do you believe?

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LOL- It's inspired me- I actually started writing about it. LOL- I'll share the first chapter with you all when I'm done LOL.
i just had an idea, why have ghostbusters when you could probably just hire Trueblue to run around after the "spirit" or "ghost" in a bikini for half the price!
My ex-wife and i used to have the lease on a really old hotel that would get snowed under in winter, at first things were okay but after some time i started seeing scary things, things which aren't to be told to the faint hearted, i used to talk to a bartender late at night, he was my companion in the lonely hours when the children were asleep. He had much to tell me, he filled my ears with the poison named hatred. Days became weeks and weeks became months, boredom set in eventually, i locked myself in a room and started writing, i typed and typed and typed, night after night i typed pages and pages, i felt bitter towards my familly and had to get my feelings out on paper. I typed over and over ''all work and no play makes Parko a dull boy'' eventually my wife discovered this and she freaked out at the hundreds of pieces of paper everywhere with those chilling words, i chased her with an axe but she locked herself in a room, over and over i chopped away at that door til it cracked and i could get my head through, i looked at her and i said ''here's Parko''. After my children killed me things got much better and i'm now considering writing a book about it. I'm going to call the book ''the Sparkling''. i'M GOING TO TYPE AND TYPE AND TYPE......
Parko- don't forget your jacket if you go outside.

And if you get trapped in a hedge maze whilst carrying an axe, well.... just cut your way out.
Ah that sounds like very sound advice bobthefish, your commonsense is shining in it's clarity, you haven't ever been a bartender in an old hotel have you?
Relax Parko. You're among friends here. Your money is no good. Have a seat. Have a drink. THEY don't understand US, do they Parko?
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Springs coming Parko, Video Ezy want their DVDs back now that the snows melted.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Boa, thanks for the flameless reply mate ;). Do you think the world is a marvelous thing? Do you not stand in awe of it? The desire to honour God is not always direct, nor is it usually percieved as honouring God. I only asked for facts from Matt because he claimed it was a fact that God had been proven false, the supposed facts were introduced, I never asked for them, I only asked that they be stated.

I can not show you or prove to you that God exists, just like you cannot prove you saw a ghost, the experience was real to you and you say ghosts are real because you have seen. I know God is real because I have seen, not in the same way you saw the ghost but in an equally real way.

Evolution could very well be the tool by which God created, believing in the possible process of creation does not negate a creator, mother nature is the term created by men to describe the unseen but apparent force working behind the scenes in nature.

I would ask that you re-read my post, I never said you believe, you yourself said you don't know if ghosts are concious, but if they were what would be your basis for saying God could not exist if he is a spirit being. That is all I said.

Matt, evolution does not rule out a creator and I do look at evidence when presented, however no evidence will go against my own personal experience, but it is the same for all people, no matter how many people tell those that have experienced ghosts, that ghosts are not real, that will not change their belief and how could it.

Mankind as a whole has an inate desire to seek out God, the vast majority of people on earth believe in a God of some kind. God is not a scapegoat to explain what cannot be understood, I strongly believe that the only reason there are so many atheists around is because they were told at some point that it was either God or evolution so they went with what could be "proven", at least to a probability that they would accept.

Mertle, to you I would ask that you re-read my post, no where did I say anything about people having to believe or that they believe wether they want to or not. You are entitled to your belief as well, I have no problems with that. I do believe in this suppossed goddess if you believe in her, she would be nothing more or less than God revealed to you, even if your God(s) have many faccets. When did I ever (in this thread or recently) oppose evolution? Evolution does not negate God, you clearly agree with me as you believe in God in your own way. I also stated that I USED to believe in the christian God only, but no longer do, why are you bringing the bible into this as though my beliefs are somehow bound to that book?

Parko, that was a good attempt at humor and it would have been funny had I actually said anything remotely like that. ;)

Rennie, I do believe there is other life in the universe. ;)

i just had an idea, why have ghostbusters when you could probably just hire Trueblue to run around after the "spirit" or "ghost" in a bikini for half the price!
Now that is good humor. :lol:

The mistake that a lot of people make is to assume that something cannot exist unless it is provable. The problem is that we all take things we have not proven ourselves based upon the words of others all the time.
I don't believe but I want to

I have to see before i'll believe it

Hopefully it won't scare the s#%t out of me if I do
I believe in phsychic ability, infact I am able to see the future myself.

Before turning on my computer I just know there will be arguments/debates on such trivial things as the "do you believe" thread and a handful of others at any given time. :p
Oh- this is a do you believe in God thread- I thought it was do you believe in ghosts. Pretty bloody egotistical for anyone to say they know the answer to that one. If there's a god, he's pretty urinated off with us, or he's got a pretty macabre sense of humour. After all, he did create Condoleeza Rice.
Yeah Bobthefish, if there is a method in his madness then it's he goes about it in a strange way.

Your still saying snakewrangler that if we look at the world in all it's wonder then we are looking at a gods creation, what about the other worlds in the universe?

