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I left school in year 11 to do a pottery apprenticeship. Got married and had kids at a young age, had a pottery studio for a while (not in that order :p ) Left my husband and after cleaning and picking to survive I realised I needed an education.
So in my late 20's I went to tafe to get my hsc (1 year) and then went to uni. Fun with 2 kids lol.. I did a degree in Design and Marketing but slipped in a lot of IT subjects where I could.
Worked in freelance web design / dev and studied up on seo. I now primarily do contract seo for a web dev company. Seo = search engine optimisation, I have a portfolio of clients whose sites I keep ranking high in the search engines.
It's not bad, I work from home, rarely have to do meetings. I am getting a bit sick of sitting at the pc all day and think about changing careers.. no idea what to. I have itchy feet and think about travelling all day long :)
I am a zookeeper :p I LOVE it to bits! But it took a while to get where I am! And alot of dedication/ hard work and study!! And I'm not done reaching my final goal of head reptile keeper just yet, so more work is to come. (And a current one to decide to leave lol)

before that I worked at a pet shop for a year, then before that I worked at bunnings on the checkouts for 4 years, then before that I worked at ~CULT~ industries surf shop for about 1 1/2 years!
I'm doing year 12, I train 6 days a week, and work at a bike shop....Going to have a gap year next year, then hopefully get into the course I want to do at Uni of Animal/Veterinary science... If all goes well, I am hoping to move North and live with relatives in QLD and praying to get my foot in the door so to speak with a Zoo/Reptile park job. Or something similar!
Full time uni and I film horse races for Sky1, Sky2, SkyWorld and TVN (when there is races here that is, haha).
Op's Manager, (sparky by trade) & a Dad......:)

So many cool professions you guys do....i'm VERY impressed...mammaologist Slimy ....lol, me too in summer...
I work for Medibank as a customer service consulant.
I hate it, on the phones all day and people yelling at me when i tell them they arnt covered for a 20 thousand dollar procedure.. Great fun!

I really wana own my own reptile business one day, ever since i was a little kid.

So for the moment im working to save money, and planning on winning the lottery to help :)

Nah.. Kidding, as i dropped outta school in year 11 planning on going to tafe to do VCE year 12, perhaps some studing in business managment, and also some animal husbandry courses/zooligy, etc.

Fingers crossed i can reach my dream..

Any advise to me from those who may run their own reptile/pet business?

i put Ms on M&Ms and get a grand for doin it how good is that

How embarrassed do you get when you put W's on them?? Cos I've seen a fair few around :p

Im an RN Div 2 (also called EN) nurse working in behavioural intervention and rehabilitation with people with disabilities (obviously bad behaviours). Which entails most standard disability practices with emphasis on counselling, sex education, violence prevention, community engagement (which includes social structure and associated skills) and regular formal and informal evaluations.
(i can bet that anyone on here who knows me is thinking "this guy is teaching social skills to people?")

I am currently in the middle of the process for rural psychiatric placement next year as an RN Div 1. It is a very exciting field and never short of suprises, I have a fair bit of fun some days at work. Also, when I finally tip over the edge (mental health wise) I will know plenty of people in the field already.
Everybody cross your fingers that I get into Bendigo (interview is next Friday), otherwise Maroondah is my only option left, and although its not bad.. I really want to get out of Melbourne!
RN, studying mental health, over it already. Not the clients so much, just the system.
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Final year of a Law degree, and working in a law firm


Working at DK and a resutrant so I can travel the end of this year.
Will be in Thailand, Daintree then Japan.
Of to uni next year to study a dual degree in Engineering and Science

I play in two bands and I'm doing a solo project as well.
I am very content :)
I am doing my honours on the incidence of chytrid fungus in frogs across a salinity range (in different water treatments). Hope to do a phD next year about the loss of biodiversity in Western Syd.
Builder with a background in carpentry/joinery/and furniture making. Sick of it now though so I only build houses for snakes and lizards, no longer for people. Just finishing the last bits of criteria to start job hunting in the mines. week on week off? Heck yeah!
At the moment I'm stuck in hell, more commonly known as highschool.

But I'm off to Uni in year 10, doing a degree in veterinary science, and after that I might open up my own practice, specialising in reptiles. Whilst doing that I'll get a degree in psychiatry, when it's time for me to retire I'll hire someone to help me run my practice. Probably in either the US/Canada area, or England due to the fact that I already have an English citizenship.
I've given this alot of thought :lol:
Work in I.T doing forensic investigations and data recovery... I have gone back to UNI to do a Forensic Science degree. My aim is too finally become a forensic scientist.... There have been some interesting posts so far... Keep them coming guy and gals....
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