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i would rather have more types of carpets because i love the patterns and just reall love the morelia species
I now have a woma and a jungle will be buying another enclosure soon so I can get a hypo bredli and a water or olive haha then I'm done.
Waikare, look around there are plenty of choice's get something diferent thats what you want.Take the pant's of your wife and buy what you want. !!!!!
get a colubrid, they are so different (bit harder all around to handle/feed/keep... manageably though) and CTS and keelbacks (freshwater snakes) eat fish, so she cant complain about rats and mice! just a thought...
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Buy an MD for her as a pressie.... then it is her snake and she cant bitch about it. I say an MD coz they are so quiet and pretty... and cheap (leaving u money to spend on somethng for urself)

Although i dont understand why u need permission but this has been discussed on here many many times.
I think
Pick the snake you want
get some photographs and prices and show wifey what you can get for the money
if it is a bit over $500 then at least you have been honest and shown her exactly how much you are spending and why. If she says absolutely NOT !! Then I think she is being really unfair you have towed the line waiting two years for her to agree to another snake. Relationships are all about negotiation and compromise. If she has agreed to another snake then she should be negotiable around the price of $500 and not just say $500 thats it !! especially if you are being honest and discuss with her what you are going to get etc.
I think relationships rarely work when it is all or should be an agreement between you where each one of you gives a little bit so that you meet in the middle with a solution that works for both of you without one person giving more than the other (ideally). If someone gives in for something they should give in knowing that next time it will be their turn to get what they want so it is fair. the key is to talk it through. I know as a wifey of 22 years I would really have to have a good reason to say no to my hubby for anything.
When one person starts to lay down the law it is a recipe for disaster !!


only reason i had to wait so long is we just had another baby a year ago and money has been so tight, and now that my missus has gone back to work we have a bit of extra cash, it not about the 500 bucks i ageed on that amount because i felt that was enough to spend on a snake and didnt want to spend all our savings on just something for me.
Congrats on the new baby
it is such a difficult time I remember when my kids were little walking through the supermarket with a calculator because I was too embarrassed to go to the checkout and not be able to pay the bill and I used to rotate the bills so I could be late on a different one each boys are now 16 and 18 and although I am sad they have grown is now soo much easier!!
Now I understand where you are at with getting your snake.
I still would discuss with wifey what you want and include her in the decision. That way she at least feels she is part of it.
yeh we have had discusion about it she is fine about what snake i get, i even showed her pictures on the internet of the ones i wanted, thanks for the replys elizabeth much appreciated
awesome choices. i love them both aswell. next up for me is a bhp, but seeing as you can get BOTH a MD and a bredli for under $500 i think thats what i want for christmas lol. keep us posted when you get the snakes.

cheers, ben.
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