Love the Glove?? No thanks.

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Not so new Member
Jan 27, 2003
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Country NSW
I've been reading quite a bit about the love the glove party. Whats with this? Why do u want to use a glove? Have confidence in your animals I say. If you get bitten then use that as experience and handle it different the next time. What is this world coming to? People are getting too soft.
I know I'm going to get a lot of flack about my comments but I have a right to my opinions. So do u.
I want to know if there are any others who would not use a glove. Maybe we can start our own web site "hate the glove" :D
I think it's who can type the fastest on this one. If you were on the site when it first started, we had a rather amusing photo of our mate, Steve the Pom. Check out the gallery. Funny pics I think. The rest is history.
Well Done redbacksnake.... yes, there are actually a lot of us "glove haters" out there, and we DO handle our reptiles without fear, and without a glove!!!
I personally believe that if you need to wear a glove, you may as well own a kitten!!!!
:p :lol: :p :lol: :p :lol: :p :lol: :p :lol: :p :lol: :p :lol: :p :lol:
Would a glove on his manhood be of any good in that circumstance?
I don't like the idea of gloves because they wouldn't allow you feel the animal properly. I wanna be able to feel my snake (python)
Btw this is meant to be fun, not an attack on anyone.
Bring on the debate. But no slapping in the face with a glove. Its not a duel.
Is this your call to join the hate the glove campaign?A desperate forum thread to gain attention from Hawkes and the guys?
For or against it dosn't really matter,the fact is the community is full of sheep.One person starts something that gains alot of attention then everyone else has to join or outdo him lmao (with the exception of our group being friends just having some fun).With that said I joined LTG for other reasons. 1stly im unlike yourself that brags with a swollen head and large ego " I dont need no gloves im tuff" *show us ya muscles* You see I can put pride aside and admit I once wore a glove when handling a snappy snake (and if you must know it was to seperate 2 male darwins I combatted while breeding and when removing eggs from the female later on). 2nd reason I joined was to allow the newbies to the hobby to feel comfortable with handling their snakes with protection untill they feel more secure with doing so,letting them feel welcomed not ashamed because they still dont understand snakes and are unsure if they are just viscious animals like they see on tv or if they are good pets.More to the point is there is no harm done by sharing avitars,website etc tis just a group of friends that are having some fun.I will handle any snake and for that matter almost any animal without protection (as will many other members of LTG), Im just saying at some point I have and if the time calls for it I will wear a glove again.(I was keeping brown snakes at age 10 as well as doing my course in oct for snake relocation). Im just 1 example,many other members of LTG are similar with no fear, but they have the decency and honesty to admit they have worn gloves in the past.
I don't know Kirov_grrl some kittens can be quite dangerous. Especially if they know they r gonna be snake food.

(that was a joke. My snake is far too young to eat kittens. See my avatar)
Woah, settle down CC.... I did believe that we were all only having a little bit of fun...... I really think this has all gone a little too far.....
No one is trying to be tough etc, just chill......
Glove or no glove, does it really matter? We should all be grateful that we are allowed to own these type of animals......
A desperate forum thread to gain attention from Hawkes and the guys?
What? This coming from someone who joined love the glove party? aren't u also seeking attention? I knew this would create some flack. What the hell, bring it on.
Ahhh sooo true,
I joined for attention.But look at the effect I got! I have majority of APS users posting threads in regards to the advertisement of LTG. While you may make it as another sheep in which ever group, I will still be subject of discussion,object of attraction and god of all desciples hahaha! :lol:
And the only flack you have started is your ignorance to other herpers less secure in the hobby than yourself.
I have no problems this side,im not wound up, but I will bow out of this off topic subject considering it is just an attack on LTG itself.
CC its all a bit of fun and piss take don't justify a stupid bit of fun with an underlying "Real reason". It heads that way and we'll all stop playing and go home.

Cheers Hawkeye
I'm thinking about starting "love the hockey mask", not for snake-handling, I just really love my b-grade horror movies :lol: :wink:
cc I'm not arrogant. U do things your way and I'll do things my way. U seem to love yourself. How about starting a love cc party. I'm sure u can be the leader. Don't turn this into a bitter conflict.
No... what it is,is a little bit of fun and games when its you lot dissing LTG, But as soon as the shoes on the other foot and yous are being called egotistical heros with swollen pride its an attack. Like I said I have no dramas this side,Im up for a lengthy debate anytime. But expect the same sort of belittling that you guys dish out.

This isn't bitter,this is exactly the attention you were after. You said so yourself you expect alot of flack back.As for starting a CC party im all for it. And because I am loved by all I will wait for others to start the campaign (dont want to look like a lovo now do I)
I never mentioned arrogant, I said ignorant due to the fact that you feel those that wear gloves are inferior to yourself. Shouldnt glove wearers own kittens and earth worms and goldfish etc etc? those were the comments from all the haters wasn't it?
Whoah, too serious...
Glove, no glove... as long as everyone loves their snakes.

Make up and shake on it, hand to glove :D :lol:
Hear hear Niccy babe, this has got a bit out of hand has't it, or should that be out of glove? lol
Calm down guys, this site should be fun :)
Well if LTG isn't inferior what was the reason for the topic in the 1st place?
The whole point to your thread was to brag that you don't need a glove (look who loves who now) So with saying that where does that place those that do wear 1? I also don't see why you's all think the topic is too serious,Im simply replying to a thread that was directed at us glove lovers.
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