Big black cats ( panther) Australia

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thats nice dean30bb there may be no solid proof that there is no big cats here but do you have proof to say there isnt? apart from noone has caught one yet?

This is an absolutely classic tactic deployed by those arguing from a position that has no evidence to back up the claims.

Carl Sagan always said it best Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Now to illustrate how hopelessly flawed it is to take this line of argument.
Using this type of logic (term used loosely) i could propose all these big cat sightings world wide are the result of shape shifting pink unicorns. Crazy ? Where is the evidence ? Pffft... ! Prove its wrong! :lol:

if you didnt already know about the hippo story would you have believed it to be true or shunned it just like you are with this subject?

But the difference is with the hippo example, a hippo was shot and brought in.

What i find most disturbing is the apparent inability for many "believers" to accept the possibility of "large cat" sightings being down to a over sized feral cat... it just has to be the mystical panther.
I agree with jack, it wouldn't surprise me if some or even most of these sighting are swamp wallabies.
Being a land owner/farmer etc for multiple decades doesn't lend any weight to the sightings for me personally.. ive seen too many green tree snakes become taipans thru the highly regarded unquestionable identification skills of farmers.
So let me try and understand this... the record is invalid, but your also saying there is the possibility of monster ferals out there?

Yes..and yes.. :)
As someone already posted..if a pymgy hippo (which are not renowned for being stealth like) can run around in the NT for several years without being found..then why not anything else..and the elephant in the china shop was the lioness found next to the road that was shot in the 1980`s outside Broken Hill..
The NSW dept of primary industries NEVER investigated where it came from.?
Soooo..they will always say they have never seen any hard evidence of large felids presented to them..
Its a pea and thimble just have to watch their hands.. :)
The other "argument" is the "I have X amount of time on the land and I have not seen X so X does not exist"
Its called "Argument from Personal Incredulity" and is a logical fallacy..:D
Implying that the claimant has some amazing font of bush knowledge that covers most of Australia..the same people would have sneered if the hippo was just reported as a sighting.
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australis im not saying it is a panther im just saying that if noone had of brought the body of the hippo in it would not have been believed there is always a possability that there is something out there it may be a feral cat it may not be honestly it dosent concern me any which way unless i am confronted by 1 of them lol but i was just adding my 2 cents i just think the whole subject is very intersting
We cannot say that the sightings are not a large feral cat. Since these animals have been shot and brought to the table by multiple people. At the same time, i still believe of the POSSIBILITY of a big cat in the bush. This is a subject that intrests me alot, i wish i didnt have uni and was able to go do my own research out in the bush. I enjoyed the Alien Big Cats videos, but why the hell is that old man so annoying? He left a bad taste in my mouth...
Close to where I live up in the Kangaroo Valley area there had been a number of sightings of a large black cat and also a number of foot prints found, but this was in many years ago. But still a very interesting controversial subject.
I remember camping about 4 or 5 years a go at Coolendel (a camping area up the Shoalhaven River) My parents and I set up our tent and had made our way to the BBQ area. While I was flashing torch at the other camp sites I shone the torch towards ours and my dad spotting two eyes appear in our campsite. As soon as I had done this the figure had move quickly under a set of poles and railing with the back curving like what a cat would do touching the railing. Wasn't black but more of a light brown colour, but very large.
Anyway still some interesting stories of people's expirence
i would like to announe that i have reached the bottom of this !! Turns out it was my cat Tyson.....


Dont let his cuteness deceive you !! He is a monsterrrr

Licking his lips after he demolished a massive kangaroo ;)


Here he was sizing up our neighbour's children as potential meals......
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My neighbor has a HUGE black cat......i will sell it for the right price, & you can call it a panther a puma or anything else you wish too!

Goodluck this afternoon Aussie, i hope you find something, like others, this story has interested me for awhile.
It's an interesting topic, that's for sure. I don't discount there being some oversized feral cats out there, in fact i'm sure there are. I'm sure they would account for some of these sightings.

However, there is still that side of me that doesn't write off the chance of there also being something more. There is some pretty serious terrain in there, and a lot of places that won't see much human activity. Who knows what could be hiding in there, especially if it is feline, cautious and doesn't want to be seen. Look at the giant squid, it's progressed from mythical sea monster to just another squid now...except even though we are now 100% certain it exists, good luck finding one.
Feral cats would be less well fed than domestics and be riddled with parasites and disease. Why would they be any larger than the average cat and why don't we see huge domestics? Doesn't make sense.
Kempsey has a black panther. There have been reports of positive sightings and a photo of a footprint was in the newspaper. A fella reckon he was within 5 metres away from the black cat before it jumped the fence and fled. These ppl claimed their goats were birthing stillborns, and that something was upsetting them. They believe it to be this cat stalking them in their paddocks.

