bit of animosity towards the owner, as he wouldn't breed it, or participate in any breeding program that was suggested to him, but that is a pathetic justification for the theft of the animal.
I can't believe how low some people can go! That's just pathetic that some one would steal! Because really with those high profe animals it's just to obvious when the babies come out. And I think that's it's almost a good idea not to breed an animal like that. Anyways I hope they get it back even though I don't think they will, I also hope the person gets bitten who stole it!
Im just thinking by the end of today.
Moron gets bitten and dies by albino red-bellied black snake.

What a day it would be
Honestly, the amount of thefts lately is out of control!!! The only sadistically pleasing thing about this theft is that its is a Ven... And we can hope to hell that he gets his balls bitten!!! Honestly, I dont understand the drastic jump in Crime lately...

The thing that sucks even more about this one is, that he wasnt willing to breed this animal and the genes could possibly be lost for a long time to come until it re-surfaces years later... Be it in a completely different (unknown het) animal (i.e. not stem directly from the stolen animal), or from the offspring of this animal (or the offsprings offspring etc) if the Crim who stole it decided to breed it and keep it until they think things have "blown over" a few years later...

If it were me, I would have bred it once - not ever told anyone I did, for this reason, sparking a desire of theft - and kept all offspring (possibly in different locations throughout the property) just incase something like this were to ever happen or incase it were to die...

Lets hope Karma does her thing and the ******** gets bitten!!! MORE than a few times!!! They deserve nothing less for being so low!!! Less sadistically, I really really hope it gets returned...
do u think who ever stole it would have known its value or do you think they were ammeturs that just decided to steal snakes ? :( sorry to hear anyway, will keep an ear out
do u think who ever stole it would have known its value or do you think they were ammeturs that just decided to steal snakes ? :( sorry to hear anyway, will keep an ear out
my guess is they(whoever stole it)knew exactly what they were doing,not just a random thing
that sucks im going to search the net of anything.. I hope we get him or the snake dose first =)
do u think who ever stole it would have known its value or do you think they were ammeturs that just decided to steal snakes ? :( sorry to hear anyway, will keep an ear out

Amateurs (people with some experience) can tell the dif between a ven and a python. Any amateur wouldn't jump into
A) A red belly black snake
B) The theft of it

I strongly believe this was well thought out and all intentions were there for a while. This isn't the whole "stranger walks by sees a nice item (snake in this case) and wants to take it". This is a "That snake is rare, i want it, its worth money, etc etc. HERE'S PLAN TIME"
God help the lucky person who does innocently produce an albino red belly in the future! I can think of a few that have been found over the years, so it will happen.
Does anyone have info on the one in Victoria?
It's a low act. If I was the owner I'd be having a long hard think about who's popped over for a visit in the past. These things always seem to be close to home unfortunately.
God help the lucky person who does innocently produce an albino red belly in the future! I can think of a few that have been found over the years, so it will happen.
Does anyone have info on the one in Victoria?
It's a low act. If I was the owner I'd be having a long hard think about who's popped over for a visit in the past. These things always seem to be close to home unfortunately.
Thats what I was thinking to.
My understanding is that one of the other albino red bellies is much younger than the stolen one. All the owner needs to do is take a photo of it next to today's paper to verify that it is a different snake which should be apparent from its size.
rough stuff, would love to see a pic of an albino RBB if anyone knows where one is.
It was only the other day when my boss came to me and said A farmer of 60 years is helping me clear my back paddock and he saw what he believes to be an albino red belly black snake. He said in sixty years he has seen a lot of red bellies but that was his first albino. So now we are are on the search for this snake for some pics hopefuly it hangs around.

Chatting with another member down hear said it may have been a small eyed snake as a few albino's have been seen in this area, but as I said it could have been a corn snake too. So lets hope I get the call to come and get some pics.
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