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My 2 bobs worth. Steve certainly has raised the profile of Australia & our animals & outback.

As far as knowing what he's doing, he must know something or he'd probably be dead by now.

But do I think that he acts responsibly, I'm not sure.

I went to Oz zoo early in 2001 & one of their guys had just been nailed by a croc (I think it was during a display). Steve wasn't there & one of the other keepers was doing the croc talk. Man was he sucking air. Breathing really hard through the wireless head mic. And while there were 3 people in the enclosure with him, the only real escape was a few steps up to the fence which he had to leap over last minute. I deal with risk management on a regular basis & all I can say is soooo many things can go wrong.

I always laugh at the Albi Mangles type footage you get on Steve's shows on Fox etc. He jumps out of the car having just sited a fierce snake runs up the road full bore only to find that a camera isalready there filming from the other direction.

I work in the child care industry & was talking to a mum who's 9 year old & 9 year old friend came back from a walk on their farm with 2 small black snakes (one dead & one nearly dead) that the boys had found , "just like Steve Irwin. "

I like him but Geez he can be a big bloody wally.

Ps. What about Van Halen?
They certainly don't give the viewer much credit when they do their editing , that's for sure.I love the episode where a komodo dragon has him bailed up a tree but he can still talk to the camera.Where exactly is the camera man supposed to be.Standing on the dragon perhaps?

Ps. I love Van Halen too. My amp is actually a Eddie Van Halen Peavey 5150 (not cheap) although only Saikrett will probably know what that is.
Yes he does seem to have the ability to "find" whatever hes looking for LOL.
Nice Amp Greebo, I just sold my marshall jcm900.
Still got a peavey classic 30 that kicks along well.
Agree on clapton as im a blues nut, buddy guy is awesome -his rhythm lets him down from being the best, but have you seen him live!!!

my 2c on Steve Irwin is it looks like the whole bob saga took a big toll on them. It was a big publicity stunt that went wrong, which he still trys to justify as being ok.
I wonder what bobs training regime is - how many times he currently feeds the crocs etc. per week/day. Repetition is what kids that age thrive on and without repeating it constantly the whole exercise is pointless!
I love it when Steve sees a hole crawls down it, but the camera man must have been "berry berry sneaky" 'cause he's already down there.

Ad do you like the old old stuff like Sonny Boy Williamson & Brownie Mcgee? I love the blues harp, have to get myself an old dirty sounding valve amp again.
Americans that come through the my park said he did admit he was wrong,TO AMERICA.I HEAR HE DID SOME FANCY SUCKIN UP TO THE POWERS TO BE OVER THERE.Cause thats where the money lies.To his countrymen here what explanation did we get,stuffall. Up here there are real crocodile men, the old fellas,now a rare breed,the real experts.I love to listen to the encounters and yarns of old fellas.I spend most of my time out bush and are honoured to be allowed access to tribal land out of bounds to public.Trust me when I say Steve has never even lived in croc country and is the showy tip of the iceberg to the knowledge that exists up here.When it comes to Rob Bredl Steve couldn't even compete with rob's shadow,and I've met people up here in the middle of knowhere even Rob could learn from.
I think Steve was being a proud Dad and wanted the world to see 'Robert'.

People drive their kids around in deadly weapons with no seatbelts, they kill them slowly by taking drugs and drinking while pregnant, they make them obese, people choose partners over their own kids, there is incest, cruelty and neglect going on under our noses.

there are beaten damaged children and we're worried about Bob? I'm not.
PS: Slatey you are funny.
I've got a goodin.A mate of mine owns a cane farm in Ingham.In Steve's early days when his shows were almost all fiction and nobody really knew him.He approached some farmers{Peter my m8 included]to film a seen catching a pig with his dog to bait a croc trap.One shot showed pigs running out of cane just on daybreak 5:45am.The next shot showed Steve with his dog running along the cane and it suddenly was 6 hrs later in the heat of the day.But again the cameraman arrived first and was able to film the pig bouncing around in circles and not going anywhere both of them waiting for Steve and his dog to show up.That cameraman is like bloody superman.
To cut a long story short another guy caught the pig with his dogs and to keep it where it could be filmed they tied it to a stake and then Steve put his dog on it.So Steve must be God and above cruelty to animals laws.A total setup.SXE you are the one that needs to research your god almighty and look through unglazed eyes.People laugh at him not with him and like you he is great entertainment.Please keep posting you kill me....lolol
obee said:
Trust me when I say Steve has never even lived in croc country

Mate, he spent 2 bloody years up North catching crocs. Have you ever even met the guy?
Earth Mother I am laughing at all this Steve Irvin discussions. Frankly I don't care about show business to much. Who knows what is going on behind camera in real situation. If all this comedians give people pleasure, good on them. If that is Snakebabe or Steve Irvin das not meter to me. Obviously they provide good entertiment, and people do have something to talk about. So all this comedians do fulfill they purpose and they have right to be admired by some. I personally like Jacky Chen.
By the way my snakes do not care at all, they prefer rats for weekly show.
Yes Clapton is good, satriani is awsome.... but he is only part of the equation what about SRV or steve vai they both have a place on the list.

And i cant for a second believe that no one has mentioned Eric Johnson... he is awsome smooth as silk and always clean an crisp... no effects needed he gets my vote :)
Eric will get my vote. But after you greebs. One day I have to visit you to hear you play mate.
I agree. I wouldnt ever put my kid (not that I have one) near a croc the way he did. But I cant understand ANYTHING he does. I love him though, so passionate about everything.
I have to agree with Woma n. He could be a total dropkick but his enthusiasm will always suck me in.
I have no intention of wading through old post in this or any other list to see if Sxereturns did or didnt say something. I am more than willing to concede that I am mixing my memories.
Cheers Peter
I didn't mean to sidetrack the topic, I was just trying to use an analogy.

ps. Carlos Santana and David Gilmour are both excellent choices.
How many guitarists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Six. One to change it and five to stand around saying "I could do that better."
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