do you believe?

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RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Once when i was hiking through the bush i heard a beautiful though eerie sound, i was drawn to this sound like a moth to a light, i came to a river and discovered the source of the sound, 3 amazingly seductive sirens were bathing eachothers naked bodies in the water, i tried to resist but it was hopeless as by this time they had me in a state of irrational and totally uncontrollable lust. They beckoned me and when i came to them i came, they weren't satisfied by this and soon had me worked into a frenzy again, they used my body for their selfish pleasure for 3 days straight, i felt like a rag doll at the end of it, it was trully horrible and i wouldn't wish it on any of you though i would wish it on me again because such is my nature that i would suffer in place of others.
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Oh i bet that was the most terrifing experience in your life!
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Thankyou for sympathising waruikazi and Kaotic, i am still traumatised by it and would really rather forget the whole darned sordid experience, i really can't talk about it anymore. Just horrible.
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Parko, when hiking DON'T EAT THE MUSHROOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

hi Everyone,
I guess its just like anything , if you havent personally seen ghosts or had any experiences with them then you are going to be a bit skeptical. I have had several encounters with spirits some harmless others that were extremely threatening. some of them are things that I will not discuss because they are personal to me. but one experience I have had recently is in my old flat in enmore NSW. I woke up suddenly with the feeling that someone was in my room i sat up in bed and to my horror there was a man standing over me at first I thought someone had broken in so i jumped up ready to defend myself, it was then that I realized it was a ghost I could not see his face but he had long dark wavey hair and a long raggy trenchcoat style jacket I tried talking to him asking him what he wanted he dit not reply but started to wave his arms around. I then asked him to leave which he did. that experience lasted about 30 seconds and there was no way i just imagined it as I was awake and stayed awake for quite some time after it was all over.. I have never drunk alcohol or tried drugs and am quite sane. this experience is just one of many I have had.
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

my dad often worked away from home. at times when mum was in bed she would feel a heavy presence lay in the bed next to then used to push her out of bed. also in my old bedroom, something used to turn me stereo on during the night and tickle my feet...once we got the house blessed by a preist it stopped.
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Boa, believing in God is not a prerequisite for seeing ghosts, of course. But if "spirit" beings exist and you discover that they are a concious being, then you would believe in the same thing that God is, a concious spirit being. What basis would you have to say there is no God, if he is exactly the same as something you believe in?

Matt I would like to hear these "facts" that show there is no God and he didn't create the world...

Hey mertle, I disagree that God is a belief made by man, God does not exist or cease to exist based upon what mankind think or believe. To my knowledge there is not one single culture on earth that does not have spiritual beliefs relating to something higher than ourselves, if you know of one of many please let me know I would like to read about them.

I would like to state that I USED to believe in the christian God only, I no longer do, but I do still believe that the human spirit is tied directly to God and he is its creator. I am now a universalist (not in the christian sense) in that I believe God reveals himself to each culture in his own way, God made us the way we are and could not send anyone to "hell". All people honour God wether they realise it or not, I believe there is a universal way in which God reveals himself (really it should be 'itself' but I naturally refer to it as him so there you go) and that is through nature, most call him 'mother nature' but it is still God none the less, nature has always appeared to have a sort of chaotic control about itself, things seem to work the right way, even against the odds. That is God.

I believe all people desire to honour God (and do so), you might not think of God as something personal, but when you attribute our creation to 'mother nature' you are honouring God, in fact 'mother nature' is the best concept of God because each of us are personally attached to it and at the same time it is impersonal to all of us, that is exactly what God is. People for some reason fight against the idea that God is there, but really we all see him and attribute majesty to him when we stand in awe of the creation of which we are part.

I know some people will get upset because I am saying they honour God but really they do, God is the order that brought us into being out of chaos, God is the laws that govern our world, God is 'mother nature'.

Kaotic, can you really blame the spirit from running from a preist... I would run too, I wouldn't want that holy water on me, I would sizzle like a snag on a bbq... :lol:

Flame away. ;)
There is no need to flame you, I don't believe in God, there is absolutely zero proof that a God exists and until I see any.
Believe me I have no desire to 'honour God' as you put it and to ask for facts showing that God doesn't exist and facts to show he didn't create the Earth is just bizarre.
How about you show me even one tiny bit of proof he exists or that he did create the Earth.
I am an evolutionist and unless you have some proof that no-one else seems to have I will continue to be and please don't tell me Mother Nature is in fact God, Mother Nature is a man made term that's all.
I have absolutely no problem with your beliefs but please don't tell me I actually do believe as I really don't. :wink:
Re: RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

SnakeWrangler said:
Matt I would like to hear these "facts" that show there is no God and he didn't create the world...

