You know your a herper when.......

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Very Well-Known Member
May 6, 2006
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..... You own more pillow cases than sheets.

..... You have more dead rodents in the freezer than steak.

.......You own dozens of plastic storage containers, but can't use them 'cause all the lids have holes.

...when your obstetrician explained that you needed additional calcium while pregnant, you nodded your head and murmured, "gravidity-induced MBD" under your breath.

....when someone mentions being pregnant, you automatically correct her to "gravid".

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] move the rubber snake out of the aisle at the toy store so it won't get run over...and identify its species while you're doing it.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]...when the last thing your daughters boyfriend has to worry about is a gun.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] have an entertainment center in your bedroom, but instead of components, tapes and other entertainment media, there are large tanks of crickets, containers of minerals, extra heating elements, basking lamps, and fixtures for each crammed inside it.[/FONT]

...your parents buy you $40 worth of dead mice as a Christmas present.

..when you hear your mum scream "Ah! a mouse!" and a smile lights up your face.

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] look over new furniture to decide what could be converted to hold herps.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]'re at the checkout with several huge sheets a melamine and someone asks what your building, you just turn around and smile, then say "bigger cages".[/FONT]

....You delight in your paper boy bringing you your weekly substrate.

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] move the rubber snake out of the aisle at the toy store so it won't get run over...and identify its species while you're doing it.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] look over new furniture to decide what could be converted to hold herps.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]'re at the checkout with several huge sheets a melamine and someone asks what your building, you just turn around and smile, then say "bigger cages".[/FONT]​

Is it wrong to be ****ed at rubber snakes for being moulded incorrectly ??

I constantly look at old furniture and wonder ... what if ?? (currently dismantling an old melamine desk to convert into Snake house.)

I get strange looks from the guys at Bunnings when I ask for certain cuts to fit my snake house.

... you see someone walking their chihuahua or Yorkshire and think...hmm...snake food

.. you judge the quality of a garage sale by the potential herp housing units for sale.

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]... you've said "Are aquariums all right?" to a prospective landlord and own no fish.[/FONT]

.. Monty Python's quest is for mice on ice, grail optional

... you have 27 bowls marked "dog" or "kitty" and no dogs or cats

... you get odd, worried looks from the checkout clerk for only buying one small jar of baby food per week

... you've got in trouble from your SO (significant other) for looking at the free kitten adds with a gleam in your eye

... redecorating the house means finding a way to squeeze in another aquarium.

... your neighbors think you're a prostitute, because they can see a red light in one of your windows every night

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]... you are standing in the pet store checkout line with your purchase in hand, and the person in line behind you says "Oh, they're so cute! Do they make good pets?" and you reply: "These? Hmmm. Actually, I have no idea...I never thought about that..."[/FONT] know that a boid is not a New York pigeon.
... you see someone walking their chihuahua or Yorkshire and think...hmm...snake food

... redecorating the house means finding a way to squeeze in another aquarium.[/LEFT]

First one, always ... second one, in the process of moving the house around so Oscar has a better view and the office is being shoved into the corner out of the way. :(

Yup, totally addicted. :D
hahah i agree with everything.....people dont come near my unit as it always has the red lights on. We've even got an extra freezer for our rodents.

Asking the guys at Bunnings if this sealant is harmful for snakes and they give u a weird look.

We have hundreds of newspapers as we live in a 40block of units and commandeer all the papers hehehe.

Weird looks from our neighbours when we take our snakes out to get some sun, while keeping a watchful eye out for birds. occassionally find a laundered cricket in the lint screen of your dryer.

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] forget that you put crickets in the freezer to slow them down for your lizards and you find them walking around your ice cube trays[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] forget to make new ice and your guests freak out when they find cricket legs on their cubes.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] slept on a naked pillow last night becuase you needed another sanke bag quick[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]...when a dinner guest goes to the freezer for more ice you intercept him and send him back to the table before you open the door[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]...someone tells you their balls have mites - and you know what they mean![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]...when you walk into a petstore to buy crickets and the first thing the employees say is, "How many?"[/FONT] have Hisss and Hersss towels

...your girlfriend tells you that your monitor is getting a little blurry and you tell her not to worry because he will be shedding soon hear the squeaking of newborn rats and run to tell your snakes lunch is ready

..your children say things like "awwww! that's a really cute piece of snake food!"

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] block traffic for miles trying to coax a snake from the middle of the road.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] point out to your friend that her imitation "snake-skin" shirt is inaccurate because it has Western Diamond-back rattler dorsal scale pattern with boa constrictor belly scales.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] keep all of your clothes on the floor of your bedroom because both your chest of drawers and your walk in closent have been converted to vivariums.[/FONT]

...when the cross word puzzle asks for another word for field mouse and you reply "snake food"

(* disclaimer, i didn't make all these up, i pinched them)
...when you no longer shop for a brand or type of food or item, but rather, for how convient the packaging it comes in would be.
lol wrasse, like home brand icecream cones:p
Mine is coffee boxes:p
lol wrasse, like home brand icecream cones:p

Absolutely. I mean, the Black and Gold brand is dreadful with the bright yellow box, Home Brand, with the plain soft white packaging is sooo much nicer as snake hides.
hahah i just had to rearange my room to fit two 6 foot tanks in...

is it just me or it the computer of computer desk somewhat orintated with herps, and that and the fact that 96% of my emails has somethign to do with reptiles, or enclosures, ... ive been eaten up by heretology've read several dozen "you know you're a herper if........" threads (and they still make you smile ;) )
This one i did today,

..... when your youngest out grows the change table and you look at it thinking,,,, how can i turn this into a rep house :p

....when your 2 year old shakes the dead rats in the freezer and says "wake up 'nake food" (this is true, mine did it yesterday.)
yup, i've wandered around coles muttering 'click=clacks' under my breath just recently! my sister brought home a huge amount of tp roll - empty - for me to use as hides for my mice. and ys, i find myself intercepting peple from my freezer - no snakes yet, but i've started freezing pinkies. furniture shopping today, my best friend kept saying 'no Jen, that isn't a snake cage', to which i would reply 'not yet'
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