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Of the members who own cats.. how many have cat runs outside for their cats?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 19 30.2%
  • no cat run but kept inside

    Votes: 30 47.6%

  • Total voters
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well maybe these irresponsible cat owners who let their animals wander shouldnt be allowed to keep them? if their cat gets trapped and taken to the pound and they get it back they should be made to get a cat run and keep the animal restricted.. and this should be inspected by council.

if they dont they loose their cat and the right to keep a cat for say a year like losing your drivers licence.. in this time if they illegally get another cat $2500 fine and cat gets destroyed and a 5 year ban on keeping them.

a courteous polite well meaning discussion wont sway selfish irresponsible people but if you fine them and impose restrictions maybe they will wake up.. they do it with driving licences why not with cats?

Best solution mate... win win for all.
The responsible owners get their cat back and learn a valuable or rather expensive lesson.
Dead cat if the owner don't pick it up, if they do they're under restrictions which would force them to be more responsible.
I will add this.. Im not a cat person. but I respect their right to live and I respect a person right to own and keep them..I just feel that they should be housed on their own property inside or in an appropriate cat run so there no danger to wildlife and the cats in no danger from dogs or neighbours :p etc.. its a win win situation for everyone if cat owners were a little more thoughtful and kept their animals on their own property so they can do no harm and be in no harm or danger.. everyones happy :D

why is this so difficult? everyone would agree a large potentialy dangerous dog should be restricted to their property by appropriate fencing etc.. and if in public a lead and or muzzle would be appropriate.. its responsible and what people expect. the same courtesy to your neighbours your community and to our wildlife should be respected and enforced by cat owners and then everyone gets along and theres much less problems. simple solution in my opinion
I will add this.. Im not a cat person. but I respect their right to live and I respect a person right to own and keep them..I just feel that they should be housed on their own property inside or in an appropriate cat run so there no danger to wildlife and the cats in no danger from dogs or neighbours :p etc.. its a win win situation for everyone if cat owners were a little more thoughtful and kept their animals on their own property so they can do no harm and be in no harm or danger.. everyones happy :D

why is this so difficult? everyone would agree a large potentialy dangerous dog should be restricted to their property by appropriate fencing etc.. and if in public a lead and or muzzle would be appropriate.. its responsible and what people expect. the same courtesy to your neighbours your community and to our wildlife should be respected and enforced by cat owners and then everyone gets along and theres much less problems. simple solution in my opinion

Yes it is a simple, commonsense solution Colin, unfortunately commonsense is not too common these days.
Wow, you top the list champ, all 125 kilos of intellect. Congrats!

:rolleyes: come on michael.. be nice mate :D
so what about my solutions.. what do you think? reasonable? sensible? are you onboard?

this cat thread has made 20 pages!! with some good debate, tolerance and sensible suggestions from both sides.
this has to be an all time APS cat thread record :D
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Funnily enough I think the name of the thread is also relevant to APS having a mature discussion on cats, not just the OPs first post :)

perhaps Colin should Sticky this as a how to guide for cat talk :lol:
:rolleyes: come on michael.. be nice mate :D
so what about my solutions.. what do you think? reasonable? sensible? are you onboard?

this cat thread has made 20 pages!! with some good debate, tolerance and sensible suggestions from both sides.
this has to be an all time APS cat thread record :D

Alright Colin, I sleep on it and I promise I am going to be reasonable.
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Take a look at what's going on in Gladstone lately if they have their way and keep using cheaper risky practices our continent will be well and truly stuffed in twenty years

Indeedy, I live in Boyne but will be moving to Gladstone very soon as my partner just got a 4yr apprenticeship here - bit scary as I couldn't wait to move away! Absolutely disgusting what they are doing to the environment at the moment.
Just got back from a callout where the tigersnake had been mortally wounded by a pet cat.

I had to euthanise it and i have some footage uploading to Youtube which ill post here later.

One cat less does make a difference and while i dont hate cats,
I do hate the way they kill and maim our native animals.

Anyone who says a pet cat is less harmful to native animals than a feral is a frootloop.

This makes two cat killed snakes Ive attended in two weeks.

How hard is it to be a responsible cat owner?
Assuming it was in Melbourne suburbs (correct me if I am wrong), how long do you think the tiger snakes would have lived before someone reached out for the shovel? Do people want tiger snakes in their back yards?
Just another angle to it.
Again Michael, does that excuse the irresponsible owners?

Assuming it was in Melbourne suburbs (correct me if I am wrong), how long do you think the tiger snakes would have lived before someone reached out for the shovel? Do people want tiger snakes in their back yards?
Just another angle to it.
No it doesn't. I did say "another angle". What's in the question - the life of those tiger snakes or irresponsible owners?
And then another angle and one more appropriate to the topic of this thread, how many people want that cat in their yeard?

No it doesn't. I did say "another angle". What's in the question - the life of those tiger snakes or irresponsible owners?
No it doesn't. I did say "another angle". What's in the question - the life of those tiger snakes or irresponsible owners?
I really dont know Michael, The ammount of tigersnakes in peoples backyards is small fry to the amount of harmless native wildlife! If we are putting peoples lives at risk then maybe rattle off numbers regarding irresponsible ownership of potentially dangerous dogs. Hence the thread.
I'd like to thank everyone who can contributed to this discussion. It is always interesting to read peoples views on what some would deem a controversial subject. And cudoes to those who restrained from personal attacks. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion - and that's what makes a great debate. :)

I personally see no issue with trapping a cat and taking it to the pound/RSPCA for 'sorting out'. No Chip, no return. I'm not so crash hot on the idea of 'trap cat, kill cat, 'dispose of' cat', But I CAN understand where people have had the same issue over and over going down that path... (not that I would)

I for one have learned a lot from this thread and it has also gotten me 'off my fat ****' (I can call myself that - no one else can though ;)) and looked into the rules and regulations around pet ownership where I live.

Basically, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone.
Alot of people don't even see the snakes in their yards. Cats on the other hand.
I can remember when I first moved out of home, a pair of cats yowled at my bedroom window for days. I went and bought this most awesome water gun, full pelt at the cats :lol: I couldn't see them very well but I heard them run. They still came back for 3 nights but after being pelted with water for 4 nights they didn't come back.
Alot of people don't even see the snakes in their yards. Cats on the other hand.

And we all would like to think that the owner of the property would call a snake remover to handle the issue, just like the pound to remove any stray pets on peoples yards.
Does not usually happen but should be praised when it does.
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