Who is your idol/ who inspires you??

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Slash, Myles Kennedy, Mark Tremonti and my guitar teacher (who is also my manager at work, haha)
Richard Branson

He took on the big guys and succeeded and continues to try to make a difference. He puts himself out there. when you think of Virgin you think of Richard Branson. Name another company besides Microsoft where you think of the founder when thinking of a company.

DC Shoes
Metal Mulisha
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Victoria secret

Could probably think of more.
Richard Branson

He took on the big guys and succeeded and continues to try to make a difference. He puts himself out there. when you think of Virgin you think of Richard Branson. Name another company besides Microsoft where you think of the founder when thinking of a company.

Such a nice guy too,

I always remember him on the Colbert Report, where Colbert (playfully) threw a cup of water over him, and he took it so welll!

My roomie and I always discuss how lovely Sir Richard Branson is.

DC Shoes
Metal Mulisha
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Victoria secret

Could probably think of more.

Think you took that way too literally :p
i also used to watch George Cann jnr do snake shows at la perouse and also watching John Cann doing shows gave me ionspiration about snakes.
But its a combination of the Cann bros and the stories of there father Georg cann snr,he was a crazy and skilled snake handler as i have witnessed on film,way crazier than any snake handler ever.
Fonzie, Vinnie Barbarino, Al Swearengen, Peter Griffin.

Also, Bruce Dickinson
Bruce is a real renaissance man, he fronts the greatest metal band of all time, flies commercial jets, is an accomplished fencer, & is a bit of a train spotter. Is there anything he can't do? \m/

Eddie Van Halen, Steve Via, Orianthi,Malcolm Douglas, Harry Buttler, David Attenborough, oh and not Steve Erwin :)
Yep, looking forward to seeing Van Halen with Diamond Dave later this year, & definitely agree with the others apart from Orianthi, who is unknown to me.

Diggers past and present, Police and nurses, Emergency services
My mum/Evan Tanner/GSP/Rise Against (band)

whenever i need motivation i look towards GSP worked his way up from poverty and overcame so many obstacles to be one of the best in his chosen sport

"my method is like a samurai they used to everyday work on their technique to make themself almost perfect, because perfection is impossible
but everyday we get closer to that perfection and thats what i want to do i want to everyday get better than i was the day before"

Evan Tanner is also an inspiration
"what is it that i can do not what is it you can do for me, but what is it i can do for you, quit worrying about yourself so much
and you will have everything to gain"
I get my strength from Belinda Emmett, Olivia Newton-John, Shane Gould, Jane McGrath etc.

All these women faced massive adversity, some are still battling through it, yet still had/have the grace and inner fortitude to smile while helping others through the same adversity. Inspirational in anyone's book.

My missus inspires me, she is 33 years young and last year we had an ectopic pregnancy, a heart attack and a couple of cardiac arrests, because of all of this she now has a defibrillator/ pace maker implanted in her chest, lost her job and has a brain injury from lack of oxygen but she still manages to remain optimistic and keep a smile on her face.
Had to have a good think about this one, my list is this
Nikola Tesla (father of the modern world).
Miyamoto Musashi (author of the book of 5 rings).
The entire Australian Armed Forces (love to my family serving).
the guy who invented Wild Turkey.
Sir Joseph Banks.
Sir Charles Darwin.
a couple of nameless people here you know who both you are thanks for everything.
my mum (i cant dribble on about her here but shes a champ!).
my brothers (RIP Johno) .
the guy who returned my wallet WITH ALL THE MONEY IN IT!(hope ya win lotto bud).
and unfortunately most kids.... pfft ......yeah, its good to see such a questioning, forward thinking and momentum for the next gen :).
and many more i cant list :)

(not in any order just the best few that i draw inspiration from most weeks)
My mum I guess, she grew up ridiculously poor, her mother didn't work and her dad was in WWII and suffered extreme post traumatic stress and drank a lot . . She had to sew all her own clothes and her family lived off rabbit stew from rabbits her father would shoot (she now hates casseroles lol - but I love them!!!).

Anyway she worked really hard at school put her self through med school and now is a successful Dr. and has been for the last 30 odd years . .
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