You want to believe in what you believe, and no evidence i explain to you will change your stance. As ive tried many times with people either ignorant to science or not willing to let go the crutch that there faith gave them.
I am a Athiest, and dont have any emotional attachment to any primative myths from any of the world culture.
Im sure your right when you say each culture has its version of "god" etc.. etc..
But this hardly makes it a reality, the gods and myths of times past where used to explain things that couldnt be undestood at the time.

Even the Catholic church of all things has excepted Evolution as fact, but still holds onto God starting off..

I'm with Boa on this one,

Snakewrangler, what you said is your belief, I have no problem with that untill you said that we all believe in god.

I do in my own way, but not the god the christians believe in and not just one god either, there are many faccets of the god and goddess, well that's my belief anyway,

So I could say to you that you believe in the goddess everytime you think the moon looks bright when it is full.

You wouldn't agree with me the same way that i don't agree with you.

I also believe in evolution, how else would we have dinosaur bones? God didn't create them before man, not acording to the bible, man came first, mmmm i wonder what we tasted like to a T-Rex then? hehehhee
Re: RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Magpie said:
Parko, when hiking DON'T EAT THE MUSHROOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really Mags do you think the mushrooms were to blame for my 3 day sex orgy with the sirens? :lol: munch munch munch :shock:

i believe that snakewrangler believes that Boa believes in a god that he doesn't believe in but snakewrangler does beleive in and he believes we all believe in what he believes whether we believe it or not :?
Re: RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Yeah that just about sums it up . :wink:

Parko said:
i believe that snakewrangler believes that Boa believes in a god that he doesn't believe in but snakewrangler does beleive in and he believes we all believe in what he believes whether we believe it or not :?
Re: RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

SnakeWrangler said:
Boa, believing in God is not a prerequisite for seeing ghosts, of course. But if "spirit" beings exist and you discover that they are a concious being, then you would believe in the same thing that God is, a concious spirit being. What basis would you have to say there is no God, if he is exactly the same as something you believe in?

Whilst I'm not saying your beliefs are wrong, according to this logic, if you believe that this planet is populated by many creatures (humans, reptiles, mammals, fish, etc.) and you believe that there are other planets out there in the universe, then you have to believe that these other planets are populated in life as well. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Alot of the so called "haunted" places seem to have a distory full of death and suffering, as a kid growing up on a farm, we had alot of those large mound ant nests with thew gravel on the surface. My cousin loved nothing more than stomping on the largest ant nest on the farm, this continued for a lon time before he got over it.

Thousands upon thousands of ants met there demise on that ant hill, yet no one ever saw any "ghost" ants... im baffled :wink:

Well I should be doing homework so oh what the heck,

I am agnostic, if your religious or what ever i really don't care unless it negatively affect me, thus if your a Mormon who comes to my door expect to be chased around with some sort of cross like object being sprayed with tap water while i scream "the power of Christ compels you"

In the area of spirits souls ect well my way of thinking is this; you die, you rot, you feed various animals in the food chain and end up fertilizing various plants. Chances are that that meal you just ate contained atoms that were once part of a human and part of various other living things.

Ghost do not exist, well not in reality in your own crazy little head it may but not reality.

well thats my 2 cents with intrest

omg ,now u got me paranoid, i hear things and fee; a presence, damn the 'erb
I lived in a house with the ghost of a little girl that had been beaten and then hung by her father about 80 years earlier, and other tihngs too. She was a real little b%^&h- she used to throw stuff at us, she'd yell in your ear, and she'd call us on the phone. First she'd talk like a little girl- kinda spacey like she was confused or a bit stoned, and then her voice would go all evil, like something in the movies. Right before we moved out she even started rearranging the furntiure- and the worst tihng she'd do was lock you in a room. The place was a flat on the third floor of a subdivided house, and as it was old the doors were solid oak- when those babies locked there weren't no getting out of them. We even used to see the little brat in the house- she looked just like a normal person- you'd turn around, and she'd be there, just be looking at you with these dead, expressionless eyes. She tried to talk to other people in the house, but nothing would come out. She never said anything to me. She used to grab us on the back of the neck too- ice cold sharp fingers.

My mate was a history major at the time, and he looked the place up in the archives of the local paper, and sure enough, a girl named Elizabeth (she used to tell us her name on the phone, just before she started screaming on the phone line) had been severely beaten by her father, and then hung in the stairwell.

I will never forget laying in bed, listening to the sound of a nine-year old girl yelling "Daddy, Daddy, please don't hurt me, I love you Daddy, please don't hurt me", and then the voice going all creepy and repeating the same lines in an "exorcist" voice over and over.

Oh hell yeah, I believe LOL
This thread is really starting to creep me out.... might sleep with the lights on tonight :shock: lol
Yeah, I think if I had bobthefish's experience I would quickly find myself believing too :shock:
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