do you believe?

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I believe spirits are our energy left here when our boddies die.

Sometimes it is just concentrated and stays as a ghost or haunting.

If we don't believe in what we can't see then there must be no god or similar things, just because you caan't see it or havn't experienced it yourself doesn't mean it cannot possibly be true?

Look back to the old days when the earth was flat and and the sun revolved around our planet and we didn't even know about gravity, perhaps one day it will be well known about ghosts being true and we will learn to live with it like our round earth.
I have seen, or thought i have anyway. The most terrifying experience of my life bar none. I didn't before i saw mine but now i think they are real, or as real as they can be.

As for what they are and where they come from, I don't know and don't really want to know. It would make no difference to me if i knew everything about them. That and i like the mysteriousness about not knowing and having to let your mind wander.
Boa, I guess I should say "concious" rather than living things, people have been touched, taunted and also cared for by these things so they have life in some sense. If a ghost is not concious then it can not interact in a meaningful way (ie. touch things) and therefore is nothing more than an anomaly, not "real" in the sense that those who have experienced them, think of them.

Mertle, the point I was going to get to is that if you believe in ghosts, then you have everything you need to believe in God. It would be hypocritical to say that there are real and concious "spirit" beings around but no God, unless you say the "spirits" are not concious, but then you must deny all accounts of them interacting with people.

Of course it cannot be proven, but I believe I know where they come from, they come from God and it is a persons conciousness (or spirit) and lives on after the physical body dies.
I'm not sure about that, I don't believe in God, never have and probably never will but I don't see why they have to go hand in hand to be honest.
I have no idea, I have seen one not talked to one. :)
i am atheist and very skeptical but my girlfriend often sees spirits or feels there prescence only a couple of nites ago we where lying in my bed and i was telling her that it all coincidence and just as she was tellin me she felt sumthin my computer turned on.... this is givving me goosbumbs just writing it and after that o got up and turned the computer off i said alright lets test this so i said IF THERE IS A SPIRIT AN ENERGY WHATEVER TURN THE COMP BACK ON AND that very instant it did since then i can say im a little les sceptical....
Seriously though, the only thing I can say with absolute certainty is that they exist and I know that because of my experience.
I am, usually, a rational person who doesn't drink much and doesn't take mind altering drugs. I know what I saw but can't comment on the state of mind of the 'spirit'.
From what I can see belief in a God is not a prerequisite for being able to see ghosts. I am a proud devout Atheist.
Re: RE: do you believe?

mertle said:
Look back to the old days when the earth was flat and and the sun revolved around our planet and we didn't even know about gravity, perhaps one day it will be well known about ghosts being true and we will learn to live with it like our round earth.

People will believe what they want to believe Mertle.
There are Christian groups in the USA (and also elsewhere) who dont believe in "gravity".

Sure people used to think the world was flat and the Earth was the centre of the universe, and people thought dragons ruled the skys... etc ..etc..

But the more we learn and researched the more mankind understood his world. And the Fact that it wasnt created by any of the "Gods" that though out history have been used to explain the unexplained.

Of course this fact isnt as nice as thinking being a good boy or girl will get you a place in one of the many heavens available, and live forever.. :lol:
Hi Snakewrangler,

God is a belief made by man, weather we believe in him or not doesn't really have much to do with ghosts as such.

We have made the connection of spirits to god but that is the christian belief, there are many beliefs that also connect spirits with a deity, and might I add, that I think we all believe in the same sort of thing, just in different ways.

I never knock someone for their belief but I do think that spirits don't need to be connected only to god in such a way.

Many peple that hve seen or believe in ghosts or the paranormal don't necicerrily believe in the christian god, I know quite a few of them and can add myself to the equasion.
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

A bit off topic but eternal life scares me more than death.... can anyone relate to that? Just curious
Re: RE: do you believe?

There are plenty of women that don't believe in gravity.

MattQld83 said:
There are Christian groups in the USA (and also elsewhere) who dont believe in "gravity".
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

id like to retract my previouse statment i am not atheist i am agnostic just so used to saying atheist ....... on another note i know a place where giant lizzerds still rule the earth....GO THE KOMMODOS
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

id like to retract my previouse statment i am not atheist i am agnostic just so used to saying atheist ....... on another note i know a place where giant lizzerds still rule the earth....GO THE KOMMODOS
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Ok ok, I might as well confess. Kaotic, I come over at night and stand in the dark in your kitchen. Its not a ghost, its just another psychotic herper.
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

lol peterescue thought it may of been you!
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

This thread has made me think alot about the experience i had. Wether what i saw was a ghost or not i can not describe the ABSOLUTE TERROR that i felt. I wish my experience was a good as some of yours have been.
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