Anyone Into Metal?

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hahaha ok
just didnt want to hit a nerve and i didnt know if you liked them
some people really love there music and get offened at small things

Anyone is entitled to listen to whatever they like...I don't judge them. So are they metal or arent they??
I said i think their Nu Metal with alot of punk thrown in the mix

Then again i dont know or care seeing as i dont listen to them
I just loathe them
Therefore they are metal...thank you. I'm not defending Slipknot or anything, I'm just trying to figure out the self-proclaimed metal heads who split metal up into fifty thousand different genres and then decide whats cool and what isnt and talk down upon anyone who listens to what they would decribe as 'not the right stuff' just because they don't like that style or the band for some unknown reason. I have had a strong involvement in the Australian metal and hardcore scenes and have an appreciation for all the bands and the 'genres' that they are placed into by their supporters/haters.
nah i wouldnt like to think of my self as an "metal elitist" I just like having my Ipod in order
with all the categories sorted

I know what you mean

Hiiii METAL heads
my band is from the frost bitten artic and we are black/thrash//death/avant garde/grind/pornocore/industraial with only two instruments one being a bin can

stuff like that is annoying

what do you mean by
have had a strong involvement in the Australian metal and hardcore scenes
nah i wouldnt like to think of my self as an "metal elitist" I just like having my Ipod in order
with all the categories sorted

I know what you mean

Hiiii METAL heads
my band is from the frost bitten artic and we are black/thrash//death/avant garde/grind/pornocore/industraial with only two instruments one being a bin can

stuff like that is annoying

what do you mean by

'Strong' probably wasn't the right word to use, I have a few mates in bands and have traveled round with them and done the behind the scenes stuff. I also try to get to as many shows as possible. There is a hell of a lot of hard work involved in 'making it' as you would know with your band! Most bands can't even figure out which category that they fit into exactly, and some bands verge across many of the genres its impossible to label I don't know how these metal elitists can whack them ino a category that they see fit and then call them **** and not real metal coz they are not in a 'cool' or 'real-metal' category. What is 'real-metal' anyway? To me the only real metal is the roots (Black Sabbath, Zepplin, etc) and metal sure has changed a lot since then!
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Oh and just so you know, Im not having a go at you or anyone else on this thread. The point I'm just trying to get across is that metal should just be appreciated for what it is...VERY passionate music that has the bands complete heart and soul behind it! Its a hard slog for any band and they are at least worthy of that recognition. I don't like haters that have no reason for their hate.
like i said its all subjective
thats why i dont like to get into specifics
to me
just technical, brutal, progressive and thats about all the sub genres i use

yer i do all the organizing in my band right now
its not too hard
just finding the right people takes time really
had a few offers from labels saying they would like to hear more and to send in our EP when where done
which should be in few weeks maybe a month or so
i think its cool so many people like amon amarth
and cannibal corpse
and of co**** DETHKLOK!!
like i said its all subjective
thats why i dont like to get into specifics
to me
just technical, brutal, progressive and thats about all the sub genres i use

yer i do all the organizing in my band right now
its not too hard
just finding the right people takes time really
had a few offers from labels saying they would like to hear more and to send in our EP when where done
which should be in few weeks maybe a month or so

And thats pretty much all the genres that there should be...I also like to used 'metalcore' as so many bands now have hardcore elements in with their 'metal'. I would also be very interested in hearing some of your music!
Agents of Abhorrence gogogo :D probably my favourite aussie grind. They're playing at the Hi-Fi late Feb.. Not keen on the other bands playing... may still make it out to see Agents depending on price.

The BF had a grind band going at some point, they only played a few gigs and ended up splitting.. trouble with commitment issues with other band members and ****. Pity, Bris needs more Grind and they had potential.
It is a shame, not much of a grind scene in brisbane hey, actually is there any? Great to visit melbourne every now and then and see so many peopleat grind shows.
Anyone know any drummers, I should get a grind band happening
Thrash all the way, with a bit of everything else thrown in. Went & saw Mastodon last week, I think we have a new genre in "Beard Metal".
a man after my own heart while there are some questionable bands there (cough slipknot cough) every single band is METALLLLLL \m/ \m/

haha yea i started on slipknot and very quickly moved on, as i said havnt listen to them in a VERY long time, and have no urge or pl
an to get into them again
I dont think Metallica has been mentioned yet, what tha!!

yes it has, check my previous post. and i dont think metalica even needs to be mentioned, everyone listens to metallica and they go without saying.
I'm a contractor for a large 'iron ore' mining company... so you could say Im into metal ;)
yer well i study it
cos ill be doing bioengineering and chemistry

carbon rules:p

hahaha thats cool
my dad used to be an engineer for a mining company
It is a shame, not much of a grind scene in brisbane hey, actually is there any? Great to visit melbourne every now and then and see so many peopleat grind shows.
Anyone know any drummers, I should get a grind band happening

Not really. The closest you'll get to that raw sound is going to be the hardcore gigs they hold at the legion hall in the valley - which is awesome, $5 rum & coke- (NOTE: not to be confused with skinny-jean wearing, large gauge piercing trendy "hardcore") and at the jube.. I'm not sure when they're on though, silly punks don't have a gig guide from what I've seen. I just go whenever I hear about them.

They're my favourite shows to go to, metal scenesters tend to try too hard to be trendy/brootal and are judgemental as hell and very cliquey; hardcore gigs are more laid back, the people tend to just do what they like without worrying what others are going to say.
I tend to only go to metal gigs these days if there's a really good band playing, otherwise the atmosphere isn't really somewhere I like being.

I don't think the drummer for my bf's old band isn't doing anything at the moment, but apparently he's getting an operation on his shoulder so that might be a problem while he's recovering.
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They're my favourite shows to go to, metal scenesters tend to try too hard to be trendy/brootal and are judgemental as hell and very cliquey; hardcore gigs are more laid back, the people tend to just do what they like without worrying what others are going to say.

Coming up to Brisbane from Melbourne a few years ago, Cliquey would be the best word to some the scene up, I feel like an *** for saying that, but it's just true, all metal scenes have there elitist ****ers, but it seems so stand offish here if you know what I mean. I'll second that harcore shows are far more laid back, not everyone checking out t-shirts to see who has the most obscure ban,

Surgery rocks! just got my first big *** scar from nerve surgery on my elbow
And snowman wins for being the person most into metal on here
go on a website called rivers of gore

awesome site to find metal bands that are unknown but still awesome
the site is pretty sweet to...till you realize half the people on their are just trying to out metal
everyone else.
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