Yay!!! Got My 2 Jungles Today

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2006
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In A Realm Of My Own
not too sure why i used so many capitals in the heading :?

any way im excited went and picked up my 2 jungles of Mark (morelia_morphs) today

great person to deal with and helpful

will post some pics probably some time next week

other wise you can have a look at the jungle hatclings he had for sale to see the ones i bought Pair 2
HERE http://www.aussiepythons.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=19862

will love them

congrats Jeramie they look awesome, :lol:
look great

im now just worried as i have heard lots of storys about jungles (kinda scared to be honest)

but i knew that they dont have the best temprament to start off with

if all goes good these 2 may end up being the pair i one day breed ill have to attempt it at some stage other wise how can i really know/learn anything about breeding untill putting it into practise

but thats a while away plenty of time to read and learn
i chose hatchlings as i rekon it wil also help me understand them and i guess you could say study as ill get to watch them grow up rather than buying adults

like my coastal he has a couple of stages before he strikes and i know when he is being seriuos or bluffing where as family and friends cant tell and i learnt the differences rather quick

like the difference in his curl and movement and allsorts

may one day consider buying adults but as hatchlings they grow up with me and i with them and i think personally you form a bond

kinda like a dog you get it as a pup and you both grow together and you understand each other better rather than buying an adult that you 2 dont always seem to understand each other (some ppl might now what im waffling on about :) )
i got some from mark a few weeks ago
there great pythons. there temperment is
a bit of a lucky dip i have 1 really calm one and 2 psychos
which just want to kill anything that moves. its good fun though.
haha thats funny

im so curious as to see what themps are like with the ones i got but i know i should let em settle in first

im trying to let em settle in for a week then feed then couple of days after the second feed look at handling them

but its sooooo tempting to see them and there tempraments

also i think i could make a good guess at the fact that i WILL be tagged by at least one of them
Congrats Jeramie , looking forward to seeing the pics of them , and some babies in a few years .
mitchyj said:
how about some pics

will do once they have settled in in at least a week

girlfriend has bet me $50 that i get them out within a week :shock:

sad thing is ill probably loose the bet :wink:

but then again what she dont know wont hurt right?? :lol: as im up all night whilst she sleeps :wink:
WOW! Nice looking jungles Jeramie. :wink:

Think that male may turn out really well.
waiting to find out when they were born

will let you know when i know

so far the female seems rather fiesty go near cage and she attacks

male is searching cage top to bottom open lid and he curls but no signs of striking (yet!)

havnt handled em yet either
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