breeding rats

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Freezing is cruel and totally uneccessary.Feeding live is asking for trouble as well as being cruel (and dont give me any BS about it being natural etc as in the confines of an enclosure its far from it).Some people have absolutely no idea whatsoever and should research more in the first place.Then there are some who are just plain ignorant and should be limited to keeping pet rocks.

agreed 100 % with you on the pet rocks
:D mel
well that isnt very good advice. Who are you to give advice?? Yer im not saying i didnt say that. And im sure that you have done it once in your herp time, whether it be to get a hatchie to eat???? Even when i do throw a livey in, its much smaller than the snake and CAN NOT hurt the snake at all. A live rat awakens their senses, you must not know this, but yet here you are giving me advice??????

HAHAHAHAHAHA a live rat awakens there senses and i musnt know this. oh my god. i hav been keeping snakes and other various reptiles for almost 7 years. so pls dont tell me i dont know things. but, i dont need to say anymore on the matter, as everyone on this site will agree with me, that live feeding and freezing is CRUEL and INHUMANE and IMMATURE ... grow up.
origanlly posted by Python Gal

Well please inform us of how you kill your rats for your snakes?? Knocking it over the head, isnt nice! Co2 may kill them quicker, but thats not nice either. Id rather just chuck it in live and let nature take its course, as thats what snakes so out in the wild...

what a load of crap, your now saying that you only feed live if they are off there food...yet, you have said in your previous post that you prefer to "chuck them in live and let nature take its course, cause thats what snakes do in the wild"
my only advice to you is sell your snakes and dont keep animals.[/quote]

Mel, I think that's a bit harsh. I personally know pythongal and I know she takes extreame pride in her snakes and they are given the best treatment and care. It's easy to make judgement of people on a forum, but without knowing the person or seeing her snakes in person it's not right to make such a harsh judgement. She does not feed her snakes live rats all the time, I know this as I purchase my frozen rats with her. I'm sure even yourself have made mistakes in the past and this being a forum everyone weather very experienced or nowing nothing will answer to posts, it's up to the person asking the quesiton to choose what sounds right. I know plenty of breeders that breed rats that just freeze them but u would never no cause they will never tell u. Not saying anything about it being wrong or right just pointing out a relevant issue. And lets' face it as much as we would like to belive every herp owner is a saint they are far from this, not saying that anything on this thread is right or wrong but just pointing out that people will only tell u what u want to hear, not what they actually do. And congradulations to the people who have never lied.
without sounding like a fool .... I have read that with cane toads you should put them in the fridge over night, this puts them in a sort of coma, and then in the morning put them in the freezer. Could the same be used with rats etc?? or are they two different things completely.
A live rat awakens their senses, you must not know this, but yet here you are giving me advice??????
Sometimes I catch a crimson rosella or rainbow lorrikeet and shut it up in a small room with my cat. She enjoys the feeling of alertness that it inspires in her. Or I bring home a lamb for my rottweilerXbullpigwolfmastiff to chase and savage. He loves it. It really hones his hunt instinct, which he needs to enable him to eat his dinner from a dog bowl.
Sometimes I catch a crimson rosella or rainbow lorrikeet and shut it up in a small room with my cat. She enjoys the feeling of alertness that it inspires in her. Or I bring home a lamb for my rottweilerXbullpigwolfmastiff to chase and savage. He loves it. It really hones his hunt instinct, which he needs to enable him to eat his dinner from a dog bowl.

LMAO GW, yet again you show your sharp wit! Love it!!!!
The same people who tell that animal it is going to live in a cage...
thats pretty funny GreenWillow!!! I'm not here to make enemies, but on here you are judged before you even get a chance to speak...
Thanks :D

And I think you have actually been judged because you do something which a lot of other people on here feel very strongly about. Whether out of ignorance, laziness or sheer lack of empathy you indulge in a practice which most of us know to be cruel and totally unnecessary. Others before you have also done the same thing, but upon learning that it causes unnecessary suffering, cease doing it.

There is nothing wrong with making a mistake. There IS something wrong with stubbornly defending a position that is indefensable, especially when it causes suffering for an animal. Most of us on here do not want ANY animal to suffer, no matter what that animal is. And yes, we stand in judgement on people who indulge in cruel practices, no matter WHAT they are doing it for.

You kill cane toads? Great. You do it in a slow and painful way? Shame on you.

You feed rats to your pythons? Well, naturally! You put these rats in the freezer to kill them? Shame on you.
I said nohing about kane toads . And I understand the whole debate about what's cruel and what's not. I'm not saying everyone should throw out there defrosted rats and start feeding there snakes live. All I'm saying is I have a snake that has made her choice on what she wants and other than starving her (which I would call cruel) I give her live when she won't eat. Which is recomended if necessary

so u give her live....what happens when this snake becomes fully grown, you gonna be throwing live adult rats into the enclosure....... a adult rat will do alot of damage to your snake, plus it would be a very cruel death for the rat.
so u give her live....what happens when this snake becomes fully grown, you gonna be throwing live adult rats into the enclosure....... a adult rat will do alot of damage to your snake, plus it would be a very cruel death for the rat.

Just because a snake is large, dosn't mean u have to feed it a large adult rat. U can feed them a couple of mediums which is much more healthy for the snake.
Just because a snake is large, dosn't mean u have to feed it a large adult rat. U can feed them a couple of mediums which is much more healthy for the snake.

sure, lets all promote live feeding....:rolleyes:
instead of having 1 poor rat be eaten to death whilst alive...lets add 2 to the picture....honestly :rolleyes:
Just because a snake is large, dosn't mean u have to feed it a large adult rat. U can feed them a couple of mediums which is much more healthy for the snake.

or just give it 50 pinkys every week, coz theyre harmless :\
I said nohing about kane toads . And I understand the whole debate about what's cruel and what's not. I'm not saying everyone should throw out there defrosted rats and start feeding there snakes live. All I'm saying is I have a snake that has made her choice on what she wants and other than starving her (which I would call cruel) I give her live when she won't eat. Which is recomended if necessary
I realise you said nothing about cane toads. I was merely using them as an example to illustrate my point. This is what people do during discussions/debates.

Further, I'm not sure you DO understand the debate about what is cruel and what is not, as a little earlier on in the debate you were advocating putting rats into the freezer to kill them, indicating that you thought this was as fine a way to kill them as hitting their head against a hard surface or gassing them. Perhaps you have forgotten that we were discussing this matter, in which case, it is fortunate that atleast one of us keeping track of the discussion.

Feeding live, that is a second debate entirely, and one I am not going to get into with you as the details changed as they emerged... you feed live to your snakes because they like it and it keeps them alert? You only feed live when a particular snake refuses to eat? I am not sure what the real story is.
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