Savannah cats banned

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So we punish all people for crimes they have not committed for the greater good is that correct Gillsy?

Nobody is being "punished" but yes, laws are put in place to prevent accidents which will affect others. Same reason 8 year olds aren't allowed to drive, drunk people aren't allowed to fly aeroplanes and we can't play with TNT in our backyards...
There will be very little if anything left in this country in 30 years time anyway with or without savannah cats.

Thanks to not savannah cats but humans and habitat destruction.
Except a few species of fish, name any animal not brought here for pet reasons that has not gone feral.
Look at the Coorong now and Savannah cats never did that, humans did!

But you have all been brainwashed into believing this decision to stop the cats was made for "the good of the environment"

The government doesn't give a rats *** about the environment.

Look at the Coorong now and Savannah cats never did that, humans did!

But you have all been brainwashed into believing this decision to stop the cats was made for "the good of the environment"

The government doesn't give a rats *** about the environment.

So what is in it for them then?
Look at the Coorong now and Savannah cats never did that, humans did!

But you have all been brainwashed into believing this decision to stop the cats was made for "the good of the environment"

The government doesn't give a rats *** about the environment.

And from the sounds of it your Captain Planet.
Strange debating style

Taking aside the fact they have banned this breed of cat, lets take a look at what imported animals you can purchase and own.




Oh thats right NONE

Aussie1, you keep saying you are the only one putting facts on the table.
You then ignore the facts and reassert your opinion.

You say you can't import animals into Australia. Well, you are wrong. Over 12,000 aquarium fish are legally imported every week into Australia. Yes, some species, like Piranha are banned, for environmental purposes. No prizes for guessing your response......

Your opinion is that your civil liberties are infringed. The fact is animals are imported into this country every day, provided they pass quarantine and risk assessment.

As for your claim that if Australian's knew about the issue, they'd be in favour of importing these cats...
  • The MSN poll was 36,000 to 9,000 against the cats,
  • the Gopetition was 8,500 against while 500 for them,
  • the submissions to the government were 526 against and 23 for them,
This was a widely publicised issue with nothing stopping your "majority" of Australians expressing their opinion or making their case.

Your debating style is straight out of Monty Python, not Aussie Python.
some people are mentally constipated

I take it some of you have never seen any Doco's of what domestic / turned feral cats have done and are doing to our native faunna already, like I said SOME of you are sitting on your brains. I thought this site was about herps & the people who love them, not the VERMON that are wipping out our native wildlife ??? how many times have you been witness to a cat running off with a lizard or a bird ??? NOT YOUR CAT, HEY ??? stand up and clear your mind:evil::evil::evil:
Cat damage

Herpekeeper is right that the wider debate needs to be about containing cats in general.

If you filled trucks with one year's diet of feral cats in Australia, the line would run from Sydney to Canberra and back again. It's an incredible toll.
If the government was serious about protecting its native fauna why has it not undertaken a giant program to destroy all wild cats and vermin?
Why does the government not go and destroy all wild cats in Australia?

Why do they not pass laws to make people keep there cats confined 24 hours a day?
Because the government doesnt CARE

It just sucks people like most of you in to believe that it cares.
The government is spending millions trying to develop ways of getting rid of cats from the environment - they don't take baits very well and there are lots of non-target issues. The Australia, NZ, Victorian and Western Australian government have had a research group working on it for over a decade. The fact is, it's hard to do. That why it is so important not to make the problem worse.

There are maybe 12-18 million feral cats and it would be impossible to wipe them out with current technology.

Laws are starting to get passed to contain cats - but it is a long process of education and adjustment. If you live in Forde or Bonner in the ACT now, you must keep cats contained. Its not legal to have a cat on Lord Howe Island any more.

The Tasmanian and Australian governments eradicated cats on Macquarie Island. These things are expensive and slow - but that doesn't mean you throw the doors open to everything.
Aussie 1, one of my favourate doco's I ever seen was on the Army sharp shooters (goverment funded mind you) out west plugging these VERMON out of tree's. there needs to be more programs introduced by the goverment like this to help wipe these things out ! maybe you should be complaining to the cat lovers club, not to people who know 1st hand what these vermon/ killing machines are doing to our native animals ! This is another introduced ecological nightmare just like the rest of of our introduced ecological nightmare's. Pigs, Goats, Cane toads, Tilapia, Rabbits and so on and so on !!!! like I've stated not hard to see where some peoples brains are hey ???
I have a friend in the army and they often see wild cats at the training bases they are used as target practice lol.

I think the government should get of its **** and pay people to shoot wild cats.

The simplest solution to this is to make it law that feral cats should be shot on sight.

They also need to make it easier to purchase guns preferable without a licence.
And they need to make it law that all pet cats are confined 24 hours a day and for the entire life.
Wow Aussie1, you just solved the feral problem in Australia, Give yourself a pat on the back and start work on the drought situation....
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