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First statement should read:

1) I did not think that the Aquarium was an ARAZPA member until SWW came along.

My information was that they joined up when SWW was opened.

1) I did not think that the Aquarium wasn't an ARAZPA member until SWW came along.

2) My understanding is that SWW is privately funded... the entry free seems to reflect this ;-)
Thanks for all your comments guys :D It's a lot more reassuring now that my first impression of the place was the right one lol.

Miss B - Not every zoo is bad, in fact the majority of Australian zoos actually look after their animals quite well. I must admit though, I've only ever been to the ones in Sydney lol. I really want to go see Australia Zoo as I've heard it's really good, and Tim G I'll have to visit that zoo if I ever go up there :D It's things like, if you've ever been to Taronga zoo and seen the size and state of the African elephants enclosure, half the floor is concrete and it's really way too small for the creatures and they're extremely social animals so with only 2 in the enclosure they won't be displaying normal behaviours. But in general, Australian zoos are pretty good. So by saying "I hate zoos" it was more in referance to a lot of international zoos. There's some real shockers out there.

I went to Sydney wildlife park at easter time, and i thought it was absoloutely brilliant, i went there at night, and even the little spider exhibition they have there is huge. All the snakes were slithering around the thorny devils were playing and the kangaroos and koalas looked very well looked after. You may be against zoos etc, but this place is like they have just taken a bit of each animals habitat and put it in there. This is an awesome place, and its not like some places that i have been to where the enclosures are so small that the snakes have to sleep on top of each other so they both fit. And i spoke to a few of the animal carers there and they were very enthusiastic about the well being of the animals. So before you say anything horrible about this place, go there talk to the people that look after the animals then come out and make your opinion. but all in all this place kicks ass man. :D
Australia zoo is a really great place to visit, top exhibits, very clean and well run, in the last few years they have spent $40 million and now with their new plans are set to spend another $100 million. There are heaps of staff every where, from what I have heard they are expanding out to 1000 arces.
It's things like, if you've ever been to Taronga zoo and seen the size and state of the African elephants enclosure, half the floor is concrete and it's really way too small for the creatures and they're extremely social animals so with only 2 in the enclosure they won't be displaying normal behaviours.

Just clear up a couple of things - the elephants you refer to were Asian Elephants, not African. And I guess you haven't been to Taronga for a while becasue both He-man and Burma were shipped up to Western Plains Zoo some time ago to join the elephants up there.

I suggest you go back to Taronga and see the new Elephant enclosure for the five youngsters the zoo imported last year - it's very different to the enclosure you described.


I went yesterday for the first time to have a look.
They have some really nice enclosures, big and natural. However this does lead to alot of "no shows". Atleast a dozen enclosures had animals hiding where we couldnt find them, alot of others you had to look really hard to find. I know that they need to get out of the spotlight, but to a paying customer thats not really good. I heard/saw lots of families walking along with the kids (and parents) going "Another empty one" and just walking through the place in no time.

Dont get me wrong I really liked the Boyd's and Frilled neck enclosures. The problem is that unless you are from overseas most of what is in there is available to you in your backyard (I know thats kinda the point). Huge enclosures to look at a dozen butterflys probably could have been put to better use.

Anyways as a local I thought it was overpriced for the variety they had on show. $28.50 to get in, we walked through slowly looking in every exhibit trying to find animals, sat down a few times to let crowds go past etc and it took us just over an hour to go through the place.
Pay the extra $10 and got to Taronga, I can get there are 9 and leave at 5 and still not see everything.
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