Stimson python as first snake for a beginner? Please HELP!

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Feb 22, 2008
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Hey, I am 12 years old and ALREADY HAVE my class1 lisence and I am looking into buying a stimsons python baby as my first pet snake. I have googled them, but foung not much useful information. I am looking for information about -

Their temprement
How big the grow
How long they live
Any other useful Information

Get a book (prob available in your local petshop) called Caring for Children's Pythons. That will give you a good idea of what is required (Children's pythons are from the same family as Stimson's and the requirements are pretty similar.)

I think there are some care sheets on here too. Otherwise just do a search of Stimson's/Children's/Antaresia threads here on APS.

Good luck! We have just got our first Stimmie hatchling and she is gorgeous!
housing- small click clack
feeding- pinky mice, u can buy them from most local pet stores...
handling- dont handle for the first week...
temperment- may b a lil defensive at first since it will b very small if u buy as a hatchy, but will calm down wit some TLC...
size- i think they get 100-150cm, size will vary with individual snakes
age- not sure how long they live...

best way to start off is buying a small click clack, one with no gaps at all so ur stimmy cant get out, hav a cold end and a hot end of the click clack, i keep my spotteds hot end at 29-31 degrees....hav a hide at each end of it, n water bowl at the cool end...
Housing - in a click clack (a small plastic enclosure) for the first year or so then into a larger enclosure. mines around 3 feet by 1.5 feet by almost 2 feet high.

Feeding - i feed once a week, start off with small pinky mice. your snake will be TINY :p but then move up. mine is a year old and on fuzzy mice. I'll be moving up soon i think.

Handling - Let it be for the first week or two to settle in. After that you can get it out a couple times a week. mine copes well will everyday handling when ive done it but its all up to the snake, if its snappy or stressed then handle less.

Their temprement - All snakes are different. Most though seem to be well natured snakes. Mine has never bitten out of fear/aggression. Only when food is near. Even then, if its not hungry its near impossible to get it to bite. Ive only been bitten a few times when feeding carelessly or had mice smell on my hands. Even then, it doesnt hurt at all.

just to say again though... ALL snakes are different. mines an angel but another one might be the son of satan. at least with these guys they stay small so their heads stay too small to inflct damage :p

How big the grow - Only around a meter long after a couple of years. The worlds second smallest python. Some might get larger but most are around the 1m mark.

How long they live - They love a long time so make sure you want to be caring for one to possibly in your 30's. They can live up to 20+ years.

Any other useful Information - They are an AWESOME snake and very beautiful markings. they stay small so are very good for beginners and children. as babies they are only as big as a pencil so i've found they are good to get a parent or friend to stop being afraid of snakes.
Want Top Buy A Stimsons Or Md Python

Hi im a new snake owner

im looking for a stimsons python or a MD

Which one would be smaller wen fully grown and how much would each b also wat is the best python for a beginer

i have everything

the cage
set up

all i need now is a snake;)
Stimson Pythons get to a max of 1m in length, My adult female is 95cm long and my adult male is 90cm long. I believe that Murray Darling Carpet Pythons can get upto 8 foot so I've read? my MD is about 13 months old and around 1m in length at a rough guess.
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