i feel so lost, my dog is sick and the vets are not sure whats wrongs

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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2012
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my big boy diesel is so sick, he went for a walk with my partner 3 days ago and passed out on my front lawn wen they got home. we though heat exustion so we carried him in and gave him a cold shower and i seringe feed him some hydrolight mixed with water and glucouse. he seemed a bit better so we let him sleep it off. during the night he was falling alot and shaking by moring he was vomiting and had dyhoria and blood in his dyhoria. so we rushed him to our local animal hospital. they did blood tests, urine tests, put him on a drip for 2 days. then rang us today and asked us to pick him up and take him to another more equiped hospital in the city or put him down. wen i asked what is wrong with him they said they don't know, could be his liver and his kidneys enzime is too high and his potasium is to high and that it was heat exustion too.

he is so weak and has to be carried has no strengh at all. so i picked him up, payed $1000 for his 2 day stay and no answers. rang another well known vet in bondi and asked if they could get his files/ test results faxed over and read them and tell me whats going on and whats my best options. vet rang me back and told me he has a toxin in his blood and its killing his red blood cells, probably needs a full blood transfusion, as his own body can't flush it out even after being on a drip for 2 days. so just rushed him to another hosptial in the city, waiting for more tests to be done so they can tell me what they can do to save his life and whats my best option.

he is only 5 and a pure breed amstaff weighs 31 kilos, eats like a horse. and a picture of health. i can't believe my boy is so sick. my partner lost his other dog 1.5 years ago we can't lose another so soon.
sorry about my spelling its worse than usual cause i have not slept in 3 days.

deisel 018.jpgdeisel 017.jpg
my poor baby, if any one believes in god please pray for him.
So sorry {{Hugs}} will keep you and diesel in my thoughts and prayers xox
This is so tragic. I'll be thinking about you, your partner and diesel. I do not believe in God but will still pray.
Hope he gets better soon. My thoughts will be with you. Please keep us updated, we are all here to comfort and support you.
All the best. <3
this is him only 6 months ago
flinn 1 309.jpg

i'm staying up waiting for the vet or my partner to call, as my partner is with him. their doing more tests right now. thank god for 24 hour vet hospitals.

thanks for everyones support, i really appreciate it.
The best vet hospital is in Ryde.
They have the latest and greatest equipment and vets are best around.
My heart goes out to you both

- - - Updated - - -

ps....could be a snake bite ?? Any bush up your way ?
he was walked on footpath and through the park, my partner said if the was a snake in the park we would of seen it as diesel is always on a lead.

we took him to the animal referal hospital in homebush and they done more tests and said his liver had shut down and his kidneys were shutting down due to a toxin in his blood and told us he would not be able to fight this. so he was put down.

i miss my boy. i feel so lost. i have lost so much in the last 1.5 years, tyson my beautiful english staff, my diamond python, my black headed python, a gecko, my eclectus and my unborn child. all have died of an from birth deformety, illness or unexplained. i'm starting to think god must hate me.

i probably won't be on here for the next few days.
he was walked on footpath and through the park, my partner said if the was a snake in the park we would of seen it as diesel is always on a lead.

we took him to the animal referal hospital in homebush and they done more tests and said his liver had shut down and his kidneys were shutting down due to a toxin in his blood and told us he would not be able to fight this. so he was put down.

i miss my boy. i feel so lost. i have lost so much in the last 1.5 years, tyson my beautiful english staff, my diamond python, my black headed python, a gecko, my eclectus and my unborn child. all have died of an from birth deformety, illness or unexplained. i'm starting to think god must hate me.

i probably won't be on here for the next few days.
He doesn't hate you, he's just testing you. He knows your a strong person and you will be able to get through it. I'm so sorry for your loses. I dog passes that I've had for 15 years and I was lost. I can't imagine what you must be going through rite now. Stay strong. Things can only get better from this point on. My thoughts go out to you.
I'm really sorry to hear about your loss, he looked a fantastic dog.
Scotland sends her love!
I am so so sorry to hear this! You are in my thoughts!

This may sound funny but have you checked your house for mold or anything like that? I ask only because I was treating a lady who did gets sick all the time, has lots pets for no reason, and had every test done under the sun but didnt show anything! So I ask her to get her house checked for mold/fungus. She did and found out it was all through her roof/walls etc. So she got it fixed and 6mths later she is so much better! Im not saying this is whats going on but you could have it checked out and see!!
Sending lots of love your way. You are a great pet owner, unfortunately many would give the needle when they see the big $ signs in front of them. You stood by your mate and did everything possible to help him, for that I applaud you.
That's awful. I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful boy:(
I know how you feel. Last year we lost a total of 13 animals, through accident, illness, and human stupidity. I was at my wits end, and about 1 animal death away from getting rid of the lot of them so I wouldn't be responsible for the death of yet another pet.
It will look up, it just takes time. XXhugsXX
Ive had such a year myself.
I know the pain of loosing loved ones........
My heart goes out to you both.
Life will get better, memories will always be with u......
You will never forget and the pain will always be there, its just that you learn to deal with it and carry on.
Diesel wouldnt want you to be sad as he was always there to make u happy................
So sorry for you saintanger...know exactly how you feel.
I still cry when I think of 'Lucy'...so I try not to, and that was in 2008. Never thought losing an animal would affect me so much.
So sorry for you saintanger...know exactly how you feel.
I still cry when I think of 'Lucy'...so I try not to, and that was in 2008. Never thought losing an animal would affect me so much.
my next door neighbour used to have a great dane called lucy :) great dogs big gentle giants

saintanger , i feel for you it must be hard especially when he is still so young
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