tawny frog mouth???

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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today i saw one, it came so close to me and i couldnt belive it, wouldnt even flintch
it was only a ft or so above my head on a branch and i was amazed with how friendly it was

i wanted to no if most are like this? and also are they hard to look after in captivity and are they hard to find people who sell them?

i dont no what permit they go under
and i dont no if they are usually just an animal that is in captivity due to a rescue etc
but i am curious about them because they seem so nice, my mum had an owl when she was young... it now sits stuffed on her book case :?:shock: but once again it wasnt a pet it was an animal that needed to be rescued etc and cared for so im unsure about people breeding them etc??

hope someone can give a bit of info and i hope all that made sence
Basic permit in SA, most in captivity are rescued and are with carers, so can't be sold or bred, hence they are quite difficult to find captive bred frogmouths, just what I've found from looking around.
yea thats what i thought, i was just so amazed by the way this one acted it flew up to me and just sat there with out even caring how close i got i will try to put some pics up in a min but it was taken on a mobile so dont no what they look like yet
Same as what I've seen Chris. Animals either in rescued in care or in Wildlife Sanctuaries (which alot or rescued aswell).

Good Luck finding some Lana! Let us know if you do!
A friend of mine has some. The original ones were rescued, then they bred but didn't seem to know how to look after the chicks so she took them & handraised them. They are beautiful birds that always seem hungry. She feeds them beef heart pieces dusted in a special mix of vit/mins & calcium. She gets crickets and pinkies whenever possible too. I will take my camera with me next time I visit and take some pics. She also has roos & wallabies & a pair or wedgetailed eagles come down for a bit extra now & again. Her place has to be seen to be believed. :eek::eek::D
tawnys are retalively easy to care for as long as you have a lrage avairy to them to fly. they can be taught to eat on the wing,they do settle down in captive life if they are a already wild,the best place to check is yr states national parks bird licesnsing.i know it NSW yr need A CLASS high than normal..from what i can rememeber..tawnys are fragile birds though thats why they come into care alot because they build crappy nests and sometimes build them in inapproite places because they build these flimsy nests the young fall out easily,and they are also found coming into winter becuse the years bfre offspring is old enough to leave the nest and are often booted out and they arent big and tough enough to do it their own,then you get the old ones who looose body fat over the winter and cant fly anymore so they also come into care,,you would need pleny of mice and insects to food them on.
They used to nest right in front of our kitchen window for years on end. I'd barely call it a nest though, it's more like a few leaves thrown into a fork of a tree.
They come into care because humans interfere with them too often. They are strong birds that live in family colonies so they dont "boot" their babies out they stay with each other for years. Alot like Kookaburras. If people left them alone they would look after each other...as long as feral animals dont kill them...
They used to nest right in front of our kitchen window for years on end. I'd barely call it a nest though, it's more like a few leaves thrown into a fork of a tree.

aw wow thats cool, i wish i had them nesting here but there are feral cats and a few foxes down the creek so they wouldnt be too safe,

thanks falcon69 thats some good info!! i saw that on a few sites i have looked up tonight that alot of the young fall from the nest its sad because they are such beautiful birds
I think Gorge Wildlife Park sell them in SA,i got my Bluewing and Laughing kookas from them.
i live not far away from there thanks for that i might give them a call! what are ur kookaburras like??? they would be beautiful!! post some pics?
Tawnies have an very unpleasant body odor, sort of a meaty rotten egg smell. Could be wild diet related (I've only had rehab animals), but not something i'd consider keeping inside.
i just called them up, they dont breed them but the guy is calling me back tonight and giving me a list of what they do breed which is cool :)
Tawnies have an very unpleasant body odor, sort of a meaty rotten egg smell. Could be wild diet related (I've only had rehab animals), but not something i'd consider keeping inside.

Ah really? yea i guess they would eat some yucky things... but that is odd that they are stinky because alot of animals eat the same sort of thing lol, thanks for that info tho :)
You can try Dean at Camsal aviaries,he could get them at one stage
they are really cool birds, i was hanging with one named dropwing today. was a rescue animal and broke a wing and it kinda 'drops' lol hence the name
i really want one, but i dont know much about them at all. im going into care sometime soon so theres my chance :p

Nat ;)
You can try Dean at Camsal aviaries,he could get them at one stage

yea ill give them a buz i have never found them to helpfull tho but its worth a shot

and nat that is so cool im signing up for that fauner care soon or one of those things, who do u do urs through?

i love looking after animals if i had the patients to study again after i finish what im doing now id love to go and learn a bit more about animals and get a proper job with them haha
i havent started yet, but i volly at the wildlife sanctuary and im gonna see what i can get into with the wildlife hospital as to caring for sick or injured animals there. the sanctuary gets soo many animals come through so another carer would be helpful :)
plus wildcare office has some care courses to do, im gonna look into it :p
yer so thats my story haha

Nat ;)
aw that sounds great congrats! i wonder if i could do that sort of thing here like a place with courses??
let me no how u go! and take loads of pics of the animals ur looking after when u get some and show me ok! :D
Here's a young bird I rescued from a major road in Jan, chicks can be difficult to release as they "blueprint" onto their carers and won't leave, this particular bird was sent to another carer that has semi tame birds that it can mix with, and one day flew off with one never to be seen again, otherwise they end up an ornament in a zoo.


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