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If you think that living in the days of denial where kiddies can travel around un-supervised is a safe way of living... I feel sorry for your kids!
How arrogant/ignorant are you?!
It's that sort of attitude that allows pedophiles easy access..
You are seriously deluded if you think it's safe for kids to wonder the streets alone
It's not a matter of being paranoid or hiding from life..it's a matter of being a responsible parent & looking out for your child's welfare!
How careless!

Thanks for the response. I really appreciate you taking the time to mash that together.

I have a 12yo boy and a 14yo girl and neither have been harmed by taking the time to explore some of the avenues of life. As Jess said, most incidents of sexual abuse occur from within the family (and I can provide evidence if it will help soothe your indignation?) and I can assure you that my children have in fact benefitted from the journey they have taken.

I don't supervise my kids when they ride their bikes. I trust them to do the right thing and to be aware of danger. My daughter attends a class twice a week that involves self defence and self awareness. My son attends a similar class, just as I did at Goju Ryu in Hornsby (NSW) many years ago. :D

Deluded? No. I actually have children, and have a point of reference. The kids are happy, intelligent, and have seen a slice of life that you never will perhaps?
Best of all, neither of them will end up in a grubby job chatting to paedophiles.
I do so love the way that people here can argue their point logically without attempting to score bogus points by trying to smear someone else's character. It's nice to see some maturity on display.
Thanks for the response. I really appreciate you taking the time to mash that together.

I have a 12yo boy and a 14yo girl and neither have been harmed by taking the time to explore some of the avenues of life. As Jess said, most incidents of sexual abuse occur from within the family (and I can provide evidence if it will help soothe your indignation?) and I can assure you that my children have in fact benefitted from the journey they have taken.

I don't supervise my kids when they ride their bikes. I trust them to do the right thing and to be aware of danger. My daughter attends a class twice a week that involves self defence and self awareness. My son attends a similar class, just as I did at Goju Ryu in Hornsby (NSW) many years ago. :D

Deluded? No. I actually have children, and have a point of reference. The kids are happy, intelligent, and have seen a slice of life that you never will perhaps?
Best of all, neither of them will end up in a grubby job chatting to paedophiles.

But won't someone think of the children??? :lol::lol::lol:
sounds a bit like darra (livin there for 10yrs)
but they prolly wanna bash you then rob you..
but i feel for people in Inala
Thanks for the response. I really appreciate you taking the time to mash that together.

I have a 12yo boy and a 14yo girl and neither have been harmed by taking the time to explore some of the avenues of life. As Jess said, most incidents of sexual abuse occur from within the family (and I can provide evidence if it will help soothe your indignation?) and I can assure you that my children have in fact benefitted from the journey they have taken.

I don't supervise my kids when they ride their bikes. I trust them to do the right thing and to be aware of danger. My daughter attends a class twice a week that involves self defence and self awareness. My son attends a similar class, just as I did at Goju Ryu in Hornsby (NSW) many years ago. :D

Deluded? No. I actually have children, and have a point of reference. The kids are happy, intelligent, and have seen a slice of life that you never will perhaps?
Best of all, neither of them will end up in a grubby job chatting to paedophiles.

Any way you look at it toon :rolleyes: if you think that there aren't predators around just waiting for arrogant complacent parents you are deluded.
No matter what cheap shots you take at me it doesn't change the facts...
I think you should....grow up!!!
& learn to spell all them big sophisticated words & you can't even spell LMFAO
& learn to spell all them big sophisticated words & you can't even spell LMFAO

Nothing over 4 syllables - no offence toon, but doesn't seem all that sophisticated to me... ;) And besides, I can't see any spelling errors... Can you please point them out, itbites?
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