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No but I am a bullpoo talker. I have one nemisis as in the one above lol and one very good chat buddy!!!!Oh and then of course there's my favourite iluvs..... :twisted: :wink:
I stalk all the time hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ha
Irwin is a toss for what he did always will be a toss for what he did.Unless you work with crocs everyday then you don't know what you are talking about.It was dangerous the moment the child was in the enclosure.As for comparing the introduction of a new baby to the family dog to Irwins stunt, shows a lack of knowledge.Both circumstances aren't or weren't for the child,he can't at a month see the bloody croc.So tell me what is he doing for the kid by showing him a croc,nothing other than using him for publicity.The interveiw proved to people that work crocs on a daily basis that he is a bigger fool than originally thought.
What the Bredls don't know about crocs aint worth knowing and on the day Karla Bredl started her show with Solomon she didn't think for a second she would be attacked by him, smashed pelvis,abductor muscle torn from her groin,and massive internal injuries.Hey she did the show with him hundreds of times before,ONE SLIP,WITH GUARDS THERE.In seconds massive injuries get the idea people.When dealing with animals anything can happen anytime,NO MATTTER HOW GOOD YOU THINK YOU ARE AND HAVE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION.
All I can say is lucky for Steve there nieve people who know nothing about crocs.Pretend all you want but for people who work with crocs and are parents it was a very bad call and total stupidity.

Hey Obee? How many teeth does Solomon have?

Answer - ZERO.

Don't feed buckets to your crocs. People know they can bite hard...
If they knew so much about crocs/reptiles he'd know buckets aren't part of it's natural diet, and that it's doing the animal harm.

Rob Bredl is a joke.
You are an expert yourself then.I'd rather see a bucket than a baby any day.Think before you the way how are all your crocs going.
Baby got no where near the animal. It's over, let it die.

My crocs are fine, how abouts yours?
I don't think for a minute what Steve or Terri done was correct and I think they know that without admitting it. I like them and agree it was a stupid stunt but I also think that they have learnt a lesson regarless of what anyone says and I think aside from that inccodent they have taught the general a lot about snakes, and Steve's approach is usually of a VERY proffessional nature.
Adam I agree with you 100%.sxereturn his arm was, and the other one was holding the baby.To close was in the enclosure.Purpose for it was crap,which people like you believe.When you do shows with crocs talk to me,otherwise talk about stuff you know about and I'll be happy to listen and learn from you.End of subject it has been flogged to death.Lets just hope he has learnt,and one of his kids don't get turned into croc slop.
Irwins father did it with him. Its their problem and their choice. People endanger their kids by driving with them in their car. I feel sorry for them, but they shouldnt have done it on camera.
yes but did he slip and did the baby get eaten?

nope so it isnt a problem
Driving your kid in a car is a common everyday choice.What Steve did is just simple stupidity.On or off camera makes no diff,off you can't get publicity.My child is the world to me I would not put her in my croc enclosures for any amount of money.Outside, no chance of a croc getting her,inside every chance.I just believe as a parent I would like her to be safe forever from danger,not expose her to it for my gain.She would be there now with me if I let feeding a croc.Plenty of time in life for her to endanger herself with her own life decisions...loL. Not 1 mnoth old when you can't even see yet.What was he teaching his kid nothing at all.
Ryan I bet Karla Bredl would love to remember the hundreds of times she didn't slip.Never will she forget the 1 time she did.If I ever do I hope my kid isn't there to see it.Remember all the times he has slipped like the alligator on the hand after he explained how quiet they were.The idiot has made whole documentries about animal slip ups.
Twits I have met that keep elapids and brag about how many times theyv'e been bitten to impress,have exactly the same mentality as this whacker.
I have been impressed by a man that has kept elapids longer than I have been alive and bitten once.Getting bitten is your mistake you haven't read the animal.But it is never fool proof particularly if you are known to be a fool.I know how to say Steve is a w!@#$r in 9 different languages I here it every day from tourists.To the thousands of tourists I speak to every week I praise the man for the incredible good he has done.For the idiocy I condem him.
If he is out to save the natural world why not put money into the list of Aussie fauna eg.northern hairy nose wombat,that on the brink of extinction, practicaly nothing being done for these animals.
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