Ways of killing your mice.

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I don't trust rodents from the unknown (bought ones), well worth growing your own, at least you know how long it's been un-frozen.
I like sitting out the back at night with a beer and a torch and spot lighting the mice with their custom made harness on their back to hold the little CO2 canister hooked up to a mini face mask just in case they are jumped by a snake. Even better when they get jumped and ask the snake to hang-on a second while it takes a hit from the mask... :)
Of course freezing them doesn't kill them instantly. Freezing them would be about as humane as dropping them in boiling water. If you want to find out ways of killing them, just think of how to kill a human. cO2 is by far the friendliest way to go if you aren't going to buy them already mousicled. Just think "Would I like to die by being slowly frozen to death in a freezer?" The lower extremities freeze solid first and basically they would have frost bite, and the inside of their lungs and throat would more than likely end up with freezer burn, and imagine the pain of sitting bare foot on a frozen surface until you slowly freeze to death - unless you want to provide them with tiny mouse booties so that they aren't standing on ice blocks while you torture them to death. If you are going to harvest your own reptile food, don't be a psycho about it - have the decency to do it humanely I say. And thats the end of my nice graphic rant :)
Easiest and fastest way is to put there head on the edge of a bench etc and place a screwdriver or pencil across the back of the neck sideways (so the handle is facing east/west)
Push down hard on the screwdriver and pull really hard on their tail near the base of it (otherwise you'll pull the skin off the tail) and it's all over in a few seconds.
I used to get the mice and sit them in front of the TV while Australian Idol was on, they died of boredom within 8 minutes, I guess It would work with big brother as well.
Co2 is the only way to go i reckon....
Heres my setup
got the soda stream from opshop for $5 then bought the Co2 cylinder from kmart. too easy...

I got it about 12months ago and havent had to get a refill yet.


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put them in a bag,then fling thebag around and smash on ground,
or you could brick em:lol:
I've been reading a few of the posts on freezing of mice to kill them & how cruel it is & all the horrible things that happen to them, like their extremities freezing while they are conscious, icicles of blood spearing their heart etc, etc. What utter garbage!

Firstly, I am not suggesting we should use this method, but if you are going to post about such an emotional issue, then it might help to do a bit of research on the subject so you know the facts. I have dealt with plenty of patients (human variety) who suffered from hypothermia for a variety of reasons, some of which didn't survive. I won't go into details on the subject here, but it isn't such a horrible death as some would have you believe. Read up on the subject & you will find symptoms such as "stupor" & "euphoria" etc. Then after all that, failure of the electrophysiology of the heart causes cardiac arrest at temps as high as 26 or 27deg C in humans. That's a long way from freezing or forming icicles in the blood. Some native tribes even used it as a form of painless euthanasia for their elderly. So just watch out if you're getting on a bit & the kids want you to go outside & sit in the snow. :rolleyes:

Anyway, just for the record, I use CO2 for large numbers for the freezer. For small numbers for feeding, I pull their neck or just "brick 'em". :lol:
Cervical dislocation. Quick, easy, FREE and painless provided you do it correctly. if you haven't done it before, then practice on some already dead mice.

1. Pick up mouse by the base of the tail (the thicker bit)

2. bring mouse towards the 'edge' of something like a desk or another flat surface. You'll notice the will raise their heads up to try and grab on.

3. let them 'just' grab hold then put your finger/pencil/stick at the base of the skull

4. In one sharp, rapid and firm (not too hard) movement, simultaneously push forward with your finger and pull back on the tail.

5. If you did it correctly you should hear the 'pop' of the neck breaking and the mouse will be dead instantly.
You can use a hammer, stick, axe, besser block, CO2 etc. IMO it easier just to break their necks(as above with thumb on the neck) or hit their head on any hard surface. They are only small and it doesnt take too much force to kill them (they are better off not mushy when feed to snake or they will make a mess).

I used to get the mice and sit them in front of the TV while Australian Idol was on, they died of boredom within 8 minutes, I guess It would work with big brother as well.
Dam you are one evil ____, far worse than freezing or drowing to death, I hope the rspca get you for that :evil:
I've been reading a few of the posts on freezing of mice to kill them & how cruel it is & all the horrible things that happen to them, like their extremities freezing while they are conscious, icicles of blood spearing their heart etc, etc. What utter garbage!

Firstly, I am not suggesting we should use this method, but if you are going to post about such an emotional issue, then it might help to do a bit of research on the subject so you know the facts. I have dealt with plenty of patients (human variety) who suffered from hypothermia for a variety of reasons, some of which didn't survive. I won't go into details on the subject here, but it isn't such a horrible death as some would have you believe. Read up on the subject & you will find symptoms such as "stupor" & "euphoria" etc. Then after all that, failure of the electrophysiology of the heart causes cardiac arrest at temps as high as 26 or 27deg C in humans. That's a long way from freezing or forming icicles in the blood. Some native tribes even used it as a form of painless euthanasia for their elderly. So just watch out if you're getting on a bit & the kids want you to go outside & sit in the snow. :rolleyes:

Anyway, just for the record, I use CO2 for large numbers for the freezer. For small numbers for feeding, I pull their neck or just "brick 'em". :lol:
Yeah but is a naked human going to survive 9hrs at -20deg? My guess is they'd be out pretty quick before the nasty stuff starts to happen.
"This method is not recommended. Formation of ice crystals on the skin and in tissues of an animal may cause pain or distress. Quick freezing of deeply anesthetized animals is acceptable." - AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia.
That sounds like bits freezing to me ;)
Yeah cervical dislocation is the way to go:rolleyes: grab 6 litters of weaners and pop away! just Bl__dy perfect!! What a way to train a budding serial killer! Hands on murder what a great feeling!

Use CO2 if that is a drama buy pre-packaged food.
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