Victoria police strip a womans clothes off!!!

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I'm 26, i have a permanent job, i earn over $70k a year, i don't pay any rent and i have saved what i think is a significant ammount of money.

Despite all this i still can't borrow enough money to buy an average priced unit in the NT.

There is something seriously wrong with this scenario!

Seriously wrong and seriously expensive real estate....
Shamocracy indeed. Bordering on blatant tyranny.
If anybody pats me on the head and says to me "Well done for having your own mind, darling, but I know you better than you know yourself, so we'll do it my way won't we?" I don't stand for it. Haven't, in fact. Ever.
Why is an entire country allowing a government to do it? That's my only question right there.
If i decide to wear a potato sack and call a cop an ***hole, does that give him the right to tear it off my body in the middle of Martin Place? As for the rest; "however you may perceive the actions of the protestors does not change that (it is utterly out of line)".

I dont think it matters much what you are wearing if you want to call a cop an ********! The outcome will be very much the same regardless! I agree with almost everything that has been said, from both sides........but standing up & fighting for what you believe in & acting like school children are entirely different things......& im afraid that wearing a tent & having it removed is no different to being stripped searched if you are suspected to be carrying something may not be comfortable, but hey, the cops are only human too & they have a job to do, there are those 'bad cops' out there, but there are also some fantastic cops around also, & sometimes the things they have to deal with is horrible, they shouldnt even have to be wasting their time taking tents off people that are honestly not protesting in a very 'positive' manner!
Yes, and the outcome should be arrest, not removal of whatever it is you happen to be wearing. Comparing this to strip searching for carrying illicit substances is ridiculous; there is a formal procedure that occurs with strip searching, one that i've been subjected to myself. You are taken from the public eye and must be searched by an officer of your own gender. This is not the same thing. It does not matter whether the protestor was behaving in a childish manner, they should have been arrested, not stripped then and there.
They'd need to get in a pretty big paddy wagon if they're going to try and fit in a person wearing a tent :p Is removing the tent poles considered stripping the "victim" ?

Alright I'm going to post one more time before things get out of hand, so in typical fashion Im gonna call a spade a shovel....
The deal is, if you are going to dish it than be prepared to take it; and some of the comments here are ridiculous.
You asked for it.... nothing personal here kids.....these are your words not mine....

I don't understand why they are there when they shouldn't be there, and at the same time effectively achieving nothing.

Well if you don't understand why they are there, what is your qualification to decide they have achieved nothing? They are hoping to raise awareness. I see we are speaking about it on a reptile forum. Sounds like their objective is STILL continuing to be met.

Personally I think they are professional protesters with nothing else to do

Uh huh and just a second ago you were acknowledging you know NOTHING of their plight. Well then; if YOU don't undestand then it's all too crazy and weird, right....... and they must be professional protesters hired to sit around for no reason !!!!!

...... that'd clear out at least 90% of the crowd and discourage others.

Yep- Auschwitz also did a gret job discouraging those lazy jews, right....cleared out around 90% of them ! Unrelated overreactions achieve little, other than to steel one's resolve to resist it.

Btw, I have attended protests, but certainly ones that were more productive and not merely about myself or having a stab at big business.

Well; of course YOUR protests were the exception because you all had jobs and weren't hippies or professional protesters, right ?

Oh, and of course because YOUR beliefs were what you were fighting for; your protest was totally valid .....and it wasn't merely about yourself ?

Anyone got a translator ????

Please enlighten me as to the selfish views of the current protest, when you have already told us you know NOTHING of their demands ! You are right about big business though; we should all take to the streets and have a shot at SMALL business with their lazy cash-grab fundamentalist selfish self-employed ways. Those nasty do-gooders !!!! Your opinions would have made more sense had you written everything in Sanskrit; a language you may be well versed in considering your primitive ideals.

Get these people over into some of the third world countries and their lives would be "occupied" with either finding food and clean water or dodging bullets.

Do you mean those same African nations that have been subject to famine, drought and ritual raping of their earth to mine diamonds and coal and gold and oil and gas; all in the name of big business ?

Why do you think their children are dying and their land eminates with the foul stench of death ?

.....Because BIG BUSINESS (oh my) only visit these places for two reasons- to plunder their assets or to overthrow any regime that hinders their ability to continue plundering !

The kind of money it would take to make EVERY citizen of Africa a millionaire is less then the amount any one of the big nations (USA, Italy, Greece etc) have borrowed from their own banks. Surely they could spare a little change while they're over there mining DIAMONDS !!!!

DIAMONDS !!!!!!!!!

....the fact that they are spending time bending laws and making you tube clips instead of fighting for their cause shows that the are more interested in showing the police up and causing drama.

Nice. just to make it clear; more folks check out Youtube than wander through Melbourne. Fighting for the cause INVOLVES posting videos on Youtube, welcome to 2011 have a nice day !!!!

