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Most venomous is supposedly the Belcher Snake (Hydrophis Belcheri) but there seems to be a bit of confusion between venomous, deadliest and dangerous and that poisonous is something different altogether.

Although the most venomous is the Belcher snake, it doesn't feature in the Top 10 Deadliest or Dangerous. A few mention that it is because of the limited encounters with humans.

So when deciding on the most venomous, deadliest, dangerous what is the criteria used? Is the most venomous necessarily the most deadly or dangerous?

Venomous sounds to me like the toxicity regardless of the amount injected. I suppose you could measure in deaths per milligram. For example a particular sea snake may be venomous but is not as dangerous because of it's inability to inject the venom due to the size of and position of it's fangs.

Is Deadliest the probability of death? For example a Krait, King Cobra, Viper might kill more people due to population densities but the Taipan or Fierce snake heads the list.

And Dangerous might take into account total deaths. A mix of the chance that you may get bitten with the probability that you will die. Or is the most Dangerous or Deadly the same?

It seems that they could have a Top 10 each of their own and that every website I look at has a slightly different top ten.

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