is breeding your own rats really worth it?

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It's more difficult to get it here. In America I think you can get it really easy
Basically Dale.... i put all the rats in a storage tub with a hole in the lid,and place the plastic tube that i fitted to the co2 bottle into.turn the gas on for about 20 seconds walk away and within approx 1-2 mins open, bag all the rats and place straight into the freezer and woolaa bonapetite snake food

The cheapest place is supagas in NSW for a co2 cylinder and its the best way too off 30 plus rats at a time and last me over a year a cylinder.
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i saw argon+co2 cylinders for $45 at a hardware store today and i think they are larger than the soda stream ones and are meant to be better than co2 on its own.
It cost me 4130 buck or so a month to feed and house these guys.

I am assuming that is $130 a month, not 4130 :)

I guess it's the same as Bearded dragons, It was costing me about $100 a month on roaches/crix i then paid $120 for 1kg of roaches and bred them myself, I haven't slightly made a dent in them and i think they have almost doubled in size, and i have 4 dragons feeding from it... its going on 3 months haven't bought ANY life food for them !: )
ok im getting excited now i used to keep rats as pets this is a good excuse to do so again :)
Hibern8 where do you get yours? I've been going to Petbarn but I'd been guessing you could get it cheaper
yeah cos the small bags of saw dust from pet shops dosent last long at all and get kinda pricey someone else suggested cat litter stuff to me earlier also whats the best foods to give t the rats to provide snakes with the best health?
Loads of people use shredded newspaper. I would imagine that is fairly cheap, Cheaper with your own shredder I mean the Messenger is delivered for free.
Hibern8 where do you get yours? I've been going to Petbarn but I'd been guessing you could get it cheaper
only bought one so far at pets2000 near bankstown but i saw another bale today near castle hill same price.
im just going to use cat litter stuff till my paper shredder arrives from ebay lol
I found Breeder's choice was the best cat litter if you haven't already got some. There was virtually no smell so that would be my suggestion until you sort out your paper. Just a warning though, paper won't absorb as much liquid and so will smell pretty bad quite quickly. So unless you don't mind the smell or you are ok with replacing it every couple of days I'd suggest wood shavings or sticking with the cat litter.
I go through a 25kg bag of sawdust + bag of cane mulch+25KG pellets every fortnight.The total cost is around $50-$70 a fortnight however i breed enough to sell the excess and cover the cost,basically my snakes are fed for nothing..If you only have 1-4 snakes then i dont think its worthwhile..
i only have a few snakes i still think it will be worth it and be a good and fun experience and make you appreciate your snakes more depending on how much this cat litter stuff is gonna cost me and how long it will last i mnight stick with it also what kind of food should i be feeding my rats to ensure they maintain the best possible health and also should you wait a certain amout of time before gassing pinky rats? as i ned a few pinkys but am unsure if i have to wait till they get some milk of mum or can i pretty much gas them the day they are born?
Pinkies can be killed right away but that's another great thing about breeding your own. You can choose the size that is appropriate for your needs.
A friend recently told me about Gordon's Rat Cubes. Apparently they are one of the best to use.
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