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Hmmmm.... Interesting.....

i dont belive that snakes "love" being handled or "love" there owners, i am a firm believer that some snakes will tolerate this and some dont, there for i never hold my snakes just for the hell of it. only to feed/water/check and clean....
flame suit is already on....:D

Really Melgalea you don't ever feel like spending a bit of time with your snake and take it out of it's enclosure????
I suppose I'm a hands on kind of person though, I can't really understand your view I couldn't just leave him alone.
Are your snakes more of a decoration for you??? No malice intended.......
so you dont think that some snakes like to be taken out of there enlcosures?


But seriously, snakes dont give a rats about their owners.

If you are constantly taking them out to "play" with them, your are only doing it for yourself, not the animal.
Australis... do all your snakes bite you when you get them out?
Cause it sounds like you are scared of them if you dont get them out?
Really Melgalea you don't ever feel like spending a bit of time with your snake and take it out of it's enclosure????
I suppose I'm a hands on kind of person though, I can't really understand your view I couldn't just leave him alone.
Are your snakes more of a decoration for you??? No malice intended.......

in reply to your question photogypsy, no, i dont feel like getting them out just to spend time with them. i have far too many to even if i wanted too.
they are not a decoration, if i wanted a decoration i would buy a ordament, i simply enjoy having there presence in our house, and will be breeding them. i am a very firm beliver that too much handling is stressfull for the snakes. so i choose not to, i give them the respect they deserve. you dont see snakes in the wild being handled every day of the week do you?

But seriously, snakes dont give a rats about their owners.

If you are constantly taking them out to "play" with them, your are only doing it for yourself, not the animal.

Understood that snakes are not like cats and dogs, got it ...... BUT what about all of the people on this site that say that their snake is almost desperate to get out of its enclosure when they approach it, how do you explain that?? Or that once their owner is ready to put them back they u-turn and climb back up thier arms???
Come on there has got to be a bit of "LOVE" there!!!
Respect??... it sounds like you just have it to look at and show off? Why dont you just let it go in the wild then if you thinks your not cruel?
No, i just have some respect for them, im not cruel.

well said australis, :D
just because we choose to not handle our snakes does not mean we are frightened of them. i have been bitten so many times i have lost count. alot of us keepers choose not to handle them due to the fact that we respect the animal and choose not to add extra stress in its life
Understood that snakes are not like cats and dogs, got it ...... BUT what about all of the people on this site that say that their snake is almost desperate to get out of its enclosure when they approach it, how do you explain that?? Or that once their owner is ready to put them back they u-turn and climb back up thier arms???
Come on there has got to be a bit of "LOVE" there!!!

Understood that snakes are not like cats and dogs, got it ...... BUT what about all of the people on this site that say that their snake is almost desperate to get out of its enclosure when they approach it, how do you explain that?? Or that once their owner is ready to put them back they u-turn and climb back up thier arms???
Come on there has got to be a bit of "LOVE" there!!!

All easy to explain, but do you really want to know?

You put anything in a box, and open it pretty good chance its going to come out...

Then put any animal back into that box, and wow it doesnt want to go back in :shock:
Respect??... it sounds like you just have it to look at and show off? Why dont you just let it go in the wild then if you thinks your not cruel?

you sound obviously new to reptiles...
i have been keeping alot of reptiles for almost 7 years. calling me a show off couldnt be further from the truth, obviously you dont know me at all :rolleyes:
I just dont get if you have a snake just to look at and you say it is cruel to handle it and all that... wouldnt it be better off in the wild from what you r saying?
Respect??... it sounds like you just have it to look at and show off? Why dont you just let it go in the wild then if you thinks your not cruel?

Im hardly a show-off.

So i guess you think all fish owners are just "show-offs"?? because they keep animals they cant touch?

Come on, seriously.
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