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i love dudley - his pic is on my desk at work... then again im a little weird..... lol
What about when you have work commitments and can't get their till a certain day and the seller says the will hold the animal for you but sells it a day before you have a chance to get there.

You haven't sold many animals have you? How many times have you heard someone say, "Please hold it, I'll be there at such and such a time" then they don't turn up. So unless you have struck a good contact-relationship with the other party, I certainly be asking for deposits simply for this reason. I hate wasting a day, waiting around home for somebody and they don't turn up. No phonecalls "sorry couldn't make it" just don't turn up. In the meantime you knock back other potential buyers and lose out on them all.
That is a load of utter crap Ian.

I do not love my reptiles. To me they are the same as goldfish swimming around an aquarium, all they are is enjoyable to look at. I have no emotional attachment to them, i have a dog and human friends for that.

Do you really think that people like Gavin Bedford (who brought us albino olives, glauerts, glebos and helped to brings us albino darwins) were in love with those animals, do you really think they would mistreat their animals and what is wrong with treating them as saleable items?

They aren't pets then and you are only in it for the money. That's got to have costs for the reptiles that you own.
Can only hope they are sold to people who will give them the attention they deserve and who will cherish their new reptile and make it a scaley friend and member of the family (and spoil it).
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They aren't pets then and you are only in it for the money. That's got to have costs for the reptiles that you own. Can only hope they are sold to people who will give them the attention they deserve and who will cherish their new reptile and make it a scaley friend and member of the family (and spoil it).

Ian i am not in it for the money because i don't breed or sell anything.

Beleive it or not different people can have different views and feelings towrds their animals. That certaintly doesn't make them a bad people or keepers and it definately doesn't make your values the right values.
You haven't sold many animals have you? How many times have you heard someone say, "Please hold it, I'll be there at such and such a time" then they don't turn up. So unless you have struck a good contact-relationship with the other party, I certainly be asking for deposits simply for this reason. I hate wasting a day, waiting around home for somebody and they don't turn up. No phonecalls "sorry couldn't make it" just don't turn up. In the meantime you knock back other potential buyers and lose out on them all.

Easy solution is become card merchant , and ask for a credit card deposit over the phone, no deposit, it's not held. If they change their mind when they show up, you reverse the card transaction.
Wont work for those who are doing the selling "tax free" on a cash only basis.

Ian i am not in it for the money because i don't breed or sell anything.

Beleive it or not different people can have different views and feelings towrds their animals. That certaintly doesn't make them a bad people or keepers and it definately doesn't make your values the right values.

Appologies for inferring you are.

There are those who do so that comment is directed at them.
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And how the hell do you spoil a bunch of snakes that are venomous and tag anything that moves Ian?

Appologies for inferring you are.

There are those who do so that comment is directed at them.

I'm still trying to get my head around what you mean. Are you saying that anybody who sells reptiles, but does not view them as pets, is only in it for the money and the animals somehow suffer? And if you don't love them then you can't and aren't caring for them properly?
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Where is all this money you speak of Ian? No one I know is living in a mansion because of their reptiles.
Easy solution is become card merchant , and ask for a credit card deposit over the phone, no deposit, it's not held. If they change their mind when they show up, you reverse the card transaction.
Wont work for those who are doing the selling "tax free" on a cash only basis.

What? You mean an EFTPOS machine? I am not paying the fees and charges on one of them. I just make sure the buyers understand that if I don't hear back by certain dates, I presume they are no longer interested.

I have to disagree, though, about those in it just for money not having the passion to look after their animals well. I don't like seeing ppl "use" animals as a money-making scheme but a lot of the ones that I'd trust to buy from, I believe look after their animals extremely well. Those with big money invested aren't going to risk their stock by cutting corners on husbandry. Some of them have lots of photos to share of their animals and they look extradordinary. Yeah, any snake can look fantastic in a photo, but the animal needs to looked after properly, to be in the condition needed to look decent. I have animals that have been in appalling condition when I've acquired them, and no photo can make it look nice, no matter how incredible that animal should be. If they aren't looked after, they will not shine. I'll agree there are plenty out there who don't give a rats bum about how their animals are treated, but many of them here, although may not have dinner with their animals, but still pride themselves in looking after them properly.
Breeders as a majority, NOT minority, are "genuine" people trying to sell their animals that they have invested in, raised, bred and then sell onwards to the hobby for us all to enjoy! This can take many years guys and alot of money invested in electricity and food bills..
I'm 100% positive that breeders get frustrated and annoyed by the "tyre kickers".... that's not a herper who asks questions, that's encouraged, more-so one that screws you around. These people say, they'll purchase and never do and as a result, you turn down potential buyers out of courtesy to them.... That person also doesn't have the courtesy to let you know they are NOT interested...hence the Tyre-kicker tag.
For me, thats respect in my books and i'm sure if potential buyers follow this friendly advice, it will curtail "some" breeders bad feelings towards potential buyers and this thread, which has been statistically proven for many years previously.
This is called communication and respect...even though its on the internet, we ALL still need to adhere to that simplest value!
Thats the hobby unfortunately and life and a pre-requisite to internet trading like this, which really sucks and as herpers, really shouldn't be allowed, as we are all in this for the hobby and love of the reptiles. Very cliche, but true...yeh??
IF you are interested in an animal, put a deposit down like any retail transaction in the "real" world dictates and think of the time buyers waste of the sellers that are trying to do the right thing but get hammered because they get the S H I T S from tyre kickers all the time and react to a silly thread like offence.
just food for though for potential buyers and how to conduct themselves with the "rude" sellers if there is a thing..I havent experienced this yet..
As mentioned, IF sellers are rude, go else where, I agree with that, but be nice and the majority will be accommodating, I can guarantee that! :)
I have learn alot with keeping reptiles through my personal experience, but also so much from breeders that have helped me after I have purchased an animal from them and I have asked them questions without attitude and a genuine quest for knowledge!!!!
Cheers... :)
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Ian.. you dont buy or sell Reptiles... so how do you come to the conclusion that because someone sells them that they will not look after them aswell?... But yes some people do that but i would say 99% of people dont... if a reptile is unhealthy then your going to have a hard time selling it.. there not puppies... You cant just wash them then sell em...
So much crap in this thread. I must say myself and probably many others who sell animals would've spent much more on setting our collections up in better conditions than the people complaining because they probably can't afford what they really want.
Ian.. you dont buy or sell Reptiles... so how do you come to the conclusion that because someone sells them that they will not look after them aswell?... But yes some people do that but i would say 99% of people dont... if a reptile is unhealthy then your going to have a hard time selling it.. there not puppies... You cant just wash them then sell em...

