Trangender/ freaks? Too young?

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just need to say also that challanging attitudes that discriminate against GL&T is the start of positive breaking down the barriers - A male friend of mine used to get into fights week in week out, got heavily involved in boxing, and continued to drink and fight weekly.. was very distructive behaviour and he obviously did not like himself much - When he learnt to accept that he was gay his violent and distructive attitude stopped - This would not have happened if the world continued to breed hatred towards GL&T people and I fear something terrible would have happened...

best part is - he is happy where he is at, has a beautiful partner and he is one of the hardest dudes I know.. he'd take down many a straight men in seconds... it is great when the unsuspecting straight guy starts chatting and then mouths off about 'poofs' and he just sits there and smiles... i then like to mention oh yeah my mate here is a 'poof' - I love it and it shows that being man or a woman is not based on what you do in the bedroom!

how can your view on this Subject be so narrow?

really i dont see the problem with Gay or alternative people!!

i dont see why the greater community looks so harshly apon it after all we are all humans and deserve to be treated all the same way even if we dont do things the same way and are different from each other after all thats what makes this world work . I think if you look apon this subject in such an un acceptive you will never get far in life after all we have to deal with people on a daily basis and if you cant accept certain types of people then as i said before you wont get far in life!

Pete it really is refreshing to see such different attitudes in teenagers now compared to those when i was in high school. When i was in school if you accepted any of this you were labeled a poof or fag aswell and just about all gay and lesbian school kids were ostracized. It's good to see that the attitudes are changing, now if only some of us older people could be more modern.
I agree. I am not a bigot but these people are clearly on a mission to convert us all into unnatural lifestyles.

My own children have been banned from watching Hollywood musicals including the Wizard of Oz, or Cats, the movie, due to the risk that this abomination infect and disrupt our family by turning our children into mincing drag queens emulating Judy Garland.

I too have seen people who believed they were "gay" who think it is perfectly reasonable to openly admit that they prefer a partner of the same sex, thereby forcing their views on me and putting me at immediate risk of homosexualitis. As if it were their right in our society to chose who to have sex with! :p

Mind you, they do have nice hairstyles.

It is actually people who choose to live these unnatural lifestypes that are the bigots or ignorant and dont respect others views and try and force it on us all.

I have seen how people who believed they were "gay" for example have forced there views onto people who dont agree with this and have deeply offended them by bringing there "gay" partners to peoples houses, that dont agree with this lifestyle.

This is clearly not respecting ones views and being ignorant and a bigot towards them.

I have also seen how it can destroy a family.
i think all this hate and despise against Alternatives was originally sparked by religions (no offense anybody) because of there narrow minded views on things and that has really changed the world i really think this world would be a better place without religion.

now you will all probly disagree with me but i dont care thats my view and i have a right to express it!
i think all this hate and despise against Alternatives was originally sparked by religions (no offense anybody) because of there narrow minded views on things and that has really changed the world i really think this world would be a better place without religion.

now you will all probly disagree with me but i dont care thats my view and i have a right to express it!

I agree with you pete :D
religion has done disgraceful things to people throughout history and I agree the world would be a much better place without ALL religions :D
i think all this hate and despise against Alternatives was originally sparked by religions (no offense anybody) because of there narrow minded views on things and that has really changed the world i really think this world would be a better place without religion.

now you will all probly disagree with me but i dont care thats my view and i have a right to express it!

Good point, I agree with you!
Future cross-dressers LOL I'd be ashamed of my child being a chick if it was a dude
I'd be ashamed to have a child with such a closed mind.

They need some therapy to set them streight, sorry i come from old school thinking.

Old school thinking aye? Then why are you on the computer? Shouldn't you be in the kitchen cooking, or opening a beer for your partner?

I watched all 5 parts of the story, (as terrible as the Journalistic work was) it was a good story, I am against the parents showing their child on national Tv, thats silly. I fell Sorry for the child, imagine what she would be feeling, how confused she would be at that age.
Pete it really is refreshing to see such different attitudes in teenagers now compared to those when i was in high school. When i was in school if you accepted any of this you were labeled a poof or fag aswell and just about all gay and lesbian school kids were ostracized. It's good to see that the attitudes are changing, now if only some of us older people could be more modern.

Pete and a few of the other teenagers who have commented on this are exceptions, (must be the reptiles) 90% of teenagers I know are bastards.
I'd be ashamed to have a child with such a closed mind.

Old school thinking aye? Then why are you on the computer? Shouldn't you be in the kitchen cooking, or opening a beer for your partner?

I watched all 5 parts of the story, (as terrible as the Journalistic work was) it was a good story, I am against the parents showing their child on national Tv, thats silly. I fell Sorry for the child, imagine what she would be feeling, how confused she would be at that age.

Putting their child on TV is a massive risk to both the child and family, but i think it was for the greater good. All three of these kids in my eyes are heroes of their cause. Their story would have been seen by millions and would have helped countless other kids and adults to come to terms with their identity.

Pete and a few of the other teenagers who have commented on this are exceptions, (must be the reptiles) 90% of teenagers I know are bastards.

I wish there was some kind of acceptance education (crap name i'm sure they can think of something better) the same as there is harmony day to fight racism.
Putting their child on TV is a massive risk to both the child and family, but i think it was for the greater good. All three of these kids in my eyes are heroes of their cause. Their story would have been seen by millions and would have helped countless other kids and adults to come to terms with their identity.

I wish there was some kind of acceptance education (crap name i'm sure they can think of something better) the same as there is harmony day to fight racism.

Yeah, put that family at risk, but might have helped others.
theres a harmony day never heard of it.

I agree with all the positive responses on this thread and i also agree that the world would be a better place with out religion.

I mean for a start wed be 800 years more technologically advanced we lost that nice chunk of potential evolution thanks to the spanish inquisition and the eras where the church ruled Europe and banned all scientific reasearch and labelled it as blaphemy.
Waruikazi your not the only footy boy to do it.

Ooh wow Sturdy, you look like trailer trash meets Scottish highland dance... I like it ;) :lol:. Just be glad you didn't wear those heels.
Why don't you stay in your insular little homophobic backwater world where you can hate and be intolerant of whoever you want. I just hope you don't decide to live in a cosmopolitan city one day and have to *gasp* work with or sit next to a gay/transgender person!

Or better still ,why don't you go worm your snake... :rolleyes:

First of all i dont live in a "homophobic back water" and i most certainly dont "hate"

And i do live in a city and have known many.
This is why people dislike gay people or gay supporters because if you say you dont agree with there choice in lifestyle and im sorry i do believe it is a choice, then are you branded a bigot or a racist or god knows what else.

Thats just rubbish.

For the record what adult people choose to do in the privacy of there own home is none of my concern. That is there choice.

This topic is about Children who are like blank slates when they are born.

Supporting crossdressing in children is insanity at its worst.
"nothing says hate like "freaks" "not natural" etc etc ;)
what? you think society will collapse in a flaming pit of hell if we let people do what they want? (that doesn't bother any one else, what so ever)

children are blank slates when they are born? lol
genetics my friend, nothing is a "blank" slate when it's born.
the cognitive mind may be unformed, but there's a LOT there from the get go.
"nothing says hate like "freaks" "not natural" etc etc ;)
what? you think society will collapse in a flaming pit of hell if we let people do what they want? (that doesn't bother any one else, what so ever)

children are blank slates when they are born? lol
genetics my friend, nothing is a "blank" slate when it's born.
the cognitive mind may be unformed, but there's a LOT there from the get go.

That depends if you believe everything is determined by genetics or like me you believe some is determined by genetics and the rest is determined by a childs life experiences and education.
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