Does anyone not drink?

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i went crazy for a year or so when i was living in japan, to the point where i had blackouts most nights.
then i started a relationship with a guy who was a bit of a substance abuser.... sent me in the opposite direction. pretty much stopped drinking. got back into it for a few months a while ago, but i dont miss it. its definitely harder to get into the groove when youve been sober for a long period. i haven't been drunk for about 2 months or more now, and the idea of going out to "get drunk" seems like a chore.... it expensive, and just makes me feel like crap.
having said that, its not a concious decsion to not drink... just hasnt happened for a while...

just dont try to force it, do what you feel like at the time! when you're out with friends you could just nurse your beer for a while and take it slow? problem is, when you're sober and everyone else is drunk.... it kinda shows you even more so why drinking is so unattractive.....
I used to drink my share but a six pack would now last me a year or more. There is a Darwin connection as well with the last time I was drunk being a birthday party in Nightcliff in 1978. I thought about it the next morning and could not come up with a sensible reason for drinking to excess then and still can't now.
but yea there's even a musical lifestyle that supports being sober and staying off drugs ...

my ex was straight edge and in an sXe band til he was 19/20 ... as result his excuse for his excessive drinking (at age 29) was that he had to play catch up. (not to mention his debilitating coke habit that lasted over 2 years)

there's something to be said for everything in moderation.
I can't even stand being around drunk people that act ridiculous. They annoy me.

I have friends who enjoy a fine wine, but they are sensible enough to not get drunk.
Everyone's on a different point on the alcohol scale, this is just my opinion, if you have never drank alcohol or been drunk don't commit to being straight edge, if you have been drunk and dislike it, great don't drink (go straight edge from this point on), if its ok and you like alcohol, keep it to a limit and don't over do it, a social drink is fine.

In my experience I have found people who just never drink or have tried it and go straight edge almost always cave in & have a bad experience. People who have always been on the sauce and look for a change have a much better outlook usually do well with the right mind set and support (but its very much a lone ranger challenge). Their is no point telling a chronic alcoholic to cut back, and have less, most cases this doesn't work, its all or nothing! If your halfway along the scale and just love having beers and getting drunk cutting back is much easier.

Either way the benefits of not drinking far out way all the other crap, if you can't enjoy your life, have a laugh, go out, without getting plastered or having a beer your doing something wrong and need to re-assess. You may think its the end of the world and you''ll lose your friends or not have as much fun, but believe me the grass is definately greener on the other side.
my ex was straight edge and in an sXe band til he was 19/20 ... as result his excuse for his excessive drinking (at age 29) was that he had to play catch up. (not to mention his debilitating coke habit that lasted over 2 years)

there's something to be said for everything in moderation.

yea very true ... had a mate who was sXe for 10 years and ended getting into the most hardcore of drugs ... sad to say, he's gone mental now and is spending alot of time in the mental institution ...

i never was straight edge, but like i said grew up in a scene where there were alot of mates who were .... so yea ... some of them still are, 15 years down the track ....

but at the end of the day, it's ur choice on what u wana do
I think not drinking these days is much more acceptable than it used to be. The same with not smoking....when I was in my teens in the 60s, the peer pressure to smoke in particular was very strong....EVERYONE one talked about it being was the THING to do, the BEST people did the truth has come out. Hopefully the message is going to get across about alcohol too. Both are addictive and can ruin your life.

I gave up drinking for a month to support a cancer charity. Found it pretty hard too.

I don't go out of my way to get smashed only a few to have a good time when the time is right.

Just got back from Hawaii and had several drinks throughout the day especially over meals etc. Now that I am back at home I am finding that I don't want to touch my duty free grog.

I can go for weeks without a drink at home but then all of a sudden I get the feel for a beer, Glass of Jimmy and coke or a glass of Moscato or the like.

Here's a pic of me in Hawaii. I had already had a couple of decent sized beers before the weife bought me this.


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I used to drink and smoke alot and then in my early 20s just stopped. Still went out to the pubs but just drank coke. No big reason just grew out of it I suppose, and now I don't drink at all. Just cause you don't drink doesn't mean you aren't fun or can't have a good time, plus you see how stupid everyone else looks when they're drunk.
I've had to learn to slow down when out in town drinking, as the effect alcohol has on me now is harder than 10 years ago when still a teenager. Now if I drink too much I have blackouts and don't remember many hours of the last part of the night, and my ability to reason is gone (like texting people inappropriately lol). It has been proven scientifically that teenagers handle large volumes alcohol better (biochemically, anyway) than people who are getting older. Which explains a lot, as I would have thought as you age your tolerance increases and you could drink more. Not so in my case. Just a few and thats it from now on for me :) Wish me luck!
i never got used to the taste of beer-tasted like crap...besides i watched my dad get agro on beer,bloody nutcase,so i hardly ever drink,when i do,its Port...or Saki,if i happen to be in the mood and depending on who im with when at the Japanese resturaunts.
Most of my life was one big party , binge drinking and staying up for days at a time . Lots of loose women in that scene too casual sex was everywhere . But then l had kids to support [ at 40 ] and ended up driving an accident towtruck [ 00 lic ] on call 24-7 . lt was hard at first but once l got used to it l quite like waking up feeling healthy [ gave up the smokes too ] . Now l have more money better health and enjoy life , no more coming down blues . l am on some very nice pills for a back injury but thats another story .
That is the problem!

I'm kinda scared that i'm never going to have that fun again.

No, your problem now is that you associate drinking with fun. You dont need to have or of had booze to have a laugh or enjoy the normal things that you enjoy mate.
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