I would think majority of people don't have a very clear understanding of what exactly it is they are protesting which, IMO, means they are wasting their time. If they protested clearly and objectively the media attention they got would advertise/highlight what they are fighting against and they would get their point across to hundreds of thousands of people eating their dinner watching the 6 o'clock news, who would otherwise have no idea what is going on. To be honest I agree with what they are protesting for, but not how they are protesting for it.

Classic fence-sitter with no idea. You say you agree with their beliefs, even though you think they have no idea what their beliefs are. You acknowledge the blanket media attention but say it's pointless. You mention the hundreds and thousands the 6 O clock news exposes the cause to; yet you think Youtube is pointless, with almost a BILLION members.. Not even going to bother with this one... You're "I would think..." hypothetical fence-sitting overtones say it already

If i decide to wear a potato sack and call a cop an ***hole, does that give him the right to tear it off my body in the middle of Martin Place? As for the rest; "however you may perceive the actions of the protestors does not change that (it is utterly out of line)".

Exactly. Perhaps some of the members here are confusing their own beliefs and lack of knowledge with protestor apathy. All I have read from the naysayers is rhetoric, unfounded criticism, hypocrisy, confusion and blah blah blah they took 'er jobs, rabble rabble rabble...

Let's not forget that the "freedom" and democracy we now live under was originally the result of an organised rebellion- The Eureka Stockade- a bunch of disgruntled low-paid citizens OCCUPYING a little piece of public land. The event was the culmination of civil disobedience with citizens objecting to heavily priced mining items, the expense of a Miner's Licence, taxation without representation and the actions of the government and its agents (the police and military).

Ring any bells?

The same freedoms, the very ethos you are employing and defending with hypocritical overtones; utilises the same methods to fight the SAME CAUSE (ie greed and heavy-handed politics/discipline). The rebellion was peaceful until the intervention of aggressive agents; at which point it became war. Egypt, London and Libyan protests all BEGAN as peaceful protests, until governments stepped in and started hurting people. It's the same every time.
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Don't forget the one Darlyn quoted earlier too:
"Somebody call the police!"
Seriously wrong and seriously expensive real estate....

Its like that everywhere, buying a house on a single income is very very difficult. I am in much the same position as gordo except I am 20 lol. Its a joke
Well if you don't understand why they are there, what is your qualification to decide theyhave ahieved nothing. They are hoping to raise awareness. I see we are speaking about it on a reptile forum. Sounds like their objective is STILL continuing to be met.

My qualifications are that I am very good at understanding what I’m seeing, and what I’m seeing is a bunch of people whinging about things they CANNOT change. Their objective is very objective – to say the least. Their goals are unrealistic and their tactics questionable. What I don’t understand is what they hope to achieve. Other than making a public nuisance of themselves.

Uh huh and just a second ago you were acknowledging you know NOTHING of their plight. Well then; if you don't undestand then they must be professional protesters hired to sit around for no reason hey !!!!!

Just have a look at them. They are obviously people in jobs, working hard and supporting others like them with taxpayer funded welfare. Open your eyes mate ;)

Yep- Auschwitz also did a gret job discouraging those lazy jews, right ! Unrelated overreactions achieve little, other than to steel one's resolve to resist it.

And this means??? What has this got to do with anything? Sounds like you’re banging a very empty drum with this one. Maybe you should have left that line out??

Well; of course YOUR protests were the exception because you all had jobs and weren't hippies or professional protesters, right ? O and of course because YOUR beliefs were what you were fighting for; your protest was totally valid because it wasn't merely about yourself ? Please enlighten me as to the selfish views of the current protest, when you have already told us you know NOTHING of their demands ! You are right about big business though; we should all take to the streets and have a shot at SMALL business with their lazy cash-grab fundamentalist selfish self-employed ways. Those nasty dogooders !!!! Your opinions would have made more sense had you written everything in Sanskrit; a language you may be well versed in considering your primitive conservative ideals.

Another rambling paragraph by your good self which makes little sense.

My protests were in the form of very short day rallies - not staging disruptive month by month illegal protests. Did we achieve change by attending these rallies? Yes, most times we did. Did I camp out for months on end whinging about society, no I did not. I wouldn't be bothered wasting my time - unless of course I was unemployed and had a stereo-typical image to live up to - with my other stereo-typical dole-bludging mates who had nothing else better to do. Like getting a job.

Do you mean those same African nations that have been subject to famine, drought and ritual raping of their earth to mine diamonds and coal and gold and gas?
Wwhy do you think their children are dying and their land is full of death ?

.....Because BIG BUSINESS (oh my) only visit these places for two reasons- to plunder their assets or to overthrow any regime that hnders their ability to continue plundering !

The kind of money it would take to make EVERY citizen of Africa a millionaire is less then the amount any one of the big nations (USA, Italy, Greece etc) have borrowed from their own banks.

Missed my point again. My point is these professional protesters seem to forget who butters their bread. I just find it ironic that our society seems to breed these sorts of people. The ones who think they have a cause to protest over. A cause that they believe is threatening their non-working, government funded livelihoods :lol: I suppose you’d be prepared to protest out the front of an auction because a house went for a higher price than you wanted to pay for it??

