Savannah cats banned

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[Sounds like you are a sore loser who is desperately trying to come up with an excuse for why a vast majority of the population who had an interest in this case chose to support the ban on these animals.

Get over it.[/quote]

Very mature response.

This forum continues to show that rather than debate or discussion people who don't like ones point of view resort to insults or attempt to be witty.
Oh and do all of you really believe the government and past governments of this country care about the environment???

If you do you are all deluded.
What gets me astonished with people like most of you who have said oh we need to save the environment, is you are all hypocrites.

I am sure most of you if not all of you use cars and pollute the air each day driving them
I am sure most of you purchase products that are not environmentally friendly
I am sure some of you live on farms that probably cut down dozens of trees and wiped out numerous native fauna.
I am sure most of you have big energy bills contributing to green house gas.

Lets keep this in perspective.

Yes the cats if released would cause damage.

However all of you are damaging the environment in some way.

This is the most irrational logic. You are not alone though, many seem to follow this wierd(and disturbing) idea that since humans often have a negative impact on the environment any attempt to minimise it is somehow a waste of time or hypocritical...

If someone helps to rehabilitate some native rainforest and then farts does that make rehabilitaing the rainforest a waste of time? Surely its hypocritical and pointless to save the forest and then cause greenhouse gas pollution :rolleyes:

As for all the stuff about freedoms etc. there will never be true freedom while there are laws, all laws(that i can think of) restrict freedoms. There needs to be balance for example we can buy guns if licenced, but are not allowed to have nuclear weapons for private use. To me this seems logical but to you not being able to have nuclear weapons would be a loss of civil liberty or something?
Interesting, perhaps aussie1 you have inadvertently highlighted another issue about current society. You have presented the all too flagrantly ignorant point of view that the rights of the individual should outweigh the benefit of the collective. The development of this attitude is why the government needs to legislate such things as pet ownership.

The arguments against the banning of Savannah cats are nothing more then an ignorant smoke screen designed to confuse the real issue. The all or nothing attitude of "we all currently have an impact on the environment, so why should we take action on this" is probably the most ridiculous.

aussie1, I won't attempt to be witty. I wholeheartedly feel that your arguments are half baked at best and feel that you are the one offering criticism to others for not agreeing with your point of view.
Governments will continue to legislate as long as people (like many of you here) allow them to do so.

I am reminded of another famous old quote.

To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be place[d] under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”

People need to see the whole picture not just the issue of the savannah cat.

Regardless of why or how the law was passed and all the pros and cons the bottom line is it is depriving us of our civil liberties.


Everything else on this issue is an opinion and what's the saying ? opinions are like *** HOLES everyone has them.

Lets have a country without a government, hey we can be the next Zimbawe.

We can kill and rape just for fun, we no Consequences that will be so good.

We can have Burmese pythons and when we're bored with them, we'll just let them in the local national park, where they can control populations of the endagered black wallaby.

Why not, lets do it for fun. Then we can do whatever we want, the world will be so good.
The picture here is the Cat plain and simple you are an idiot that should be in Byron Bay smoking pot because you believe there is some conspiracy of the government to control every moment of our lives because they have nothing better to do.
Zimbabwe has a government, and look at how its run.
Ah the good old argument we need government to protect us.

Do you really believe that?
just because an announcement has been made means nothing, especially from the hon. Peter Garrett. the schedule "Part 1 – Live specimens not requiring an import permit" of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 was updated on 24 June 2008 and as no change in the definition of "domestic cat" has even been proposed, and as "domestic cat" appears on that schedule, it is still absolutely legal to import Savannah Cats into Australia, with no requirement to apply for an import permit under the Act as they currently fall within the definition.

Rarely, will this government back up an announcement with action, let alone a P.Garrett announcement. This sort of announcement is made to appease the protesters, but mark my words, these cats will arrive, and there will be some blaming the previous government for allowing the loop-hole in the definition, which will not be amended in time to stop them being imported.

Don't let up on your protests until it is legislated, an announcement is worthless and useless without the follow through of legislative changes.

Given that this has been the most relevant post on the topic, I thought I'd quote it. All those reading this thread interested should take note and realise that this is only the first step. Let's not see this turn into a hollow promise.

It is a real shame that other members bloat out a relevant thread like this confusing the topic with socio-political hogwash. I guess it's the empty can that rattles the most :rolleyes:
Zimbabwe has a government, and look at how its run.
Its true, banning the importation of a hybrid cat is just one step away persecuting people for their political beliefs and/or race.:rolleyes:
Taking aside the fact they have banned this breed of cat, lets take a look at what imported animals you can purchase and own.




Oh thats right NONE
Lets take a look at what animals have been brought here and are now pests.

Corn Snakes
japanese Starfish

I'm sure people can add more
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