What to look for when herping?

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Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
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Hi all,

Just thought i would ask a quick one while i was packing, i am off to cape york, the tip to be exact tomorrow and was wondering what i should be looking for or more where i should be looking to see some reptiles and what photo techniques do people recomend, i have an EOS350D if that helps!

Thanks all!
be quick!!

as soon as you think you see something get right in there.
and have ur camera out at all times.

you will probly need a telephoto lens so u can keep some distance.

and remember that quick auto focus is ur friend!! a half pressed shutter button is a quick photo:)
yeah thanks, i have a zoom lens, not the best but hopefully will work!
G'day Kristy,

Herping is something that is learned through trial and error - there are no big amazing tips that anyone can give you that will make herping easy. Without getting too complicated, to have the best success when herping, you need to understand the animals you are looking for...when are they active, what makes them active, where do they hide when inactive etc...

In general, you want to keep an eye out for odd shapes if you are driving, and movement...keep an eye on the shoulder of the road. For species such as dragons you will normally notice them basking on top of something in full sunlight....sometimes they won't be distinct but their body shape is noticeable.

Good luck!
I think I might be stating the obvious.....

"What to look for when herping?"

Reptiles maybe?......
Only trick i have learnt is as soon as you hear a noise go straight to it. Having said that i have been herping half a dozen times and only a few snakes and land mullet.

Make sure you have pics when you return :)
Actually due to a drink spiking episode about three weeks ago i have pretty much stopped drinking. But yes in the past i have mixed 2 of my favourite hobbies into one fantastic day :)

you teach me how to herp better, and i'll teach you how to bushwalk while drunk without dehydrating or falling over.
This time last year I found a whole bunch of snakes (mainly at night) on the main road running through Lakefield National Park.

Obviously without the proper permits and ethics approval you won't be able to catch anything. That makes photography a bit trickier, but certainly not impossible.

On my site I've got my take on herping and photography.

I expect to see pics of lots of cool critters when you get back!

If your doing night spotting then a good head torch is handy. Look for eye shine from the animals. A lot of the time it will probably be spiders but they are good practice and you will learn to pick the difference between a spider's and a herp's eyes quite quickly. If you're usung a normal torch then hold it up near your eyes, this way you will be able to see the eye shine better.

Persistance is always handy to have. You may go a while without seeing something but if you persist then you should evenyually have success.

Good luck and have fun.
Hi all,

well i am back, BUMMER :( it was so nice and relaxing, oh well you get that i guess. saw plenty, even managed to have the camera handy on some occasions and get some photos, not all that good but there any way! i am in the process of making them a bit smaller and then they will be up here tonight i hope!! anyway when i get them up i would appreciate any help on the id of them, some i have figured out i think others i am a little confused over!

Are you going anywhere near where the GTP's are? Might be worth a day looking for them.

we were planning to go there but the road we wanted to take was reportedly still closed, or just opening but pretty tough to get through and as time was limited we gave it a miss but i am really trying to plan a trip to there and no where else! but it may be a while away as i have to wait to get time off again!

ok back to getting these pics done, talk soon everyone!
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