Worst movie you have seen

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I sometimes go to the video store for the sole purpose of mental torture (masochistic I know) but sometimes i get the compulsion to do it. I usally try and find the most obscure video i can find with the worst cover. Now to the topic I have to say the worst film i have ever seen is a film titled Aussie park boys. OMG I often mutilate my brain like i said but even this film was beyond me. It is the biggest pile of C***P i have ever seen. It is the only time i have regreted wasting 90 mins of my life (watched the whole thing though lol).

A truly must see for anyone into mental destruction.
Tremors.....but it's in the so bad it's almost good league.

Any of the Saw movies from 3 on, they're just trying too hard now. Oh and the second Blair Witch movie for the same reason.
snakes on a plane.


punch drunk love

Have you ever seen Snakes on a TRAIN?! lol. I work at a DVD store and we ordered this movie in. It is indeed THE WORST MOVIE EVER!!! This chick has snakes inside her body and has to go to some medicine man in another city. so off her and her fiance go to get the snakes out of her on a train. But OH NO! The snakes decided that they would like to get out of the lady now and they bust out of her and go crazy on the train....


Oh and Max Payne and Babylon AD sucked.... *TWO THUMBS DOWN*

I'm pretty sure that for the duration of those 2 movies I sat here on APS and then looked up at the end going 'huh what happened?'
YEAH! SNAKES ON A PLANE!!!!!!!!! ANACONDA SEARCH FOR THE BLOOD ORCHID..AND THE NEWEST ONE WITH DAVID HASSLEHOLF...ahahah...and im not jsut saying this bcos i love snakes..i think they r the worst movies ever made!!!..haha
Sat through The Holiday with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet the other night - that was really tragic - no real plot, too many subplots, all over the place and a total waste of time. On the up side, it did inspire me to go blonde again!!!
Babylon AD yeah thats sucked

and pineapple was a real let down too, i thought it would have more funny bits in it but it was a let down.
Moose i must admit i thought that movie was pretty ordinary aswel!
snakes on a plane i only saw the first maby 10minutes of and fell asleep in it and now after seeing u guys all saying its that bad i deff wont watch it!

oh and one other one i couldnt stand.... the golden compass, i never got through it all every time i tried id fall asleep i hated that movie.

there was also a croc movie i saw a while ago where the whole movie there just sitting in trees baisicly it was so bad, but i dont remember what it was called i think it was an aussie one i dont remember now tho
WATCHMEN.... we went to the movies a couple of weeks ago and walked out it was that crap.

I admit the movie lacks direction; some of the fight scenes where good and some special effects; to be honest I watched it as I craved another Sin City movie ... but it fails in comparason to other good comic book movies
Worst movie ever for those who dont appreciate the band would be "Cradle of fear"
I do like cradle of filth so i love it and its crappiness :D
'Slither' and 'The Descent'

3 & 1/2 hours of my life I can never get back
jessb i havent read the book its based on ill get it and read it tho see what its like because i really was disapointed in the movie

BAHA stitched i reckon i saw that movie with my oma, the descent the chicks go out all together to go into a cave etc yea? and it has those monster things. and at the start one of them is in a car crash and this huge post goes through her husband and her kid dies aswel? thats the movie isnt it?
that movie was bad lol and grose
Step Brothers .... What a load of (I'll be banned for life if I say this word)!
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