What Can I Keep?

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2006
Reaction score
Figtree, NSW
Okay peoples...here's the question.

I have an aquarium that is 460mm Wide, By 310mm High, By 255mm Deep.

What (if any) reptile could I get and keep happy in it? It has a glass top at the moment, but I can easily whip up a wired top.

I just remembered I have it sitting there doing nothing.

Ta people!
ohh you could keep a hatchling joy lizard (Nephrurus levis). They are awwwwwwwwesome!

Forgot to add the species lists for my licence class. Might help.

SW Crevice Egernia
Tree Dtella
Binoe's gecko
Northern Green Tree Frog
Western Green Tree Frog
Western Bearded Dragon
Northern Spiny-tailed gecko
SW Spiny tailed gecko
Centralian Bluetongue
Western Bluetongue
Stimsons Python
Oblong tortoise
Western Netted Dragon
King Skink
Magnificent Tree Frog
SW Carpet python
Three lined Knob Tailed gecko
Marbled velvet gecko
Thick tailed gecko
Stripe-tailed Pygmy Monitor.

I guess I'm asking what species will fit into the tank I have, and what people recommend :)
If you have a spare $2350 you can get the pair of Stripe-tailed Pygmy Monitors on Herp Trader :wink:
Indeed Nephrurus...I didn't know until I looked at the latin name :)

Have you got any pics of yours? Hubby would like to see them- he's only seen one and it wasn't a very good specimen.
Joy Lizard, hehehe!!! So true!

You could keep a pair of spiny tails in it. I hate common names, they get me all confused, but if I am remembering right that SW Spiny tails are S.spinigerus, you would be better of getting those as they are much smaller than S.ciliaris.

Do you have pics of your Levis, Nephrurus? I just got four Pilbarensis babies and they are so cute I get mesmerised watching them!

The tank wouldn't be suitable for adults, but would be good for hatchlings. You'll need a 60 by 30 minimum for adults. There are differences in sizes between specimins for sure. Mine are fat heffers, I almost keeled over when I saw some others that were half the size of my females and fully grown LOL!

Bisexual Geckos...now thats an interesting subject...

Do they stay one gender for their whole life, or do they change?
Adult Bynoes would be fine in your tank, I was talking about the knob tails getting too big. Sorry to confuse!

Yeah, theres some pics of my lovely joy lizards. I've run out of hatchlings this season, so i can no longer distribute joy, but next season there should be plenty!

Awwwww...cute little fellas Nephrurus. I especially like the yellow markings on the male. You've got to love them. They are the puppy dogs of the gecko world!
I worked out how to do it on another site, and it automatically resized itself. I almost wet myself when I changed it just now and saw how huge it was LOL!! How embarassing, hehehe!!
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