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Sorry for the delay getting back to you dpica.I like to hold my pythons as much as I can so that they are eaasy to handle when I need to handle them.My snakes are not breeding snakes at this point they are my pets and part of my family.I find it relaxing to sit down and hold them (that sounds corney) but its true.When I am ready to breed my pythons they will not be handled unless It is a must but at this point I see nothing wrong with it. :)
I'm with you python is part of my family....... :oops: ....and I too like to relax and sit down and handle it (it is corney yeah...LOL) as I've said I hope to get a few more......

When I'm ready to breed my pythons I will have a decent collection and have pythons to breed.... I'm gonna enjoy my hobby and my animals... :D
How are you quarrantining if you are handling all your snakes daily?
Or do you handle one each day?
Personally, mine almost never get handled, they get removed for cage cleaning and that's it.
Hi TrueBlue I agree if your breeding leave them.But my pythons are not with me to sit in a box every day no matter how much I offer them in enclosure furnishings it still is not as stimulating as a good cruise on the couch with me.I have a really big pot in my lounge with rocks and sand at the base and 2 very tall branches for creeping up with fake plants.The pot is placed right next to a window were they get alot of sun.They only get to sit up there when I am in the room to watch them and they seem to enjoy it
All my snakes are kept in there own enclosures.I use repticlean for every thing.I do not hold all 5 every day some days no one will be held.I am very carefull they have there own feeding items NO one shares.All are qurantiened for 8 weeks in a seperate room before they Are put in the same room with the others.I think you will find you get the same problens with dogs as with most animals.
Tempest , you will get some poeple who say never handle and some will say once a week , or once a month or only when cleaning the cage etc....
Its totally upto you if you want to handle your snake , if its seems happy then thats good .if its trying to get away from you or bite you ...then put it away and leave it alone for awhile .
Thats just my opinion , it may be right or wrong but my snake is eating and seems happy so i wll continue to handle it .( only handle maybe once a week anyway has it is a hatchy ).
Sometimes I cringe when reading threads of people playing with their snakes every day. Often it will be newbies, with new snakes, that have no idea.
Sure take them out every now and then and give them some sun, let them roam around a bit, and remove them when cleaning. But please don't mistake them for dogs or affectionate pets. Snakes aren't real good at letting you know how they feel. Sure sometimes, when enough is enough they will strike or hiss.....but usually they don't show signs of stress.
The longer you keep snakes the less you will handle them because you will begin to read their mood and start to respect their space.

I still have never met a snake that really ENJOYS handling.
handlign a hatcho

over handling can stress your snake out to the point it wont feed I would leave him/her where they r in till it comes out on its own time and u can use your hand to get it out unless it bites all the time u put your hand in the cage. tell me do u feed your snake in the cage or do u pull it out and the feed it in a separate container the reason I ask is if u feed it in its cage over time the snake will think that every time u put your hand in there it is getting a feed so it will strike out at u so a good practice is to feed out of its cage every feeding so he don’t get snappy every time u put your hand in his home
Hope I have some what helped you on your questions

Cheers Alumba
star11 said:
I still have never met a snake that really ENJOYS handling.

In all honesty how would you know what a snake enjoys and does not enjoy ??
I know they may get stressed from handling , but who says it stresses them , how do you really know its not good to do it ?
yeah look at australia zoo... steve irwin would know his ****, but still he gets his snakes out and let people touch them and handle them

How would you explain that??
In response to all against or partly or all for handling there snakes.I hold my own every couple of days and not all in the same day.I have learnt to read my snakes pretty well in the past 8 years the ones I work with get handled as little as possible.They are my own and handling gives me the chance to read each individual.I have a Diamond male and when ever I open the door he comes right out on to me in my opinion he does like to be handled and No he is not efectionate I know it is not in there nature but I have never been bitten by one of my own snakes.So I guess we all have our own ways and opinions on how we keep and enjoy our reptiles, :) I suppose its a case of live and learn
We rarely handle...especially with hatchlings which is not at all. I think handling for a couple of minutes every day probably wouldn't hurt as long as the snake is eating properly, but what makes me cringe is the people that put their snake around them and walk around for hours with it out of the cage, especially in winter, and especially when it's a small python.

Pythons are unable to like or enjoy anything, saying anything else is anthromorphising.

Out of our 50+ snakes, we only have 3 that are snappy....I don't agree with that handling 'tames' snakes, in our case it hasn't made a difference. I'm sure they prefer to be left alone, especially this time of year.
steve irwin knows his poo.?? you mean steve irwin knows poo.!!!
This is a bloke that reacons in an interview that he has " the force" and when ever he handles a snake his body lets out some sort of vibe that naturally calms them down.!! what alot of poo.!!! Hell, almost every thing he touches seems to bite him. what a joke.!!

Think about it, most dogs dont even like being picked up and man handled all the time, and they would have to be the animals that interact alot more closely to humans than any thing else.
alot of snakes wont breed, or rarely. if handled often, this in its self tells that it stresses them.
as said they can go off their food etc, and cause many problems.
IMO snakes should not be kept if the main reason you got them was to handle, (interact), with them, they are just not that sort of animal. Most animals will let you know they are stressed, ie- ruffled fur or feathers etc, but a snake cant and by the time you realise its stressed its to late and your animal is sick.
kwaka_80 said:
yeah look at australia zoo... steve irwin would know his poo, but still he gets his snakes out and let people touch them and handle them

How would you explain that??

LOL, I missed that one.

Well, you can't tell me swinging a poor carpet python around by the tail at the logies a few years ago that got so stressed it tried to latch onto someone else's crutch isn't stressing the snake? And what about the footy show last year, put that big retic (?) on one of the presenters and stood by why it dropped heavily to the floor, who knows how much damage that did to that heavy snake. He's done some very obvious stressful things to snakes in the name of his 'showmanship'.
Yep, he really knows his well that he can hand an Inland Taipan to someone with no experience with snakes to freehandle because his godlike abilities allow him to know when the snake will strike and intercept it. He's my hero. Actually no, maybe he's the patron saint of herpetology, we all need to by Saint Steve medallions for luck....
Look I think the guy s is a dead set GOOSE but he can't be all wrong...,he knows what he's on about but unfortunately uses it poorly sometimes. The fact of using a snake for entertaining the masses is pretty poor.... :( .....Isn't there a law against it!!

But handling a snake in the comfort of your own home is a lot different than swinging/stressing it on television...
he knows what hes on about.??????????????????. not IMO he dosent.

Handling a snake in your own home is not alot different to the snake than handling it in a crowd.
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