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its not 100% for sure, but it increases the chance of getting a preferred sex. my aunt did it with her 3 and she got exactly what they were trying for, girl - boy - girl. we tried it with this baby, but only time will tell if it worked. u can look it up on the net, its everywhere under 'gender selection' or something similar.
With your 'natural' gender selection methods you have a 50% chance of getting the sex you want :lol:

Maybe just be happy with a beautiful healthy child? Whatever the sex?
There's a good book called, Up The Duff, it was like the bible when my wife was pregnant.

Try and have a boy then you only have to worry about the one, if you have a girl then you need to worry about every boy she ever has contact with.
i have just read every single post on here .... you are understandably excited and scared, and that is 'normal' .. but most males wouldn't admit to it....

and i'd like to add my two cents....
1. trust your instincts
2. be a parent until your child reaches 18.
3. have a routine and be consistant
4. Love it with everything you have
5 If all else fails refer to No 1 because everything else you have listened to and learnt will fall by the wayside in times of stress.

Anything your partner threatens you with while she is in labour should be ignored and is not admissable in court,

and to the poster who claimed your partner will milk the pregnancy for all its worth, i'm sorry you got a lousy partner, but dont rubberstamp all females with that statement, most of us have 'off days' as it can be tiring growing a human being.. but
a lot of us don't slowdown - or worse, come to a complete standstill from the day we find out we are pregnant..
I never claimed she was lousy, she is a beautiful and extraordinary woman, she worked right through her pregnancy even though it wasn't necessary, she did however milk it when she thought she could get away with it. Usually I didn't mind, after all whats nine months in a lifetime. Can you honestly say you didn't play on it even just a little bit?
No worries. In case you didn't realize I was fishing with the original comment. I'm quite surprised that you are the only one that took the bait.
I never claimed she was lousy, she is a beautiful and extraordinary woman, she worked right through her pregnancy even though it wasn't necessary, she did however milk it when she thought she could get away with it. Usually I didn't mind, after all whats nine months in a lifetime. Can you honestly say you didn't play on it even just a little bit?

What specific knowledge do you have of being pregnant that enables you to make the call that your partner was 'milking it'? :?

Forget it, just read your recent post.....
I'll answer anyway. It's the same knowledge I use to get extra attention when I have a cold
:lol: Umm sorry, but my daughter is living proof that thats crap.

*edit* Ok, sorry I might have been a little harsh as I just read you're saying its not definite, just to give better odds.

But I still find it difficult to believe that kinda thing, as I'm sure if it had been proven then it would be more widely practised and taught about too.

I have to agree with you...It's the chromosomes in the males sperm that determines sex...has nothing to do with the female or when she ovulates.
No worries. In case you didn't realize I was fishing with the original comment. I'm quite surprised that you are the only one that took the bait.

Oh you almost got me too dont worry :lol:
:lol: Steve1, you are probably a very nice person, but you make me think of this - Wayne

Sorry, Stimmie, I am not hijacking your thread, honest! :lol:
:lol: at least stimmie will know what NOT to do, thanks for the link, i hadn't seen that one
Wayne is a great inspiration to all men, a shame he met such a gruesome end.
alot of my friends found the complete change of lifesytle an unpleasant shock for the first few months, to the point where they were saying it was a mistake to have kids. Once they get past that theyre really enjoying motherhood, and wouldnt change it for the world. :)

so be prepared for lots of changes and good luck!!
funnily enough my freinds have said the same thing, chris, but as 6months has passed they wouldnt take it back for the world as its the best thing thats ever happened for them it just looks like the first few months will be a great test in relationship strength/character,

we feel it would be exciting bringing another life into this world someone we can teach to talk, walk, go play outside with, sports and socially intereact just to watch them grow there is no wording we could say that could be used from that expereince, it would be beyond amazing, but its scary aswell, thats why thoguht i would ask for some advice from the lovely people from aps,
Good on ya mate, your heart was obviously in the right place when you posted the thread, in my personal experience we read books, asked questions had people telling us how to do it, some with genuine good advice some not so, don't be afraid to ask for help but at the same time don't be afraid to step in and take control, often well meaning relatives, Mothers, fathers, inlaws, Aunties etc will try and push a point, by all means listen, after all they have already done it themselves, however it doesn't mean they're right. make time for you and your missus even if it's 10 mins for a coffee while the little ones asleep, most of all enjoy, there is nothing like the first night at home with your first child, it can't really be explained, only experienced.
Steve1 is right, all the reading and talking doesn't prepare you for the reality. Its scary, daunting, exhilarating and emotional...all at once :D

And his post made me think of something else - YOU may have to be the one who puts your foot down when all the well-meaning relatives want to visit, firstly in the hospital after your baby has just been born, then later at home.
Don't be afraid to tell them NO. Your wife will be tired, you will be tired. There is nothing wrong with enjoying your new baby - just the two of you, and restricting the visits to times (and lengths of stays) that suit you.
And, maybe I am paranoid, but make visitors wash their hands before they handle your brand new precious baby...washing hands is seriously under-rated.
All i can say is get in as much sleep now as you can:lol:

I've been a father for a whole 15 days now and my sleep patterns have gone haywire. Whilst mum may do all the feeds i find that the bub will settle down a hell of a lot quicker after if i take her after feeds and get her ready to sleep so i end up waking up when ever a feed has finished and mum goes back to sleep. Being on holidays has made it bearable but it will definately be interesting going back to work next week.

Still it is the best feeling ever and i don't regret a thing, I know it's only early days and will possibly get a lot harder but it is so good to know that you have had a part in creating a little person.

Finances were always a concern of ours but the way we looked at it was that if people on welfare can have 5 kids then we can manage 1 or 2 without to much difficulty as we both work, though mum is taking 6 months maternity leave.

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