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i know, but if i was the gecko i would want the attention then be let go :D
i got 3 marbled geckos they r all really cute they r good pets u should get some they dont need much
I dont really know anything bout geckos, and sorry to hijack the thread but can you handle pet geckos? or are they a look with your eyes pet?
Yeah I have a couple of Marbled velvets, they are awesome to watch, although don't come out during the day, maybe once the sun/lights have gone out. They are definitely a looking pet only, but I find minimal handling is necessary to get them use for cleaning purposes. They don't really like it and will let you know it too!! But having a gecko cave makes it easier to move them.

They are very easy to look after, and don't need too much attention.
well u should avoid handling geckos as u can damage their scales as they r very delicate reptiles.
well i have my own little knob tailed gecko which i am going to breed (once iget ANOTHER one) and they are just the cutest little things!
If you want a lizard you can handle regularly (within reason), I suggest a Bluetounge. Within my experience, they're also quite placid.:D
pretty expencive i thought they would of been cheaper r they the same as thick tailed geckos becoz i dont think they r...
knob tailed and thick tailed geckos are the same thing...

anyone know other things to feed marbled geckos?
My marbles love crickets, only thing I feed them. I spose they could eat other insects; moths, woodies, etc but crickets are loved and are convenient for me with my other animals.
knob tailed and thick tailed geckos are the same thing...

anyone know other things to feed marbled geckos?
Thick-tailed gecko (also known as Barking gecko) - Underwoodisaurus milii
Knob tailed geckos- Nephrurus
The Nephrurus genus includes over 7 species and sub-species none of which include Thick-tailed geckos
If you dont believe me ask ne one with basic herp Knowledge and they will confirm this
Thick-tails do have a similiar head and body to some Nephurus but lack the classic knob-tail
I have four Marbled geckos, used to have six but two of my girls died after a few breeding seasons. They are really easy to look after if your interested in getting some, but i agree they shouldn't be handled too much because you can accidently hurt them and they are quite fast so if one gets out of your hands and makes its way for the roof vent or an open window you'll never see it again. One more thing, i have never seen such bright yellow on any marbled gecko before. Do anyone elses have that great colouring?
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