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The problem for all you dobbers out there is that it really doesnt achieve anything. The courts dont take the issue seriously. The offender gets a slap on the wrist and a small fine and they go home and buy some more.
there was an article in reptiles Australia about keeping exotic vens who in there right mind would risk getting bit by one of them hospitles would not have ant venem
I would love some exotics.
I live in Australia so I cant have them.
I can deal with that!
We have so many amazing natives to keep.
Im one that also wishes Cats & Dogs had more responcible keepers.
We need to get tougher on exotics being keep illegaly.

I honestly dont think it would matter how serious the authorities got, some people would still keep and breed them. There's also some people keeping exotics who dont even realise their illegal!!
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Krusty!!!!!!! You got a pic of this corn x woma???? I want to see that. If it's legal..... I want a hatchling... PLEASE :D
But mcloughlin2 we dont want exotics to solve problems we want them as pets to keep in our house, not to let them free in the wild.
But mcloughlin2 we dont want exotics to solve problems we want them as pets to keep in our house, not to let them free in the wild.

Tell that to all the corn keepers who have either released them or let them escape.
if people are really aginst it they should just report them, slothhead you can not just distry an animal because its an exotic, thats just cruel, and i cant belive that came out of the fingers of a herp lover, if you want im happy to take all names and addresses and report on your behalf, and keep all names where information came from out of it, but distroying these imports is not the answer. reshipping to place of origin is and establishing a relese programme, is a far more reasonable option.
BIG RYANO -- do you breath through your mouth all the time... you say that making a comparison of someone breaking into someones home and someone keeping corn snakes etc is a pathetic comparison. But maybe it just needs to be spelt out for you.

By you not doing anything about ILLEGAL snakes etc, because it is none of your business is precisely the same as you not doing anything about OTHER ILLEGAL activities, how you go with that..

I agree with you though. Yes, there have been exotics in Australia for a while. And certainly, the penalties need to get tougher on these things. The only way that penalties really become tougher is if the correct authorities have a better understanding of the ILLEGAL animals kept. Without people saying anything, then there is not this understanding. But again you flex your ignorance by saying that it wouldnt make any difference.

Simple economics dictates, that if the punishment for the crime is increased then the marginal benefit/ marginal cost ratio is skewed making it less worthwhile. Granted you would never get rid of all of them, but lets say the fine was $10000 if you were caught with an exotic animal, and this was enforced. Then knowing this, exotic keepers would probably not be hanging on to them.

I am not saying you catch wind of something and go running to the closest authorities, i am saying however, that the person with the animal be told of the remifications, and be given the chance to do the RIGHT AND LEGAL thing.

Obviously you are one of those believers that animals were placed here for our amusement. Maybe we should all take arms back up again.

There are many people out there that would like exotics, because the grass is greener, and just to have. But the simple fact of the matter is, these things will be released into the wild.

How about we just go back to the simple example, THE EVERGLADES.
if people are really aginst it they should just report them, slothhead you can not just distry an animal because its an exotic, thats just cruel, and i cant belive that came out of the fingers of a herp lover, if you want im happy to take all names and addresses and report on your behalf, and keep all names where information came from out of it, but distroying these imports is not the answer. reshipping to place of origin is and establishing a relese programme, is a far more reasonable option.

These reptiles are worth very little money overseas esp. species like corns. Shipping them OS and selling them would never be feasable. I dont think albinos would go very well in the wild, not to mention how they could affect the native population. Not to mention distributing species of unknown location into a random environment could affect the local population.
so take the answer distroy them, there has to be a fairer way, and beside albino in the europian market would be fine, yes not a lot of money, but in places like the uk, a few speices you dont need permits, and im fairly sure corns fall into group, cost of exporting os, against market price would most likely break even, if not make a small profit which could then be ut back into looking after and protecting our natives.
slothhead you can not just distry an animal because its an exotic, thats just cruel, and i cant belive that came out of the fingers of a herp

I think you were trying to say destroy... i am not saying that because it is exotic then it needs to be destroyed. It should be taken to a facility to handle this sort of thing. ie zoo, etc.

With regards to shipping them back, yeah, that is worth while, and make the person that owned it cover all the costs.

How do you think that OPMV arrived?????????????
My dear SlothHead, IMO the only acceptable reasons for giving someone up are : Abusing kids or women, terrorism, bashing old people, selling hard drugs to kids,breaking into a neighbors house or murder without a real good reason. Well, there the only ones i can think of at this moment. Keeping snakes of any kind illegally does not compare to any of these. Besides, i'd have to dob in half of the herp industry in this country, and some of them are "big names". Your fighting a war you cant win. As i said, i dont agree with exotics. As for the not dobbing. it's just the way i was brought up.
i agree opmv is here because of this trade, and the owners/ importers should cover costing of shipping to wherever, i think a lot of the problem is education of the general public.
so take the answer distroy them, there has to be a fairer way, and beside albino in the europian market would be fine, yes not a lot of money, but in places like the uk, a few speices you dont need permits, and im fairly sure corns fall into group, cost of exporting os, against market price would most likely break even, if not make a small profit which could then be ut back into looking after and protecting our natives.

Corns cost as little as $15 overseas, exporting them and going through all the quarantine is simply not feasible, unless a zoo needs them, euthanizing them is the only way.
i agree opmv is here because of this trade
The majority of people who should know agree that OPMV was here from the start. Certainly some different strains have probably been imported here over the years, but OPMV has always been here in one form or another. It's not a new thing.
The majority of people who should know agree that OPMV was here from the start. Certainly some different strains have probably been imported here over the years, but OPMV has always been here in one form or another. It's not a new thing.

That just pure speculation. Saying it over and over doesn't make it true. It has not been found in wild populations. Its certainly here now though.
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