Feral cats can get quite large - some have been known to reach a metre tall, but ppl who have seen the panther will swear that this cat was no feral pussy cat.
it would still have to be 1 mean feral kitty to even attempt taking on livestock like cows
Feral cats would be less well fed than domestics and be riddled with parasites and disease. Why would they be any larger than the average cat and why don't we see huge domestics? Doesn't make sense.

ever heard of a maincoon cat they are close to double the size of a common domestic cat. how dose it not make sense? also feral cats have quite an array of food in the wild they could be better fed then most domestic cats.
Ok so I was staying at the girlfriends house lastnight out in Bilpin, kurrajong heights ( blue mountins) they have 25 acres with sheep, horses, chooks, and get roo's out in the mornings feeding on the cleared paddocks anyway my girls little brother was taking hay bales down on the quad to give them a feed just on dusk around 8 it was.. He came hooning up to the house on the quad with eyes the size of dinner plates yelling get dad there's a panther down watching the sheep being only 11 and about 4 foot tall he was ******* himself to say the least. So my girls dad drops his beer and went to the gun safe and grabbed his .308 winchester (rifle) and told me to grab the spotty and jump on the quad with him we went straight down to the paddocks where we found all the sheep and horses huddled to together in the corner of the paddock but couldn't see anything, after around half an hour of huddling in the bush with my girls stinky dad's arm pitts we gave up and went back to the house.

Long story short they did a head count of the sheep today and found that one was missing and we couldn't find any signs of it so we have now called a few mates and are going for a hunt a bit later the sarvo and tonight to see if we can find anything. Annd know it won't be shot if not necersery unless it's with a camera.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen these big cats or knows people who have or any storys you may have on these feral cats, panthers..

Here's a clip i found on youtube check it out

Big Cats in Australia - Mystery Black Panthers - YouTube

I live in Bilpin and have spoken to many people who have SEEN the Big Cats... they are alive and well out here (as well as other parts of the east coast of Oz). Would your girlfriend's Bro or Dad be willing to talk to me about their recent experience?


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But look at the body shape, looks like a big cat not a domestic cat.

I'm curious as to how you can tell the difference because believe or not the puma which so many claim it is, is actually not a big cat. It is the largest of the small cats.
In this day and age, why do people still believe everything they see on the TV and read in the newspaper? You can learn some very interesting things when you learn to think for yourself!

If you read about the will be stunned to find out that people do think for themselves..and can do that when they are faced with something they do not understand.
Are books are no go zone as well.?
If books are out..then it would boil down to personal experience to make judgement calls on complex subjects..and the question would be..and what do you base your opinion on then??. :)
Everyone can have an opinion...but not all opinions are equal. LOL
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I've been looking at some Maine Coon cats, they're quite large:
With the exception of the little girl in #7 they are all people holding the cats are using the fishermans pose. I would like to see an image of one with a tap measure.

One of the major problems with these huge cat stories (aside from the lack of hard evidence) is that is not a simple matter for a mammal to get oversize, there are often limiting facts such as respiration, Hip dysplasia and heart problems. Not what you would expect in the wild. Case in point, oversized humans are hardly the type you would find hiking the kakoda trail
I'm becoming more an more convinced that there is something out there being oversized ferals, pumas, panthers there's alot of people that have witnessed or know people who have witnessed, personally I'm a fence sitter until i see it with my eye own eyes but find it quite interesting that some people just deny it and say na nothing out there and thinking the people who state they have seen something or know people that have are just plain dreamers or are not bush smart so to say, with the numbers of sightings i don't think it can be ruled out that there is nothing going on out there. I more interested the more i look into it.

JohnyB I will PM you shortly.

If anyone has any pictures of big ferals from hunting would be appreciated if you can post them up. Heres another video to check out of livestock has a few graphic pictures of livestock and two farmers that are convinced there's something out there..

Australia's Big Cats - YouTube

Theres also pictures of the large cat that was shot by Kurt Engal in Gippsland but I'm having trouble posting them up if anyone knows the photos I'm taking about can you please post them up for me.
I'm becoming more an more convinced that there is something out there being oversized ferals, pumas, panthers there's alot of people that have witnessed or know people who have witnessed, personally I'm a fence sitter until i see it with my eye own eyes but find it quite interesting that some people just deny it and say na nothing out there and thinking the people who state they have seen something or know people that have are just plain dreamers or are not bush smart so to say, with the numbers of sightings i don't think it can be ruled out that there is nothing going on out there. I more interested the more i look into it.

JohnyB I will PM you shortly.

If anyone has any pictures of big ferals from hunting would be appreciated if you can post them up. Heres another video to check out of livestock has a few graphic pictures of livestock and two farmers that are convinced there's something out there..

Australia's Big Cats - YouTube

Theres also pictures of the large cat that was shot by Kurt Engal in Gippsland but I'm having trouble posting them up if anyone knows the photos I'm taking about can you please post them up for me.

I believe you, but end of the day, pics or it did not happen.
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