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Contact the breeder ASAP, they should waive the 6months in cases like this.
Yeah I will ring ecoacces tomorrow and see if I can sell them, but I don't want to rip anyone off and I don't think they are worth $275 each either!!! I have contacted the "breeder" and he says they are Diamonds.
Another case of the dodgy sellers.
They seem to be everywhere these days...even the supposedly good guys soemtimes go crazy and sell poo.
$275 was cheap for those parents hatchlings.......too cheap.

This is exactly why Adam, if I cant see the snakes with my own eyes, or come to some agreement with the seller if I dont like them (if sent), Im not buying them anymore.
Toooo many poo heads out their with no integrity........
it's a terrible state of affairs, and one that is happening much too often now days. XX
with any luck you can get your money back, and just send a letter to the EPA explaining. they should waive the rule for this type of thing.
mate that is terrible news. don't get me wrong, i would proudly look after/care for any healthy snake! but to be sold something you did not pay for is disgraceful.
Ive seen that 2nd Pic a few times around..

They MAY just be locality specimens such as a Port Mac for example, Taree etc etc which would explain the more carpet rosettes but the high yellow colour.

Some people call carpets from those areas Diamonds. Some Hybrids, crosses, intergrades, port macs, what next!

I saw the ad and those pics and my first thought was they are not pure Diamonds. As Pugsly mentioned they may be 'Northern Diamonds' of some specific locale, but my gut feeling says one or both of those parents have some Carpet in them.
yeah I've also seen pythons that look almost completely coastal carpet like and the owners have called them diamonds 1 was at an animal park .... I remember a couple of days ago on here a newbie posted about why people use scientific names on here can I just say ....
there you go !
Yes well he sounded like an older man who was trustworthy, thats the worst thing!!! Late last year I paid for a pair of hatchies I never even got, a few weeks ago I got a cross, sold as a pure adult male and now this!!!!!!! This is just a joke!!!!!!
It really makes you cautious about buying without seeing! I was after a hypo Bredli female, had a bloke contact me, guaranteed female he claimed. Then I see his same email address on petlink advertising a hypo male!! I didn't go ahead with the purchase. Trouble is it makes it harder for the genuine breeders (unless well known) to sell their stock interstate.
mate they all start dull like that and as they get older they yellow up you didnt get riped off so dont stress if you want them to come out relly yellow like the parents make sure they gut uv floros and they will be very nice
they are pure diamonds and nice ones at that.i've delt with that seller twice now and my oldest is now 5yo.another friend bought a beautiful female off him a couple years ago as well.all baby diamonds look like that at that patient and wait for it to grow.come 3-4 years of age it will look great.he's not a cheap dodgy breeder,he is just very well priced and i wouldn't hesitate in buying another animal off him.
heres a photo of my girl at 5
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Thanx for the reassurance. I have owned hatchy Diamonds before, it's just like I said, the stripes have me worried.
Why'd you buy them if you didn't like them...? (Sorry if this has be asked)
Hi Adam,
I share your pain mate! :( I also bought a pair of "diamonds" from this breeder. I was sent parent pics same as yours, and all assuramces were given! Then as soon as I got them, I was quite upset, just as you are. I rang the breeder immediately only to be told "THEY ARE DIAMONDS!"
I also know from having diamonds before that sometimes if not always they do take a while to colour up, but these animals look nothing like the parents in their patterning!!. The breeder even told me they were Gosford Diamond's, which they most definately are not!
As you say mate, it's not the colour, it's the banded pattern! When I said that to the breeder, he said the mother has a few bands on her, yeah maybe one or two joined rossettes, but not covering half the bloody snake!! I also not sure what to do with mine, and when you confront the breeder, all he comes back with is THEY ARE DIAMONDS, well, I dis-agree!!! :(
Excuse my ignorance, and I'm not trying to stir anything up here... But why wouldn't you ask for photos of what you were about to pay for? Also, SnakePower "said the mother has a few bands on her, yeah maybe one or two joined rossettes, but not covering half the bloody snake!!" .. If you weren't happy with the mother's patterning why did you buy?
Sorry if I'm being annoying..
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