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What is your faith?

  • Catholic

    Votes: 25 9.4%
  • Anglican

    Votes: 9 3.4%
  • Jehovah's Witness

    Votes: 5 1.9%
  • Other Christian

    Votes: 17 6.4%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 9 3.4%
  • Other Eastern

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 10.5%
  • Atheist/No religion

    Votes: 158 59.4%
  • snake fanatic

    Votes: 10 3.8%

  • Total voters
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Well I personally can't stand religion, It is such a primitive way of thinking and I truly believe it holds us back as a species. I hate the power of the church and places like the Vatican, it's like a country in itself.
I can't stand the virus of faith which is past on by parents brainwashing their children and I find it sad that people think they have to endure this life to get to the next, and yes if I do worship anyone it is Richard Dawkins.

I also don't understand how people dismiss the theory of evolution put forward by Charles Darwin in 1859 in his book on the origin of species which by the way is my bible. The theory of evolution by natural selection has been tried and tested and tested again for over 150 years and finally confirmed with the discovery of DNA and the mapping of the human Genome.

And remember an agnostic is just an athiest with no balls.
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It's interesting to see how vocal the people who are not religious are on this matter compared to the people who are religious. Based on the above comments everyone seems to need to explain/justify why they do not believe in God whilst at the same time, either knowingly or unknowingly, insulting other people's beliefs.

Maybe the reason we feel we have to do that, is because we can't even live in peace in our own homes without religious do-gooders coming and knocking on our doors trying to persuade us to change our minds and telling us that the way we think and live is wrong.

Funny, but I've never had an athiest come to my door thinking they had the right to do the same thing.
I like this thread - I am a little intrigued by all those who do not believe in God. What then is the purpose of your life? is one.

My purpose in life is to enjoy the experience of living. To enjoy the company of my friends and family and to enjoy helping them for the sake of wanting to make their life more enjoyable. To enjoy the earth that we live in, to travel and experience new lands and cultures.

I don't live my life in the hope of dying and getting into heaven. I think people who believe that, are going to get a nasty little shock when they actually do die because I believe heaven and hell were only invented to try and manipulate people into doing the 'right' thing.

I believe in karma. What energy you put out in the world is what you get back.
The Gospel accounts don't classify as primary?

You tell me. Were they written by people who actually knew Jesus and spoke to him? Or were they written after Jesus was said to have died?
What university did you study history at?
Remember, the Bible says that at this stage, Adam and Eve were perfect humans. By eating the fruit - the one thing God said not to do, they were basically saying "God, we don't need you. We're fine on our own. Go away."

Just imagine, you create a beautiful home, give it free of charge, provide everything the occupants need and they tell you to Get Stuffed. How would you feel?

Yet again, no one has ever been able to answer this question to any satisfaction. From what I can remember of the Bible, God also never explained to Adam and Eve what the consequences would be if they did eat the apple. Hardly fair to give such a harsh punishment for something when they didn't know what the consequences of their actions were going to be. Plus, he not only punished them, but every person who came after them.

Anyway, I've always believed that when you give a gift, you don't put conditions on it.
Religion shouldnt be forced onto children from there parents. This is one thing I hate.
There are millions of children out there who are never given the chance to question it, or make up there own minds.

I have 3 children, 2 of which are in school learning religion. In year 1 and 2.
I would never think about forcing my beliefs onto them.

I was one of them for many years. My mother tried to brainwash me and forced me to go to church every week until I was 16 even though I had strong beliefs way back then. She called that 'rebelling' but then anything I do that she doesn't agree with, is classed as that.

I tried everything to get out of going to church and I would try and make her life hell while I was there. One funny thing I did when I was about 5 was that she bought me a pair of knickers that had a big plastic thing on the front and when you pushed it, it would play Baa Baa Black Sheep. I wore them backwards to church and everytime I sat down after standing for a hymn, my backside would play a tune. She was incredibly embarrassed but it gave everyone else a good
You tell me. Were they written by people who actually knew Jesus and spoke to him? Or were they written after Jesus was said to have died?