You young sir, just earned my respect.
I spend a lot of time and effort on my snakes that I sell , a clutch I hatched out this last week took me over 4 years and 3 clutches to achieve the results I was after , so to me if you send me a PM or email like the examples from my in box below then you are not likely to get much help at all .... No names , no Hi Brett , no thanks , no info on what they are asking about , nothing really to help me out with their questions ...
These type of PM's out way the good by a huge number too.

""don't have anymore do you, or know where I could go about obtaining one ?""

""Is he still available?? what colour are the eyes?? ""

""hi wat you got ta sell this season?""

"" was wondering if you knew where I could buy a golden spike tailed gecko? Or if you had the contacts to find me one?""

""Curious to know if you are keeping the childrens python""

It's a two way street and if some one bothers to spend an extra minute to address me , give me their name , a contact number , some details on the snake they are after , ask a few questions about the snakes etc then I will always go out of my way to help them out in any way I can.
""hi wat you got ta sell this season?""

rainbows, love, hopes and dreams LOL
I spend a lot of time and effort on my snakes that I sell , a clutch I hatched out this last week took me over 4 years and 3 clutches to achieve the results I was after , so to me if you send me a PM or email like the examples from my in box below then you are not likely to get much help at all .... No names , no Hi Brett , no thanks , no info on what they are asking about , nothing really to help me out with their questions ...
These type of PM's out way the good by a huge number too.

""don't have anymore do you, or know where I could go about obtaining one ?""

""Is he still available?? what colour are the eyes?? ""

""hi wat you got ta sell this season?""

"" was wondering if you knew where I could buy a golden spike tailed gecko? Or if you had the contacts to find me one?""

""Curious to know if you are keeping the childrens python""

It's a two way street and if some one bothers to spend an extra minute to address me , give me their name , a contact number , some details on the snake they are after , ask a few questions about the snakes etc then I will always go out of my way to help them out in any way I can.
oh so 17 (Baden)
Agreed Brett. Also, those 'enquiries' are gold mate lol
I spend a lot of time and effort on my snakes that I sell , a clutch I hatched out this last week took me over 4 years and 3 clutches to achieve the results I was after , so to me if you send me a PM or email like the examples from my in box below then you are not likely to get much help at all .... No names , no Hi Brett , no thanks , no info on what they are asking about , nothing really to help me out with their questions ...
These type of PM's out way the good by a huge number too.

""don't have anymore do you, or know where I could go about obtaining one ?""

""Is he still available?? what colour are the eyes?? ""

""hi wat you got ta sell this season?""

"" was wondering if you knew where I could buy a golden spike tailed gecko? Or if you had the contacts to find me one?""

""Curious to know if you are keeping the childrens python""

It's a two way street and if some one bothers to spend an extra minute to address me , give me their name , a contact number , some details on the snake they are after , ask a few questions about the snakes etc then I will always go out of my way to help them out in any way I can.

Totally agree that that is not the way to approach a seller, I have had some really annoying questions like that when I used to sell on ebay and it is true, you really don't want to answer people when that is their approach.
There is no need for you to be a smart alec.

Just saying that there can be legitimate reasons why someone has not answered an email.
I am a busy person. I can open an email and say to myself, I will answer that one later, then I forget.

Dead or killed in an accident hey ! Woah.

That's not at all an extreme assumption to make !!!!

I agree.

A far more acceptable and likely scenario is that they have

a) died of natural causes before they could ammend their advertisement or
b) a horribly sickening accidental death or
c) one of their relatives is being read their last rites and the poor sellers are sitting in economy class on a 747 hoping to make it in time

It was wrong of us to assume they may be lazy or arrogant or unwilling to help anyone beneath them on the Herpetological Salesperson Scale of Credibility !!!!

.......Guess there's a bunch of unclaimed corpses, dying cousins and highway slaughters in Brisbane then because by the sounds of it we sure send alot of unanswered requests for info !!!!
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