Is it Eastern Brown or Coastal Taipan??

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Hi Carol

completing a "snake handling course" should be just the start of a very steep learning curve. It takes years to become a skillful handler and fully competant with identification. The course will only give you the very basics.

I think it is very dangerous for people having completed these course to assume they are now qualified to tackle just about anything and unfortunately many people come out of these courses and appear to be instant experts. Handling a snake in a room or on an open grassy area is completely different to dealing with an angry snake in a confined space.

Have a look at some of the recent threads concerning ID's. Many people are jumping in very authoritively IDing snakes and often they are clearly wrong. Anyone can make a mistake but many are so damn adamant that they are correct it is dangerous...and these seem to be all newcomers!

Anyone can key out a snake in the hand or a dead specimen from looking at scales etc but often when catching a snake you wont get a good look at the whole may just see a part of its body.......or its scales........and you really should be able to tell just from that!

Birdwatchers talk about the "jizz" of a bird......nothing in particular...but perhaps the way it flies or flits around, general size, whatever......after a while you get the same feeling for identifying snakes, at least the common ones.

I would like to do a course some day...I'm sure some of them are very good. However I have heard of some being run by people who are fairly new to snakes and have only been handling for a couple of years.......again completing a course does not make you a fully competant handler. The guy who did your course certainly knows his snakes and has been involved with them a very long time, however from what I have seen of the way he conducts his shows it leaves a lot to be desired!

G'day guys,

I'd just like to add some info to this thread.

One of the most repeated comments in our venomous snake courses is that we are giving everyone a solid base of knowledge to build their own style and skills from. We are definitely not under the illusion that everybody who leaves our classroom with a certificate is just as skilled as those who have been handling wild elapids for years.

We have evaluated the way we run courses many times, and have also considered not doing them at all for a number of reasons. We don't make much money out of them, and it's definitely not our modus operandi.The main reason we conduct them is because I would personally much prefer someone to spend two days with us and have real life exposure to live venomous snakes and provide as much knowledge as we possibly can to them. As most would know, a lot of Queensland references that are handed out privately are done so on a wink and a handshake, rather than someone actually spending time with a new handler and making sure they have the necessary skills.

Luckily for us, our attitude to our courses has paid off ten times over and we have people travelling from all over Australia (including Melbourne) to attend them because of their reputation. We seem to have established ourselves as the premiere course provider of all things venomous.
Some of the people's attitude in this thread is disgraceful.
Ok i said i was over it but he's making heaps of money...


You really aren't a very good poster child for the guy lol, look at what he taught you! An eastern brown and a taipan the same thing :shock: :O?? Or is it that a taipan is a brown and a brown is a taipan?
= Get over yourself and grow up, maybe you might learn something, but I doubt it. It's called mentality, and yours is sadly lacking.
G'day guys,

I'd just like to add some info to this thread.

One of the most repeated comments in our venomous snake courses is that we are giving everyone a solid base of knowledge to build their own style and skills from. We are definitely not under the illusion that everybody who leaves our classroom with a certificate is just as skilled as those who have been handling wild elapids for years.

We have evaluated the way we run courses many times, and have also considered not doing them at all for a number of reasons. We don't make much money out of them, and it's definitely not our modus operandi.The main reason we conduct them is because I would personally much prefer someone to spend two days with us and have real life exposure to live venomous snakes and provide as much knowledge as we possibly can to them. As most would know, a lot of Queensland references that are handed out privately are done so on a wink and a handshake, rather than someone actually spending time with a new handler and making sure they have the necessary skills.

Luckily for us, our attitude to our courses has paid off ten times over and we have people travelling from all over Australia (including Melbourne) to attend them because of their reputation. We seem to have established ourselves as the premiere course provider of all things venomous.
=Carol. Minka = Fool.

Look we can go round and round in circles, but theres no escaping the fact your an idiot.

G'day guys,

I'd just like to add some info to this thread.

One of the most repeated comments in our venomous snake courses is that we are giving everyone a solid base of knowledge to build their own style and skills from. We are definitely not under the illusion that everybody who leaves our classroom with a certificate is just as skilled as those who have been handling wild elapids for years.

We have evaluated the way we run courses many times, and have also considered not doing them at all for a number of reasons. We don't make much money out of them, and it's definitely not our modus operandi.The main reason we conduct them is because I would personally much prefer someone to spend two days with us and have real life exposure to live venomous snakes and provide as much knowledge as we possibly can to them. As most would know, a lot of Queensland references that are handed out privately are done so on a wink and a handshake, rather than someone actually spending time with a new handler and making sure they have the necessary skills.

Luckily for us, our attitude to our courses has paid off ten times over and we have people travelling from all over Australia (including Melbourne) to attend them because of their reputation. We seem to have established ourselves as the premiere course provider of all things venomous.
= Carol. Now here is a sensible post. Well Said.
he didn't give an opinion, he just advertised his course. You may not actually want to hear Jonno's opinion on the species in the pic ;)
if you think thats a T A I P A N (say it as your spelling it..) TAI - PAN not tee-a-pan, t-eye-pan.....

you are plain wrong.

and that website?? LOL :lol:

Nat ;)
Another name for your coastal tiapan up your way is The Eastern Brown. I just finished a venemous snake handling course and the herpetologist mentioned this to us.

If as you (Carol) say, in QLD or at least in parts of QLD people refer to Taipans as Eastern Brown Snakes
in such areas what do call real Eastern Browns.

Ive heard people use some strange common names for things, but never this (and im in QLD).
I can't believe people will bite the bait so easily for some noobie (more then likely an ex-member) who throws up Hoser's website.

It's pretty clear that everyone agree's this is an EBS. It appears to me that this is Carol's idea of some fun which is a pitty because visitors or other newbies may be in doubt now as to weather this is a Tai or EBS, either way it's bite can be fatal so it's not really dangerous to mistake the two for one another, easy solve, admire from a distance.
Even if eyes were an indicator wouldn't the flash alter that with IDing a snake? Provided the camera used a flash.
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