The bible is just one big game of Chinese whispers, can some one tell me how long the bible was written after the death of Jesus? Iv forgotten.
can some one tell me how long the bible was written after the death of Jesus? Iv forgotten.

My question was rhetorical. There's been a number of different versions produced. I believe the first gospel was Mark and it appeared around 40yrs after Jesus is said to have died.
Yet again, no one has ever been able to answer this question to any satisfaction. From what I can remember of the Bible, God also never explained to Adam and Eve what the consequences would be if they did eat the apple. Hardly fair to give such a harsh punishment for something when they didn't know what the consequences of their actions were going to be. Plus, he not only punished them, but every person who came after them.

Anyway, I've always believed that when you give a gift, you don't put conditions on it.

Genesis 2:15-17: "And Jehovah God proceeded to take the man and settle him in the garden of E´den to cultivate it and to take care of it. And Jehovah God also laid this command upon the man: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die."

Seems pretty clear to me :)
I go for 12 hours the pages go from 9 to 19 it seems everyone has an opinion and thats great:D but i cant be bothered reading through 19 pages of what is very much the same stuff:?.
Judging from the Q's i know more about christianity then MOST of the atheists and thats enough for me(I'm to lazy to change anyway):).
THIS DEBATE WILL GO NO FOREVER..................................................................................
You tell me. Were they written by people who actually knew Jesus and spoke to him? Or were they written after Jesus was said to have died?
What university did you study history at?

They were written after Jesus died, you can't exactly write a factual account of one's death while they're still alive ;).

Matthew and John were members of the Twelve, so they definitely knew Jesus personally. Mark and Luke were not of the Twelve, but they did live at the same time as Jesus and as Christians would have known what was going on.

I have not studied history at university, but what difference does that make? Are my views magically less valid because I have not conformed to one school of secular reasoning?
i was brought up a Jehovah's witness and mum is still one i guess i left when i found parties and boys and other things, im surprised how many others are on here

at the moment im nothing , well i guess just confused

if i was to turn to religion then ild go back to what i was brought up just cause that's what i know i couldn't imagine worshiping something else
i was brought up a Jehovah's witness and mum is still one i guess i left when i found parties and boys and other things, im surprised how many others are on here

at the moment im nothing , well i guess just confused

if i was to turn to religion then ild go back to what i was brought up just cause that's what i know i couldn't imagine worshiping something else

Haha, we still have parties (and boys)! :lol:
Religion shouldnt be forced onto children from there parents. This is one thing I hate.
There are millions of children out there who are never given the chance to question it, or make up there own minds.

I have 3 children, 2 of which are in school learning religion. In year 1 and 2.
I would never think about forcing my beliefs onto them.

yeah i agree thats why i dont understand why catholic baptise them as babies they should be able to make a choice on there own

my bf's family are catholic but he isnt yet they think if we have a baby it should be baptised ive made it very clear i want my kids to make there own choice of if any religion they want, and i get shun'd for that
I have not studied history at university, but what difference does that make? Are my views magically less valid because I have not conformed to one school of secular reasoning?

Considering this a discussion on an internet herp forum it makes no difference :lol:
However I would say that your opinion is not as credible as a university trained historian. I might add that (in my experience atleast across four different universities both in Australia and overseas) university history and religion courses do not teach students to 'conform' to secularism.
In addition, the Gospels are not considered to provide conclusive proof of the existence of Jesus. If that were true the life of Jesus would be accepted fact, which it is not.
What kind of a dick would hang these delicious fruit in front of them and tell them they cant eat it?
Why couldn't they eat it? That's what fruits for? We eat it and spread its seeds.
God sounds like a bit of a dictator to me. Never have like him.

as a test of faith

they were provided with endless amounts of food and did not need the apple but they chose to eat from that tree and had to suffer to consequences
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