Diamond and natural integrade zone

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2003
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What is the general consensus for the northern locale of where pure diamonds end and natural integrades occur? Failing a definitive answer for that, are animals from taree regarded as diamonds or integrades?
Coff is where the intergrades usually begin so I'm led to believe. If thats correct Taree is Diamond country.

But .......according the the NPWS site there is a tiny pocket of coastal carpet pythons as near Eden. Now, if thats the case the intergrades would actually naturally be occuring as far south as there.
I took this photo of this wild coastal near port macquarie on new years 06
I have been told it was an integrade.
It really depends on what you definitiion of a Diamond is as opposed to your definition of an intergrade. There is a clear type of python in the Port Macquarie region. Hopefully Jamie will show us some pics. They are similar to the one above but slightly more "diamond" looking. But they also look different to most other diamond pythons. So without a specific taxonomical (is that a word) difference between coastals and diamonds it is difficult to determine where the intergrades start or even what they are for that matter.

Hence the case ofr "sydney Carpet Python", "Port Macquarie Carpet Python", "Clarence River Carpet Python" etc.
General consensus suggests that the northern contact zone is around Coffs Harbour.
I find it funny that many people can say that it is at a certain spot like Port Mac. r Coffs ( no offence to anyone) A bit like you stay on this side of the fence and I will stay on the other. As we know they will happily breed with each other, so it is more likely to me that there is no certain spot but more an area over a few hundred km's. How far can a snake travel in it's lifetime? and it's offspring? I would say that it would be roughly between the two places, not to say you won't find absolutes of either species within that range, but more the fact that that is a impossible question to answer. Tis my thought's anyhow's!
From pythons I have seen it seems from just North of Gosford is where 'intergrades' or locale specific carpets begin. I have seen several from Port Stephens, etc that are definately not diamonds, so IMO it would be from there up to about Coffs then, north of there the coastals begin.
I have 20 acres with rainforest at Valla NSW, which is about half way between Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour. Every time I'm slashing the block I come across up to a dozen integrades. Some look like pure carpets, some like those Port Diamonds. One in particular was almost completely carpet on the back, head and neck diamond like and underneath pure diamond. It was weird.

I guess I'm glad to have such a block where I can see these spectacular snakes. Its funny though. I don't have any coastals or diamonds in my collection and yet they are some of the most beautifull snakes.

I'm slashing in September so Ill be sure to grab some pics.

If someone would give me a damned tutorial I'd post some pics - I'm dumb as with that stuff. I usually photograph the pythons I see around here, and we saw maybe 10 last season all up (and took about 5 of those out of my rodent shed!)
Mods - you could have a tutorial for posting photos up on the main menu - and I mean a "click-by-click" one that doesn't assume knowledge of computers!

Cheers, Jamie.
hazzard said:
I have 20 acres with rainforest at Valla NSW, which is about half way between Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour. Every time I'm slashing the block I come across up to a dozen integrades. Some look like pure carpets, some like those Port Diamonds. One in particular was almost completely carpet on the back, head and neck diamond like and underneath pure diamond. It was weird.

we camp at numbucca often and i was going to say i have seen snakes like those Port ones there and some coastals that are nearly orange. have you seen them when u are slashing Hazz?
A wild carpet from just south of Port Maquarie.

The little four legged fella had nothing to do with this pythons demise. He was found dead with no visible injuries. Such a shame :cry: It was a beautiful looking animal.
I've only ever seen one of the orange ones your referring to. There is some pretty strange ones crawling around.
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