It’s like everything. We talk about it on here (this site) day in, day out. Supply and demand. Those in the know, in the position will always get the sale. Hell, they might even corner the market and create an unfair advantage over others. That’s business, that’s life. Not everything is fair, but whinging and protesting about it makes those who do look stupid.
Yes, and the outcome should be arrest, not removal of whatever it is you happen to be wearing. Comparing this to strip searching for carrying illicit substances is ridiculous; there is a formal procedure that occurs with strip searching, one that i've been subjected to myself. You are taken from the public eye and must be searched by an officer of your own gender. This is not the same thing. It does not matter whether the protestor was behaving in a childish manner, they should have been arrested, not stripped then and there.

Why was the comparison ridiculous? If something has been banned, something has been banned, whether it be drugs, weapons or.....tents. I have also been searched, & have been around many other searches also, & it doesnt need to be done by an officer of the same sex, an officer of the same sex just has to present. (for example, a lady i used to live next door to was a massive heroin addict, long story short, she turned demonic when cops arrived, 4 male officers, she was butt naked on the bed, no one could get her to get dressed, no one could go within 5ft of her before she was spitting on you........they waited for a female officer to be present & then the males carried her out of there butt naked, it took 5 males to carry a screaming physco woman from her house, a female officer had no chance) As for whether this other woman should have had her tent removed then & there or not........they didnt know what she was carrying under that tent, she could have been strapped up with bombs for all they knew!

Anyway, as i said already, i agree with the posts about people being aloud to fight for their beliefs etc, i agree that the government does have too much control on alot of things, but i also think there is a right & wrong way to go about getting your point across......if we could just do anything we wanted in the name of 'getting a point across'........well lets just say that i am fighting my own legal battles at that moment & if i could just do 'whatever'......well my ex wouldnt stand a chance!
Its like that everywhere, buying a house on a single income is very very difficult. I am in much the same position as gordo except I am 20 lol. Its a joke

Don't both you and gordo get the $7,500 help out scheme? I know in NZ we get no help what so ever, and house prices are comparable.

I didn't want to comment on this thread, but, it's not that I don't agree with any one statement here, they all have some merit, some rights, some wrongs. But, it's the fact that I try so hard to avoid discussing politics, as hard as I ever can. Unfortunately it's the world we live in.... This is why I did 'science' - it's something I actually understand, can prove (in most cases) and can physically see helping (or unfortunately the complete opposite) people.

The video, does seem a little 'set up' to a degree. The whole thing appears as though they knew this would happen (maybe that's the point, I don't know) and did what they did to antagonise the police - still, at the same, it didn't give the police the rights to do what they do....

But I will leave you with this one last piece from my mind... Not sure it's worth 2 cents at current inflation data... But it's my 2 cents worth never-the-less:

Justice in the last several hundred years has gone from, what I believe, brutal to unbelievable to too politically correct...

It appears we're just so far in reverse of our ancestors (and rightfully so in some circumstances) to just plain ridiculous.

But - my favourite of all protesters was Guy Fawkes.... He, unfortunately didn't really win in his case either, but he certainly got the full extent of the law.

It appears, that, the police also gave this young lady, the full extent of the law - but instead of her insides hanging out, her outsides got put on show.... Had she done this in 15 - 1600s there would be a very different look... And she'd have been burnt at the stake I am sure!

So... Have we really come forward in our way of thinking yet?
Don't forget the one Darlyn quoted earlier too:
"Somebody call the police!"

Ah.. i see.. i missed it.

Might be more than the one video... the one i watched had only 500 "hits" so i lol'd every time the guy screamed "here comes another 50,000 hits on youtooooooooobe "
Surely the fact that this movement has attracted millions of followers worldwide with no leaders and no set agenda must give it some credibility .
Whether they antagonised the police or not, whether their protest is valid or useless, whether they are professional protestors or not etc is all totally irrelevant. The police cannot go ripping peoples clothing off in public for no other reason than they deem it inappropriate. The police in Melbourne have a habit of doing this sort of thing. Where I live I routinely see police telling young people, on freezing cold days, to take their hoodies off in public, why, because they can so they do. But legally they can't but a 16 year old boy being harassed by police is not going to have a clue about standing up for his legal right to wear what he wants so he complies and the police win. This is exactly the same. The Mayor, who is a pompous donkey, decided to enact a council by law and not allow the erecting of tents in Melbourne. Wearing a tent in a statement about this is not erecting a tent and therefore not illegal. The police had absolutely no right to rip this girls clothing off whether it was a tent or a plastic bag. The fact it was filmed and uploaded to youtube is totally irrelevant. She wasn't being strip searched because they suspected she had any kind of contraband, she was being humiliated by police because they could, completely different. Please point out to me the written law that states you cannot wear a tent in public in Melbourne.

EDIT: This is the same mayor who sees anyone who doesn't live within the city limits as a bogan and tried to pass a law stating that "bogans" where not allowed into Melbourne.
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