Bullying In Schools :(

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Lol i agree with everyone who says Boxing or Tae kwon doe. Since i started martial arts i dont fear anything, its great :D
yeh ari thats a good idea,i was bullied at school the first day till the last day i was there.i know how the fella must feel.and all i was picked on for was being gay lol,kids can be so mean, good luck with it
and i know how the schools are theses days too,when i was just starting at high school a girl punched me in the nose..breaking it and sliting my lip,i was screaming and had blood peeing outta my nose,mouth and ears and you know how long she got suspended for??? 3 days!!! !!! so tell ur little fella to look up on the bright side and think about them trains and snakes!
good luck
Threaten legal action. A learning support teacher at my school had to do that at a local primary school up here when the principal refused to admit there was a problem (kid had so many bruises it wasn't funny). Anyway she won but then other primary schools wouldn't hire her as they knew she'd stick up for herself. She's quite happy at my school now. I really look up to her.
As i am 12 i don't usually get bullied but as i just done a Transition thing in Le fever high School and a few kids had a go at me for being fat ( mind you one of them was a whale) and i showed em not to mess with me, sometimes unfortunately violence is the answer! Ps. if they are just calling names teach you're kids to laugh it off the bullies wont ever try again( i know form experience)
as a teacher and year advisor, with a partner who is a school counselor, we deal with bullying issues every day, and i must point out that it is virtually impossible for adults in a school in this day and age to eradicate bullying...
unfortunately if we dish out any punishment to a bullying child, than they bullied child then becomes a greater target in the eyes of the bully (for getting them in trouble)...
the bullying child is typically one who lacks the confidence in academic or sporting prowess, or belongs to a not very supporting family (or even has a violent home life) and so resorts to the intimidatory behaviour to gain some locus of control over their lives... seriously, it is the bullies i teach who are often the children you end up feeling sorry for because they often have a horrible life...
if you want to try and alleviate the degree of bullying in a school, then fight fire with fire... we have instigated a very powerful system in which we target the bystanders to bullying, in this way we have made it the responsibility of any student who witnesses bullying to be responsible to step in and defend the bullied, and also to report the bullying.... bullies respond very well to peer pressure, so if bully bystanders give these bullies a negative feed back on their behaviour, the bully will adjust their behaviour to seek positive feed back for some other endeavour...

whew... maybe you better pm me if you want some advice to take to your school, otherwise i will blab on for three pages...
Yeah that's a good point Jack... students care more about what their peers have to say rather than 'old foggie teachers'. But in this case it appears to be the ENTIRE school plus principal just doing nothing at all.

I still say legal action at the principal, but Jack's thoughts are great too.
hey i really hope everything works out for the best. i remember being bullied at school i hated it .
i think bullying needs to be stopped asap so it dont get out of hand. good luck.
Unfortunately bullying happens in small schools too. I am a huge advocate for small schools, my 3 primary aged kids go to a small school with an enrolement of 5....but we have had our fair share of bullying and a couple of very serious incidents. First point of call is check out what your schools bullying policy is. Make sure that is is a recently ratified policy too. Put bullying on the agenda of the next school council meeting...and bring it up there. Ask what is happening about bullying. DO NOT MENTION individual kids names as this will cause major dramas. I have found that going to the regional office is sometimes a dead end and they dont really understand or seem to care about small schools. And if they do listen they want to know whats you have done to try and rectify the situation. If you cant get anywhere with all of this then get a solicitors letter. Keep a diary of all events that happen and what you did about it noting dates, times and peple involved and spoken too.
Other than that teach your kids strategies to deal with the bullying on both a physical and emotional level there is plenty of info out there. If you need PM me and ill see what else i can come up with.
Good luck and tell your litle fella that trains are cool...;)
i think you are luckier growing up being bullied at school than being the bully.
it builds character that in later life may help you
i got bullied sometimes and i would snap
and other kids found this amusing
kids shouldnt have to fight if they dont feel like it though
theres no pressure
but by all means have a crack back at the bullys
wrap a bit of 4 X 2 round there head lol
Lol. Being bullied does not build character. It can cause children to become withdrawn, anxious and depressed.
it CAN build character... depends on the child, and on the definition of "character"

i was bullied, both verbally and physically through most of high school.
i was the smart, skinny, musical kid, who didn't play sport, in an all boys school.

