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Even though this has nothing to do with anything... I love Boiga Irregularis.. I reckon they're stunning animals.. :)
You can also join your local wildlife rescue organistaion such as Sydney Wildlife or WIRES. Once you have been in those organisations for a while you can do the snake handling course when it comes up, this will allow you to do venomous reptile rescues along with every other type of reptile in the Sydney region. Peterrescue may be able to point in the direction Sydney Wildlife. You will get an untold amount of experience with wild animals and you will certainly learn to respect them.
What huggy said.
Great way to get into elapids is relocation. Do the training course and hang around with someone who has a bit of experience.
You'd need to do other animals first to but its relevant. Knowing how to handle and care for injured wildlife will all help in the long run.
You need to be 18 to join a rescue organisation.
Sydney Wildlife can be contacted on 94134300. Im going to push them over WIRES because thats who i am with so I am biased.
In the future there will only be 2 Dangerous Reptile courses run and they will both be in the last quarter of the year. They are not handling and husbandry courses.
They are basically designed to make you comfortable with the notion that you are willing to go into life threatening situations to rescue or remove snakes.
u cant handel them like a python Y NOT
depends how keen u r ok so keen is prlloy the wrong word confident and trusting
collets snake
depends how keen u r

It's got nothing to do with how "keen" you are. I don't kow anyone who is more keen than Kris about elapids. Handle them like pythons all you like....only serves to make every responsible elapid keeper look bad when those who are irresponsible enough to free handle them regularly get bitten.
Onya BOBBY. See what happens when you suffer from years of smoke inhilation. We all know what happens he he rocks up to get YOUR cat out of the TREE. :mrgreen:
that pic makes me cranky[no dodging the word censor please-admin]

to be honest handling ven snake like that is stupid especially outdoors.

Too many things could go wrong and ppl like that makes me think that vens should be banned across the board as to be honest no ones NEEDS to keep a potenialy deadly animal.
Not that i would want it to happen.
but once again it is idiots like that are small majority that spoil it for everyone.
Must be an ego thing.
I cant answer the ego question, imo I dont think it is. I have seen him handle a few of his vens like this. He is that carm you'd think it was a large childrens python. Bear in mind he has had these individual species a long time. They are not straight out of the bush.

I personally wouldn't handle them like this...... Ive been bitten by an eastern brown & it %^&@ hurt. I get flashbacks when ever a snakes goes to strike at me. :roll:

Gota love the vens though.

each to their own

Mr Magic, congratulations! (if that's you in the picture) You can free handle a Collett's! (was that what you wanted to hear?) Most people bag Hoser for free handling venomous snakes in front of a crowd (I know they're "venomoids", it's still sending the message that "playing" with these animals is ok) and giving people the wrong impression and you go on posting a pic in a thread posted by an inexperienced person who is looking for information about the right way to get started. If you'd been bitten would you have posted pics the necrotic flesh around the bite site? Or of you in hospital if you'd had an extreme reaction? Would we have seen pictures of the faces of the people who love if you'd gotten sick enough for hospitalisation? The fact that you didn't get bitten this time is beside the point. If it ever does happen, will we see those pictures?? Of the 12 or more people who've been bitten by Inland Taipans, all were keepers/handlers. I'm pretty sure they were confident and trusting too. Obviously things do go wrong, and sometimes it's out of our hands. Arguing against stats like that is hard enough, how can people who want to keep elapids argue the point that we're all being careful when there are pictures out there which clearly show otherwise?
It doesnt matter how good or confident your are with snakes.
Every ven keeper will get hit one time or another.
It may not be today,next month,years or even 20 years.
But it will happen.
Lol that's a little extreme, I know a relocater who's been dealing with elapids for nearly 40 years who's never been bitten.
kris that is great then
and that would be something i would be proud of.
but my point is the majority may get hit.
Every high profile snakehandler i know has been hit.

It only takes one split second or distraction and free handling is only tempting fate.You push the limits you pay the price.

I've kept vens in South Africa. Vipers,Cobras, Adders the works and saw an over confident (more like arrogant) mate get tagged by a cottonmouth water moccasin which almost put him in his box when his body had no reaction to the anti-venom he was given. 24hrs in emergency and numerous types of anti-venom being pumped through his body, luckily saw him through....JUST!!! His forearm swelled up the size of a rugby ball and had to have four pressure relief cuts lengthways down his arm to avoid it ripping apart.

Sorry if I'm carrying on so much but it angers me to see people sending out the wrong message like that!!!

Anyways, said what I had to.

Pictures like that are nothing but an ego boost. Fair enough if you want to play with your elapids and handle them like that at home, do whatever you like just don't complain when you get bitten. I just can't see why people feel the need to post pics like that up to show the world, I guess it's the herps world equivelant of small disk syndrome.
i hate going against the crowd especially when i am new here, but anyway everybody is entitled to their opinion. here goes.. I dont have a problem with photos of people free handling snakes. The way i see it should they ban movies that have crazy driving scenes in it? would this stop hoons on the road?? the way i see it do what you want its your choice, there is no way in this world i would free handle a venomous snake (because i dont want to take the risk) and seeing a photo of a guy doing that does not change my mind about that. If anyones stupid enough to copy what they see someone else do , they deserve to suffer the results. But having said this if that photo was in the news paper or public it might be a different story, as this forum is only really going to be viewed by reptile people, i dont think its a problem. eg Hoser playing with (used to be) venomous snakes in front of crouds with no ideas about snakes is really stupid!!!
anyway thats my opinion!!
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