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They are stunning, I love them myself but the missus says we can't have any venomous snakes until the kids are out of our house or at least old enough to respect not going near them.Your adders are great mate it must be lovely having them.
wow sdaji, you're consistantly posting awesome photo's... keep it up mate :D
wow sdaji, you're consistantly posting awesome photo's... keep it up mate :D

Posting Adder pictures is fun :)



Sorry Sdaji... haven't been on for a couple of days.. that shed pic is great!

Do you have one of the body scales?? I only have juvenile pythons and their scales just don't seem to be as prominent as the ones on your adder (the close pic of the scales you've shown). I would like to see the difference in the way they shed over their scales.... ummm.. does that make any sense?? I know what I mean in my head, and it just looks stupid in print!!
Sorry in advance this may be a stupid question to some. What is required to get a Death adder (license venoms handlers Corse)? Since the time I first showed interest in keeping snakes, I have always admired the beauty of Death Adders, And the photos and information in this thread have not changed that, thanks for sharing guys.
Why wouldnt you want a death adder or any other ven.I think all snakes are fascinating even if you cant free handle them.imo.
Grumpy: I hope these are what you're after, I've just taken them. These pictures are resized, if you want me to crop and post full-sized versions of any part of them, just ask :)

...and while I'm at it, another feeding shot :)



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  • head scales - inside slough - external surface.jpg
    head scales - inside slough - external surface.jpg
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brad7250: You need references from two venomous snake keepers, and you need to convince the EPA that you're a competent handler. There are courses available too, which I think you can use as alternatives to references. It's easy to jump through the hoops without knowing what you're doing, the important thing is to make sure you are capable of keeping them safely. It's not difficult and I'm sure you're capable of learning, but make sure it's for you and that you're ready before you jump in. Probably the trickiest part of owning Death Adders is manually sloughing the babies, which can be necessary for several of their first few sloughs. Sometimes this includes working the skin off the lips, which isn't all that difficult as long as you're good at using judicious force with your hands, but it's obviously not for everyone. Other than that, if you start off with a good feeder the only thing you need is the ability to keep your hands out of striking distance (it sounds simple, but for many people it's the biggest challenge of all). Handling them with hooks is extremely easy.


death adder;

Those three together with the different head colour,ARE UNREAL,WELL DONE:lol:
Thanks Sdaji, they're awesome!! They are soooo different to the sloughs from my babies.


My pleasure! :)

Here's a picture I took tonight :) Hopefully we're looking at some more rainbow caterpillars being made for depeica to tease me about! :lol: Well, half of them will look like him and he's not all that much of a rainbow caterpillar, especially not at the moment after the last five or six weeks of hard work - he has never looked so bad!

i love the patterns of the scales on his face. beautiful pics!
Sdaji, if people didn't like adders before they saw your pics they would after it. They are fantastic. Can't wait to get my first adder,

could you hold a baby death adder??

People do it all the time. People hold adults all the time... sometimes people get bitten and go to hospital... once in a while they die. Freehandling is an unnecessary risk and if things go bad everyone suffers, not just the person bitten but all of the people who have snakes, and even lizards.
People do it all the time. People hold adults all the time... sometimes people get bitten and go to hospital... once in a while they die. Freehandling is an unnecessary risk and if things go bad everyone suffers, not just the person bitten but all of the people who have snakes, and even lizards.

And if you get bitten by your own vens too often through foolish behaviour resulting in wasted medical resources (time, bed space and antivenom) NPWS will get an 'anonymous' phone call and your licence will be revoked.
People do it all the time. People hold adults all the time... sometimes people get bitten and go to hospital... once in a while they die. Freehandling is an unnecessary risk and if things go bad everyone suffers, not just the person bitten but all of the people who have snakes, and even lizards.

evidence and source please
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