I believe there are other populated planets out there, how can we be the only one in millions? It just stands to reason there are more, not perhaps with humaniods like us but with some kind of life. Do they have other gods or the same one that "created our planet"

Go the Ghosts I say! They are more sociable and don't cause as much trouble. No miriacles from them, but then again none from the other contenders for a while hey?
Re: RE: do you believe?

Jackrabbit said:
I don't believe but I want to

I have to see before i'll believe it

Hopefully it won't scare the s#%t out of me if I do

Oh it will! You can count on that.

Unless someone has a good experience they want to share??? PLEASE?
Re: RE: do you believe?

JandC_Reptiles said:
I believe in phsychic ability, infact I am able to see the future myself.

Before turning on my computer I just know there will be arguments/debates on such trivial things as the "do you believe" thread and a handful of others at any given time. :p

bobthefish said:
Oh- this is a do you believe in God thread- I thought it was do you believe in ghosts. Pretty bloody egotistical for anyone to say they know the answer to that one. If there's a god, he's pretty urinated off with us, or he's got a pretty macabre sense of humour. After all, he did create Condoleeza Rice. provides the following meaning:

adj 1: characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance [syn: egotistic, narcissistic, self-loving] 2: characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance; "a conceited fool"; "an attitude of self-conceited arrogance"; "an egotistical disregard of others"; "so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty"; "growing ever more swollen-headed and arbitrary"; "vain about her clothes" [syn: conceited, egotistic, self-conceited, swollen, swollen-headed, vain]

So where have I been 'egotistical'? I simply stated my belief and because you don't agree, I am being egotistical? You should learn the meaning of a word before using it.

mertle said:
Yeah Bobthefish, if there is a method in his madness then it's he goes about it in a strange way.

Your still saying snakewrangler that if we look at the world in all it's wonder then we are looking at a gods creation, what about the other worlds in the universe?

I believe there are other populated planets out there, how can we be the only one in millions? It just stands to reason there are more, not perhaps with humaniods like us but with some kind of life. Do they have other gods or the same one that "created our planet"

Go the Ghosts I say! They are more sociable and don't cause as much trouble. No miriacles from them, but then again none from the other contenders for a while hey?
Yes mertle, I am mad and strange because I don't believe the same as you. What was the definition of egotistical again?

It makes perfect sense for me to believe that the God of our creation is the God of all other creations as well.

Again you try and push something into my beliefs that is not there, it is as if you think you are somehow making me look silly by saying that the 'other contenders' have performed no miracles recently!?! I am yet to even attempt to characterize God, I have not applied any kind of attribute to him, except for gender, but that is a habit, I always refer to things of unknown gender as 'him', most men do, just as women usually apply 'her' to the same.

If what you have portrayed in this thread is your idea of 'tolerant', then I would hate to see you being intolerant, maybe I need to provide a definition of the term 'tolerant' to help you out.

mertle said:
Snakewrangler, what you said is your belief, I have no problem with that untill you said that we all believe in god.
Clearly this statement rings true, you are fine with my beliefs until they disagree with yours... Even though I never said all people believe in God, the point is the same, all is ok until you perceive that I am in disagreement with you, even when your perception is based upon something that has no basis in reality.

There are definately some egotistical people in this thread but I am not one of them, I have simply stated my beliefs. I never said that anyone else must believe what I believe, I say that all people desire to and do honour God wether they realise it or not, this is my belief. Do you have to believe that? Of course not, I have never and would never say you must believe what I believe.

So what of my last post? Are you just going to ignore the fact that a few of you made out as though I had said something I didn't. Do you not have the courage to openly admit that you made a boo boo, not that it matters, it doesn't take a genius to read my posts and see that I never made any claim that I have to be right or that anyone has to believe what I do.
Re: RE: do you believe?

Actually that is exactly what you are saying, by saying you believe we all honour God you in fact are saying we must believe it, you may not realise it but you are :wink:

SnakeWrangler said:
I say that all people desire to and do honour God wether they realise it or not, this is my belief. Do you have to believe that? Of course not, I have never and would never say you must believe what I believe.
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

I have seen a few ghosts

They came from my darwins..........

:lol: :lol: :lol: .

Re: RE: do you believe?

boa said:
you may not realise it but you are :wink:
I like it. :lol:

Boa, you do not have to believe in God, nor do you have to believe that you honour God, that is my belief, not yours. ;)
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Perhaps it just read wrong there, But hey, if we all agreed on everything what a boring place this world would be! :)
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Mertle, what a boring post, I was hoping for more action!! :lol:

I agree :shock:, I am glad we don't all believe the same things, I guess I had better shut up anyway, I am sure everyone is tired of listening to my delusions. ;)
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

oh snakewrangler, where to start with you. if your saying that ghosts are connceted to "God" as a conciousness then 'your "God" must be very busy impersonating the some 10 million gods and goddesses on the earth (3 million in india alone)
have you met your One God??? how many 'gods' have you met to be told they are all the ONE "God. what about the conciousness of the living earth? have you spoken to HER???? how can you suggest that "God" is a consiousness and then tell me there are no other similar types of consiousness, just the ONE masquerading as dozens of pantheons,,,,, give me a break,,,, if that were true, holy wars would never have happened.
just another sheep in the xian flock.
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