always had a fairly high tolernace for the abuse, so i was lucky....
i did manage to make it stop tho... although i wouldn't recomend this...
about 2 weeks after columnbine, while being verbally assaulted by a jock, i turned around,
with tha nastiest, and most importantly SERIOUS eyes i have ever had,
calmly said "i will kill you, not now, and not in a fight, but i will come to school one day, and i will kill you, and any friends you have nearby, and any other of you ****ing jocks i happen to see along the way"
then i walked away.
next day i start getting people offer to help me organise, asking if i am for real, telling me specific people i should "hit"
day after i have a meeting with the VP... one of the boys(jocks) mothers called... worried for her sons life (they clearly believed i'd do it). The VP sat me down, told me she called, said "i assume this is a joke..."
asked for the names of all the jocks who are, and have ever, picked on me, and for any particular repeat offenders.
found out a few days later from a friend-ish teacher (music) that each of the jocks was heavily yelled at, basicly told their behaviour was reprehensible, and if they ever drove a student to actually go columnbine on them, then they'd deserve it" and added that if he hears ANY of their names associated with bullying again that year, he would ban them from playing for any school clubs, and refuse to release their contracts so they could play elsewhere.

i never really had a problem again.
Contact the department of education and tell them that the principal is a useless twat and is leaking confidetial information (that you made a phone call to him/her about the bullying) to the famillies of the bullies and that he is not dealing with the issues. I guarantee you that will get his attention and something will be done about it if he ever wants to get another principal job again.
I am very introverted and I think it is because I was bullied all through school.
When I was a kid it would effect me to the point where I would cry a lot and go to the sick bay during lunch so I would avoid them.

In high school most of them would be in a group of people wait until AFTER I've walked past to say something and if I turn around to see who does it nobody stands up. It just shows how pathetic they really are.

I still get random comments down the street every now and then, but I've heard it all before and every bit of crap that spews from their mouth is far from the truth.

My looking different is always going to attract the random ahole thinking because I don't look like everyone else I am deserving of their close minded opinion.

Some of the things they come out with makes me laugh a lot though (at them, not with them), so sometimes it's a good source of entertainment.
I was bullied through school, high school was wore and girls are way worse than boys for the verbal stuff. i attribute the fact that i cannot deeplytrust anyone and am socially awkward on being bullied. I'm sorry that this is happening to your children, and can only repeat what others have said - some sort of confidence building activity, get stuck into the principal/school system, keep track of everything that goes on, TALK to your children so they know it is not their fault, that there is nothing wrong with them
it CAN build character... depends on the child, and on the definition of "character"

i was bullied, both verbally and physically through most of high school.
i was the smart, skinny, musical kid, who didn't play sport, in an all boys school.

always had a fairly high tolernace for the abuse, so i was lucky....
i did manage to make it stop tho... although i wouldn't recomend this...
about 2 weeks after columnbine, while being verbally assaulted by a jock, i turned around,
with tha nastiest, and most importantly SERIOUS eyes i have ever had,
calmly said "i will kill you, not now, and not in a fight, but i will come to school one day, and i will kill you, and any friends you have nearby, and any other of you ****ing jocks i happen to see along the way"
then i walked away.
next day i start getting people offer to help me organise, asking if i am for real, telling me specific people i should "hit"
day after i have a meeting with the VP... one of the boys(jocks) mothers called... worried for her sons life (they clearly believed i'd do it). The VP sat me down, told me she called, said "i assume this is a joke..."
asked for the names of all the jocks who are, and have ever, picked on me, and for any particular repeat offenders.
found out a few days later from a friend-ish teacher (music) that each of the jocks was heavily yelled at, basicly told their behaviour was reprehensible, and if they ever drove a student to actually go columnbine on them, then they'd deserve it" and added that if he hears ANY of their names associated with bullying again that year, he would ban them from playing for any school clubs, and refuse to release their contracts so they could play elsewhere.

i never really had a problem again.

lol, while this may have worked I probably wouldn't recommend it these days :p The bullies family are likey to report you on the terrorist hotline and get your house raided or something :D
lol, while this may have worked I probably wouldn't recommend it these days :p The bullies family are likey to report you on the terrorist hotline and get your house raided or something :D

nah.... don't know about now....

but i wouldnt have been raided... i am white and not muslim.... the terror hotline wouldnt have cared
I had a similiar problem with one of my children. Ring the school and tell them they havea legal resposnibility to follow through with their anti bullying policy- All schools have them now. Tell him you are going to take it to the education department. Its also a breach of confidentiality. Ring the education board and ask to speak to the person that deals with bullying in schools they will put you through to the area manager of your school, they can get you help, but you must speak to the principal first and mention this policy. Ask for a copy of it and or look at it. He will then know you mean business
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