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Nov 9, 2008
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Adelaide, SA
My first snake arrived 'Imogen' the childrens python. I was wondering why the glass was a bit difficult to slide back and noticed a dark trace along the top. A bit of prodding at the tail end soon had her back out again but she clung to the glass track for over half an hour while she decided what to do next.

I've put some cable there now so she can't get back there again.



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The little monkeys get themselves into all sorts of weird spots. My 12 month old Childrens Python managed to get herself stuck in the hinge of her enclosure last week and I had to remove it to get her out. She has a few damaged scales but other than that she's fine. She loves to hang over the top of it normally but this time around she went straight up the middle of it and got stuck.

How old is your snake? She might be finding it a bit daunting being in a big enclosure and you might be better off putting her in a small click clack. When they are small they prefer small spaces. I normally start all my little ones in click clacks but Kiandra has always loved being in her bigger enclosure right from when she was 6 months old. She's very grumpy being in a click clack but I want to be able to keep a close eye on her at the moment.
I remember my hatchy Stimson Python doing this, the way I solved the issue was by getting some of that black tubing stuff (that you use to make fly screens) and putting it inside the gaps on the tracks, works a treat and stopped her from getting in there.
How old is your snake? She might be finding it a bit daunting being in a big enclosure and you might be better off putting her in a small click clack. When they are small they prefer small spaces. I normally start all my little ones in click clacks but Kiandra has always loved being in her bigger enclosure right from when she was 6 months old. She's very grumpy being in a click clack but I want to be able to keep a close eye on her at the moment.

She is 13 months. This is the second time she has done this, I put some cardboard in there thinking that might stop her however she just muscled the cardboard out of the way. Still trying to work out how she did that :D

I refer to her as a she because my daughter is convinced she is a girl. She wanted a pink snake but I can't afford an albino :)
She is 13 months. This is the second time she has done this, I put some cardboard in there thinking that might stop her however she just muscled the cardboard out of the way. Still trying to work out how she did that :D

I refer to her as a she because my daughter is convinced she is a girl. She wanted a pink snake but I can't afford an albino :)

It's amazing what they can do and also how fast they can be. My Spotted Python was missing in the house for 3 days before I realised it but I managed to find it sitting on top of my parrot's cage that night.

I always thought Kiandra was a girl too, hence the girly sounding name and I recently had her probed and she turned out to be a girl.
Sliding glass doors arn't really good for small Antaresia, they can sometimes fit through the gap between the glass or at least think they can, only to get stuck half way.
Sliding glass doors arn't really good for small Antaresia, they can sometimes fit through the gap between the glass or at least think they can, only to get stuck half way.

Thats how I lost my Childrens python on the 3rd Oct and still havent found him... :cry:
Sliding glass doors arn't really good for small Antaresia, they can sometimes fit through the gap between the glass or at least think they can, only to get stuck half way.

I have a foam strip down between the doors so she can't make out that way, the draught proofing strips you can buy at target and others seem to do that job quite well. Also there are foam blockers at the end of the glass tracks on the bottom.

There isn't any gap at the top so unless she was able to reverse out, she would have been stuck there until I found her at some stage in the future. At least I know where to look if she goes missing :)

KaaTom, hope you find your little one soon.
One of the many reasons why tubs are much more appropriate for young snakes.
As an aside a 13 month old Anterasia should be large enough that it couldn't squeeze into a gap like that,I would be giving it plenty of food if I were you.
Tks Ramsayi,

She is certainly an average size. I got her from Reptile City (Adelaide) and she was one of about 6 or 7 that I looked at prior to choosing. She was pretty much the same size as all the others. I'm feeding her a velvet mouse a week at the moment. I'll see how she is going in a couple of weeks and may add a pinkie to that.

I can't work out how she squeezed in there either. She fattened out quite quickly when she finally came out the other end :)

I just got a blunt plastic rod and poked her on the tail until she came out completely. Hope she doesn't do me for sexual harassment :shock:
How large is she? I suspect that her whole clutch was probably undersize, so comparing to her clutchmates isn't really going to help :)
How large is she? I suspect that her whole clutch was probably undersize, so comparing to her clutchmates isn't really going to help :)

She was about the same size as all others in that age group. The ones I looked at came from multiple clutches

I have to get her out later today so I'll weigh and measure her
I'm feeding her a velvet mouse a week at the moment. I'll see how she is going in a couple of weeks and may add a pinkie to that.

I'd be moving her on to rats cause they are better nutrition wise for them. My girl currently has a large fuzzie rat each week.
I'd be moving her on to rats cause they are better nutrition wise for them. My girl currently has a large fuzzie rat each week.

Ah the old nutritionally better myth.Anterasia being a smaller python can and do live quite happily and healthily their entire lives on nothing but mice.
Ah the old nutritionally better myth.Anterasia being a smaller python can and do live quite happily and healthily their entire lives on nothing but mice.

Myth or not, I choose to take the advise of highly experienced reptile keepers and that is what they recommend.

Anyway, how can a fully grown mouse feed a fully grown Children's Python. Mine is just on 12 months old and is now currently having a rat that is about the size of a full grown mouse and I will have to up the size shortly again. They need quite big rodents, not 2 smaller ones.
Mice / rats, never worried me, I have raised all mine on mice untill they are 12 - 18 months old, then I give the 120 gram rats. Even small snakes will eat large feeds easily.


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I managed to weigh the young reprobate and she came in at 21gms. I have no idea as to whether this is good or not. She is due for a feed tomorrow so I'll give her until the end of next week and see if she has put on any weight.
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