Punishment for corn possession

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What this hobby needs is a few reptile specialist that puts all their time and effort into finding out all the possible viruses etc.There are many strains of viruses,alot has been mentioned about those 4 dreaded letters [ opmv ] in which case Theres been no Confirmed cases,only syptoms Consistent with.Considering this hobby is getting bigger there does need more attention to this IMO.Also it would save alot of heartache with ppl and all the rumours...
No not at all, I'm very familiar with that very interesting case :) I would love to see the scientific paper on that unknown virus and just who made the diagnosis.

Boa, have you forgotten the old case of the GTP's at cairns, supposedly carrying a strain of virus previously undescribed here.... I understand what your getting at with your post, though any herp virus not endemic to Australia, must invariably come from imported animals.
re Punishment

Corn snakes have been here for a long time and are not the result of recently imported animals ilegally or legally the desease argument thats put forward holds little validity in a real sense,as corn snakes have been captive bred for many years here in australia and throughout the world they may have a lower immunity to australian deseases so be careful with quarantine.
Corn snakes have been here for a long time and are not the result of recently imported animals ilegally or legally the desease argument thats put forward holds little validity in a real sense,as corn snakes have been captive bred for many years here in australia and throughout the world they may have a lower immunity to australian deseases so be careful with quarantine.

Funny thing is that for a period of time a loophole was exploited to bring exotic reptiles into the country, through zoos, that were then transferred to private ownership. I dont know what the actual arguement the government uses but they maintain that they where not imported legally but one could argue they were not imported illegally.
Corn snakes have been here for a long time and are not the result of recently imported animals ilegally or legally the desease argument thats put forward holds little validity in a real sense,as corn snakes have been captive bred for many years here in australia and throughout the world they may have a lower immunity to australian deseases so be careful with quarantine.
So, according to this, no corn snakes are being currently smuggled in or have been for some time?
So, according to this, no corn snakes are being currently smuggled in or have been for some time?

Hey mate,

I highly doubt any of the common forms of Corns have been smuggled in for some time. Of course there's always new morphs appearing and there will be a demand for them over here, so they will be smuggled then...but those would only be animals of high value.
As a wildlife carer/rehabilitator & all round animal lover, I am astounded that you have any support on this site. Unfortunately, I cannot type what I would really like to, for fear of being booted. I think you were ignorant in taking in an animal who's species you were unsure of. You could easily have killed it yourself in not understanding its needs. Before you choose to use the "moral highground" you should have thought more carefully about how this snake could be the one that could wipe out native species and some of our own loved pets. By not having a licence for this animal, right from the word go you knew you were breaking the law. I hope that someone, someday soon, really is made an example of. Those with exotic pet licences usually have to prove their responsibility and there is very good reason for this. No sympathy or understanding from me!
I read in the paper ages back a guy had a corn and it was "saved" from the BAD TERRIBLE owner (which he/she prob wasn't..)....and put in a zoo as an example to show people what is kept illegally in aussie...they went on about how idiots own them bla bla and how he was only charged... you did nothing wrong, just hope some zoo took it and is looking after it.
corn snake

i liked the comment earlier about not blaming the people who keep exotics - but only the people who import them in suitcases! if people didn't keep them there would be no demand for the importers!!!

thats like saying dont blame the drug addicts for robbing people to get their next hit, blame the drug importers!
i think it is safe to say both share the responsibilities for their part in the whole process.

we may not like some of the laws in this country, but at the end of the day they are the laws and we have to abide by them. i love the way people always complain about speed cameras and radars - but if you aren't speeding you have nothing to worry about. and before you say it, yes i have driven above the speed limit before - but if i get a ticket i have no-one to blame buy myself.

if you want legal exotics, go overseas and you can have the pick of everything, plus the aussie stuff.
They do in fact. Their(DECC) charter for some reason does not define which reptiles they have control over thus the law has been interpreted to include all reptiles in the state of NSW. The exception would appear to be only those animals licensed with Ag.

the Act actually defines "reptiles' as "all native species of reptiles" which, by definition, specifically excludes exotics.
As a wildlife carer/rehabilitator & all round animal lover, I am astounded that you have any support on this site. Unfortunately, I cannot type what I would really like to, for fear of being booted. I think you were ignorant in taking in an animal who's species you were unsure of. You could easily have killed it yourself in not understanding its needs. Before you choose to use the "moral highground" you should have thought more carefully about how this snake could be the one that could wipe out native species and some of our own loved pets. By not having a licence for this animal, right from the word go you knew you were breaking the law. I hope that someone, someday soon, really is made an example of. Those with exotic pet licences usually have to prove their responsibility and there is very good reason for this. No sympathy or understanding from me!

cant stand haters like you!!..u aktually took that time to type all that cr@p!..ha!.
It is illegal, you got caught, whats done is done and i hope that others learn from and not repeat your mistake
the Act actually defines "reptiles' as "all native species of reptiles" which, by definition, specifically excludes exotics.

from the Act under definitions
"reptile means a snake, lizard, crocodile, tortoise, turtle or other member of the class reptilia (whether native, introduced or imported), and includes the eggs and the young thereof and the skin or any other part thereof."
i'm not 100% sure how you have the internet yet you couldn't find out before you took the snake what type it was??? also i'm curious how next door found out you had the snake, i could have 50 illegal snakes and they wouldn't know any different because there inside my house!!!

but on the other end i do totally agree with you saving a precious life, that little corn didn't stand in line and choose to be born that species neither did it smuggle it's self in to the country, maybe people should just have a quick think about that

if your going to save somethink illegal in future mate i'd maybe recommend not walking around with it in plain view or telling a soul, as that snake will end up dead now anyway :?
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